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What do we want to see in Obi

Guest m_w_noname

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Guest m_w_noname

Given what everyone is talking about in editors, and the new German article that has come to light, I'm just curious what everone is hoping to see in obi-wan.


Other than an editor please, I think we beat that to death in the "Obi-Wan's Graphics" thread smile.gif. Let's try and keep this a positive thread.


My personal openions...



The Man with No Name


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I think the German article pretty much spells it out (if you can get your head around the translation :@ ) The game engine may be an improvement over JK, and even MoTS, but it doesn't look as radically advanced as a lot of other games that are due for release this year. Take a look at Halo, Blade and Rune for an idea of the current level of realism being injected into the game industry. I would have really hoped for a much better game engine - after all, with Dark Forces they improved on another game engine. Even JK was pretty good for it's time (I remember it came out around the same time as Quake 2 - guess which game I played more smile.gif ) With Obi-Wan, I don't really think they've done enough. It's not really going to win any awards for it's looks (in it's current state...).


That leaves game play. Considering this is a TPM game (i.e., we all pretty much know the story having seen the film), we have to hope the level design is going to be better than JK (that's going to take some doing), and that there are a lot of new elements injected into the storyline. Judging by the concept art, this may well be the case - they show a lot of places we didn't see in the film.


For me, it's going to be story, followed by heart-pumping action, followed by intricate levels with lots of secrets and scope for exploration that makes me want to play the game. I only hope that lot is included!


This topic has been covered elsewhere, but what the hell...



'I have a very bad feeling about this.'


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Guest Darth Kurgan

I guess when it really comes down to what I want out of ObiWan.. I want a good sword-fighting engine to have fun with, and some cool force powers. If I get that, I can live with the rest (although I'd hope LEC would build off of the foundation and precedents set by the other Dark Forces games). That, and a quality single player adventure to go through.



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Guest Ria_Lin

I think LucasArts should make sure they keep the wonderful single player experience. I also agree with the good sword fighting engine. I do however think that good multiplayer features should be brought over and enhanced from JK. Such as creating you own Jedi or Dark Jedi for multiplayer combat, I think you should be able to pick what you look like in detail (this robe, this head & a purple double ended lightsabre).



Oh Luke, see you there I didn't, just between me & you this is ,right.

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Guest Dark_JVS

I really don't know if we should compare Obi wan to Half-Life, UT, or even JK. The previews all said that Obi wan can jump, climb and crawl. Looks like it's a mixture of Indiana Jones (for Lara fans: Tomb Raider) and Jedi Knight. For those who say: I hate Lara and Indy, I hate this game genre! Hey, for a good saber game u really need all this control options! And only the advanced controls are the reason for 40 saber moves!


And for those who say the graphics look crappy. I have played UT and half life, and a bit Quake Arena. They really kick ass, but Obi seems to have the better atmosphere.




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I'm really looking foward to the emphasis on swordplay and the Force, given that this is taking place at a time when the Jedi were large in numbers and the Jedi Code was in place. Less guns will help, plus the fact that the majority of the enemies will be battle droids. I'd also hope that the engine will make things a bit smoother so it's easier to look up and down, and to move around and fight.



"Well, you were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short."

- Obi-Wan Kenobi



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Guest Darth_Simpson

There is a preview in the new issue of PC Gamer UK that explains a lot of the basics of the game. Swordplay will be handled with different mouse-moves, where a certain move with the mouse will reproduce a move on the screen, aka Silver and Black%White! About 40 moves are going to make it into the final game.

For the multiplayer aspects, you will be able to use all the characters in the game, and yes, you will be able to beat the HELL out of Jar-Jar in multiplayer!!!!!

Another thing, you will have up to 4 AI characters with you at a time. This means Qui-Gon and the Queen and someone else will help you along the way.

The missions will go along the storyline of the film, which we already knew, but one will see you bring the Queen to safety AFTER the final battle.

The Game will probably run on almost any machine because a LOT of options can be turned off. LEC wants the game to be playable to all.

NPC`s will help you along the route, but how helpful they will be depends on how you act.

If you kill innocent people, NPC`s will be less helpful and so on.

In JK you could choose between Dark and Light powers, while in Obi-Wan, only Light powers will be available. The more you use the Force, the better you will be at it.

The game`s physics engine will be very impressive. Any box or battledroid you kill will come apart in the way you cut it. Battledroid sliced in half = 2 battledroid pieces.

A guard stands under a bridge. A box hangs above him. Use the Force and push the box so it falls down on the soldier and he will die.

Stealth will be an important aspect in the game. A lto of puzzles will be in your way also.

Your most common weapon will be the lightsaber, and the better you are with it, the better your chances of survival are. Other weapons will also be available. I dont know which yet.

The game will NOT come with a level editor, but you will most likely be able to hack the game.




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Guest mlurch84

How can you play with Jar Jar if it is mostly sword fighting attacking? I don't think I would trust him with a lightsabre ! He wouldn't be much of a match for Obi-Wan.


[This message has been edited by mlurch84 (edited March 17, 2000).]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Well, i dont think so either, but it is still possible to play Jar-Jar vs Obi-Wan.

Remember, other weapons will be available as well, but i dont know if Jar-Jar or the Queen will be equipped with lightsabers in multiplayer.


About mu previous posting : I said the game will not come with a level editor. This may be wrong. The preview in PCG UK says that you will not edit the levels, but that doesnt mean the game will come without a level editor!!

If it doesnt, someone will probably create one, like with JK!!!


Thats all for now!!




- I have a bad feeling about this






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Guest Dark_JVS

To all those, that fear the graphics may be too crappy or anything like that. The german mag also compared the game to Indy 5. In Beta-stage Indy looked not very detailed too but then in the final version LEC could improve the graphics. The game looked pretty good and they used their own engine. I think that's something very important for them, to use their own engine.

(Well, Force Commander is using an engine from RONIN Interactive)

So don't be afraid guys, the game is still in BETA.

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Guest LDB_Leeman

Using the mouse to emulate saber moves?! Surely that'll be crap - how will we move? I'm sure as hell not going back to keyboard or Joystick control.


Still, I'm hoping we'll see saber effects as good as those in the original Glowsaber (or rather Glowblades, as they added tinted cores, which looked better). Except they won't be flat.



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The game will have two modes, explore mode in which you probably move with the mouse and fight mode, in which you use the mouse to emulate saber

simpson do you know something about force powers in MP?itd suck that in mp you could only have light powers, there wouldnt be dark-light jedi duels

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Guest jedimathias

Don't worry about 40 moves being too much to handle (some people are saying that) because half of those moves are probably variations of 1 move like in JK. ie. hold down fire and there will be one swing if your moving backwards, a diff one if your moving forward, a diff one if your crouching, strafing etc.

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Well i think that having lots of saber moves is grate. I'v seen JK saber players use all diferent moves over the years. The more moves there are the longer the game will have ppl coming out of the blue with a move or a stile that takes ppl by surprize. That was the fun of it...even with just 1st and 2nd fire you have LOTS of stuff to do. Just luring lag is a job in itself. I hope this new game will not give ppl with DSL's and Cable an edge like in most games. With most of us 56k is the best we can do =(

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I want to play as the Queen. During the regular game. I know you can do that in the regular phantom menace game, but I didn't really like that game.

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Guest Darth Kurgan

I recently saw "Sword of the Berserk" for the Dreamcast. I guess I'd hope ObiWan would be a little like that game, and a little like my favorite hack 'n' slash console game, Bushido Blade 2.


However, I think LEC can do a better job than those other games, by building on the foundation they have established and enriching them with force powers and less monotonous combat (it's going to suck if all you do in this game is hack thousands of battle droids and do jump puzzles).


Also in the multiplayer area, this game has alot of potential.


Of course this is all just based on my personal preferences and theories, whether or not they follow this route is still up to LEC and we still have yet to hear more information that would confirm or deny my expectations.


I think if there was multiplayer, LEC, being who they are, would realize that continuity isn't everything and, as they did with JK, throw caution to the wind and let us pick skins from all sorts of characters. I mean sure, Threepio and Greedo looked odd as Jedi, but it was fun, dangit! ; ) I'm sure alot of kids would pick Jar Jar anyway...


Lacking "dark" powers wouldn't be much fun.

: ( Or maybe it's like MOTS, where it's all "gray." I'm not sure they would design dark powers only for use in MP, but one can hope... If you could be Darth Maul, I'd certainly want to be able to choke people, throw crap at them, and zap them with lightning!


Somebody with a copy of one of those magazines that is piled high with ObiWan info (something we poor US citizens rarely see I guess) and a scanner, ought to send me some scanned pictures from their magazine.


Just scan the article, and send it via email my way. I'll be really grateful, and maybe give you a cookie or something. ; )

Send to: kurgan@iastate.edu



One last thing, in case anyone is wondering "how we will move" if the mouse is used to control the saber, consider this: In Die By the Sword (which I was disapointed with) they had sword/mouse control, and you used keys to move. Heck, I already use keys to move (strafe left/right, walk forward/backward, jump button). You'd "look" with your saber (when it was out).


There is the other possiblity it would be like mouse look. Ie: you hold a key while you have the saber out, to move just the saber with the mouse.


I would prefer an arcade style layout (or option) where you just have a bunch of buttons to use (3-6 buttons) for various swings and blocks. I'm sure they'll figure something out. The point is, something that's not so complicated it slows down the gameplay, and not so simple as to make it almost based entirely on button mashing (like TPM's saber fighting).




[This message has been edited by Darth Kurgan (edited March 20, 2000).]

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Guest Vagabond

I hope to see Obi-Wan Kenobi in OB1.




VagabondNomad on the Zone...


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Guest YnrohKeeg

The two most imporant things for me are the point of view and the controls from Jedi Knight. These two features made Jedi Knight one of the most entertaining and immersive games I've ever played.


The 3rd person view of JK is perfect for lightsaber combat. No other view is even acceptable. The TPM game's top-down view is simply disorienting, and any other camera angle (a la Tomb Raider) would be equally disorienting, especially when controlling a lightsaber.


Speaking of saber control, I do NOT want to see a Die By The Sword clone. Their "incredibly accurate" VSIM mouse control was clumsy and damn near useless. This control also made the A and D keys as turning keys, rather than strafing (and, so did the TPM game). I'd much prefer a more traditional JK-type movement scheme, because it's what a lot of us are more familiar with.


I'd really like it if this were truly a Dark Forces III. Same movement, less weapons, more force powers. Just like JK without the guns. THAT would be optimum. As far as fancy special Jedi moves, they could incorporate the "special moves" model from the TPM game (where different key taps and movements would provide a few different sabre swings). They could improve on this a lot, but imho it's MUCH better than a "mouse controls your sword arm model".


Okay I'll just shut up now. I just REALLY feel strongly about this.

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Kurgan, you should read the topic before you post

The game will have two modes, explore mode in which you probably move with the mouse and fight mode, in which you use the mouse to emulate saber

that is from the german mag or from pcgam uk im not sure

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Guest m_w_noname

from the pcgamer UK article:

"Once more, please recall the way in which you trained through Mysteries of the Sith. After control was handed over to the young Mara Jade, you were soon stripped of all weapons other than your lightsaber. This should not have been a surprise, as you know the blaster is an inferior, graceless weapon. Obi-Wan will not be restricted to the lightsaber as such cumbersome weaponry is available - but young friend, I encourage you to not rely uponn such things. Only true knowledge of your saber will guarantee your survival, and because of this, you are to be aware of many more of of its powers, which have never been seen before. Through a system we call "Glyphs" the saber becomes the most versatile weapon ever made in a game. Glyphs are movements of the mouse in particular patterns that correspond with certain actions in the game. Imagine you are drawing a picture on the mat of your mouse - a rune - and when drawn it evokes a response. This way Obi-Wan can learn a huge number of moves with his saber, being taught them progressively through play. The saber can also be used to defend, blocking against the primitive

blaster bolts of enemy fire. To become a true Master Jedi, you must accept this weapon as the instument of your will."



My personal opinions...

-The Man with No Name



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Guest Darth_Simpson

Some of you thinks that this game only will have Light Powers. I do not believe so. In multiplayer you will be able to play with all skins from singleplayer, and surely, Darth Maul would NOT be running around with Light Powers!!

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Guest Darth Kurgan

The article was somewhat inaccurate, in that it said in MOTS you only got light powers.


In MOTS, you got all the powers from JK (except for Lightning and Throw, both Dark Side powers), and the "sides" were taken away (ie: anybody could use anything).


However, are Destruction, Deady Sight, Grip, and Chain Lightning really "Lightside" powers? I don't think so!


I think what they mean by this is simply that the Force System in ObiWan will be more like MOTS than JK (ie: no "Dark" or "Light" -side restrictions). Sounds like it's going to be more "RPGish" with the powers increasing in strength over time and with use, not based on the classic secret-finding/rank star system.


So my guess would be, in MP, you can use whatever powers you want. So Jar Jar could run around using grip and destruction, and Darth Maul could use healing and protection. You could mix and match. It makes me wonder how the assigning of powers and skills in MP will work though, based on this "new system" for single player, and still keep it all balanced. Maybe there will be a "classic mode" or something.


YnrohKeeg What do you mean? I read the topic. What I said was perfectly relevant to the discussion. I was simply explaining another way that we would be able to use the mouse to control the saber, and also use it to "move." And anyway he said "probably." There are plenty of examples of how it might work based on numerous other games that are already out.


You should read what a person posts more carefully before criticizing them. ; )


The part about the two "modes" wasn't from the UK mag (if what was posted on obiwan-network was the whole thing, which I think it was). I'll check the German PCG article and see if it's in there.




[This message has been edited by Darth Kurgan (edited March 21, 2000).]

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