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What do we want to see in Obi

Guest m_w_noname

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Guest Darth Kurgan

Follow up.. since I don't have the German PC mag (nobody would send me a scanned copy, sniff), all I can do is quote Neumi, who posted awhile back, with not a direct quotation, but a think a paraphrase of what he got from the article(s):


Most of the time you run with the lightsaber through the 13 big levels. There is a key to change from explorer mode to combat mode.

In JK you used the keyyboard to fight with the light saber. In Obi Wan you should use the mouse. Every move with the mouse causes a different move with the lightsaber.

The left mouse button causes attack moves, the right button causes defence moves.


Sword fighting becomes complex using combinations and special moves. If you move the mouse in a circle, Obi Wan will do a move swirling around.

You can also do different moves for combinations.

2 combat profis where used for the motion captioning.

At the moment, 40 moves with the saber are avaiable.


normally you will play with the 3rd person view.

There IS a 1st person view, but fighting with the sword and rolling arund becomes much easier when you see the whole Jedi.


In other words you can use both (mouse saber control, or keyboard control), and you hit a key to change. The question remains from his "info" though. If you switch to the mode that lets you control the saber with the mouse.. can you still "move" with the mouse (or at all)? That is what I attempted to answer. I just shudder thinking of the Die By the Sword sword system ending up in ObiWan (please, no!). ; P




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Guest solo_anakin

Since you have to hit a mouse button to attack perhasp when you don't hit a button it lets you look around just like in JK. We could have it both ways. The good old mouse look plus the 40+ saber moves.

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Guest Vagabond

All I can say is, attributed to my deep disdain for the device commonly known as a mouse, if I'm force to use this primitive construction rather than my trusty joystick/rudder combination, then this game's fate with me will be sealed.


My preference is to never even have to touch the mouse in FPS games. The only exception I made with MotS was when I was sniping and wanted to get an exact dead-on shot on someone from far away.




VagabondNomad on the Zone...


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Guest Vagabond

Trust me W, from my eyes, it's all of you who are the blasphemers. You don't know what you're missing.





VagabondNomad on the Zone...


All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...



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Guest Darth Kurgan

Vagabond, for the benefit of our readers, can you tell me what controls you use and the configurations? I'm sure they'd be interested, and if nobody else is, I am.


I saw some peddals in the store the other day and I got to thinking.. ; )



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Guest Vagabond

Sure Kurgan.


Alright, I've got three controllers in my setup: the CH F-16 Fighter Stick, CH Pro Throttle, and the CH Pedals.


CH F-16 Fighter Stick

Moving forward and backward moves you forward and backward, while moving left and right turns you left and right.


Programmed button/hat swtich keyboard keys:

  • Trigger button: Primary fire.
  • Index finger button: Secondary fire.
  • Pinky button: Toggle on map (great for force see).
  • Thumb button: Force surge powers (force absorb, run, see, persuasion, chain lightning).
  • Hat 1 - right: Force jump.
  • Hat 1 - left: Force see.
  • Hat 1 - forward: Force run.
  • Hat 1 - backward: Force pull.
  • Hat 2 - left: Far sight.
  • Hat 2 - right: Force push.
  • Hat 2 - up: Saber throw.
  • Hat 2 - down: Force projection.
  • Hat 3 - left: Heal.
  • Hat 3 - right: Absorb.
  • Hat 3 - up: Force blind.
  • Hat 3 - down: Force absorb.
  • Hat 4 - left: Force grip.
  • Hat 4 - right: Chain lightning.
  • Hat 4 - up: Force destruction.
  • Hat 4 - down: Deadly sight.


CH Pedals

I use these to strafe with. When used in combination with the joystick turning, I can circle strafe around people with ease.


CH Pro Throttle

I don't use the actual throttle in FPS games, just the buttons and hat switches.


Programmed button/hat swtich keyboard keys:

  • Pinky button: brings up score.
  • Middle finger button: Activates doors/switches.
  • Thumb button: run mode.
  • Hat 1 - right: Increase map size.
  • Hat 1 - left: Decrease map size.
  • Hat 1 - up: Jump.
  • Hat 1 - down: Crouch.
  • Hat 2 - forward: Look down.
  • Hat 2 - backward: Look up.
  • Hat 2 - up: Center view.
  • Hat 2 - down: Center view.
  • Hat 3 - forward: Next weapon.
  • Hat 3 - backward: Previous weapon.
  • Hat 3 - up: Previous inventory item.
  • Hat 3 - down: Next inventory item.
  • Hat 4 - forward: Use bacta tank.
  • Hat 4 - backward: Use selected inventory item.
  • Hat 4 - up: Use IR goggles.
  • Hat 4 - down: Use field light.


Anyway, I never have to touch the keyboard when I'm playing. I have every force power at my finger tips, and with Jedi Knight that's really the key to the game. Once I got all mey key mappings memorized, playing this game was so intuitive and quick that I realized that I could never play this game any other way. I'd be crippled. Anyway, hope this sheds some light for some of you on how I play these types of games.


P.S., this type of setup even works pretty good for Unreal Tournament, even though force powers don't exist. I did setup a couple pretty nifty hat switches for the translocator. It rocks. We're ordering a DSL connection this weekend, so hopefully within the next month I'll be able to be one of those damned LPB's biggrin.gif





VagabondNomad on the Zone...


All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...




[This message has been edited by Vagabond (edited March 27, 2000).]

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Guest Vagabond

LPB = Low Ping Bastard



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Guest Darth Kurgan

In other words, somebody who's connection is so fast, it gives them an advantage. As opposed to an HPB, somebody who's so lagged, it works to their advantage. ; )


I see, so Vagy, you've got a stick in each hande, and then the peddles on the floor. Makes sense. Only thing is typing messages, but then who wants to type in the middle of a big battle. ; )


And you play in First Person mode the whole time, I see.


And about how much do those three components cost?


(I'm making a printout of this for future reference if you don't mind)



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Guest Vagabond

Exactly, although I hope to be a gracious Low Ping Niceguy.


And Kurgan, all three controllers cost me about $250, but they're worth every penny in my opinion. And sure, print them out if you want. I'd get the latest update as there were some corrections that I made to my post.


By the way, I just started playing Freespace 2 recently, and that game rocks. And it's nice to have controllers that I can use for bht FPS and flight games biggrin.gif





VagabondNomad on the Zone...


All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...



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Vagabond that is an Übercontroller setup you have. Everything at your fingertips.


Just like having a keyboard wink.gif


No in all seriousness that sounds like a great setup. My only question is how responsive is the stick for aiming (especially in the vertical direction)? Does your stick have a roller/trackball included btw?


The main reason I prefer mouse to stick is the speed and precision for aiming in any direction, and turning at any speed. For stick (having played stick games for at least 15 years, btw) I just couldn't help but feel slowed down by comparison to mouse.


I forced myself to convert to the ways of the mouse for Jedi Knight back in '97. I was really pleased with the control method, and haven't looked back at the stick for FPSes since.


Anyway, the foot pedals sound like they really improve control, and make circle strafing a breeze.


Vag, I'm an LPB (ADSL) and I also just got into Freespace2. I'd be glad to fire up a dedicated server so we can play some coop against the Shivans. Just drop me a line.




[This message has been edited by Wilhuf (edited March 28, 2000).]

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