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Cheat or mod in MP already?


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I just played a game where some backstab spammer, I say that literally that was ALL he would do (no guns, not dueling, just backstab), seemed to have some weird @#$@ going on. I saw him Force push away a repeater splash thingy when his back was turned to it, then I he pushed a rocket that I fired while his back was turned. He also Force pushed around 15 rockets (at once) really fast that I fired at him on the Nar Shadda level. Granted there might be some way someone with VERY fast fingers and a VERY fast responding keyboard could have done that.


Anyway people in the game said it was a mod, but I've never heard of anything like that, anyone here know anything?

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the direction is actually vaguely randomized though it will always go backwards, however it will reverse direction whether you pull or push it and regardless of what side you are on - if you push a rocket thats infront of you travelling away from you instead of speeding the rocket along it will turn back towards you


(and what quick fingers? i have force push bound to V, takes less than a second to hit it)

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I think you misunderstood. I understand exactly how pushing/pulling effects projectiles. In the game the guy had his back to me and the other person firing at him, and he was not facing us.

Now as far as I know you can only push stuff away from you when you are facing the person doing the shooting. If you're not even facing someone shooting at you, there's no way to know that you are being fired on until the projectile hits, so there's no way you would be able to Force push it until you faced the attacker.


I also didn't say I fired all 15 rockets in under a second, those are your words. If you fire 15 rockets at someone, their Force meter would surely run out before you fired all of them. He started throwing them away from himself before he even turned around to see what was happening.


I've also got Force push programmed to a Speedpad controller and unless it's screwy, I can't Force push repeatedly that fast. Which granted, could be the controller.

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El


ROTFLMAO, yeah me too as it looks like :D



Something is broken because you apparently didn't bother reading the message....


I also didn't say I fired all 15 rockets in under a second, those are your words. If you fire 15 rockets at someone, their Force meter would surely run out before you fired all of them. He started throwing them away from himself before he even turned around to see what was happening.

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If you don't shut it now, I will be forced to use insults...


I was just laughing at the joke because it really was funny, and you DID write it in the start, as if though you have fired 15 missiles at once to the man...


He also Force pushed around 15 rockets (at once) really fast


When you say "at once" it means AT ONCE....

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Well seeing that you did play the game, then you know if I said "at once" it meant I fired them as fast as the gun would fire because you can't fire them all at the same time. Geez, I didn't know we had to give definitions with the posts!

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Ok dude, I'll try simplify it to you as best as I can, and I will use big big letters so you can understand more easily




That clear it up for ya?

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