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There May be Hope for Zone and Obi Wan


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There may be hope for the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone and Obi-Wan after all. I just read over on Blues News http://www.bluesnews.com that the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone, proud host of Jedi Knight and MotS, will now list dedicated servers. The Zone will allow hosts to list their dedicated servers for the Allegiance space simulator, and will allow Zone visitors to join those games. Story at http://www.microsoft.com/games/allegiance/downloads.htm


A great idea. Zone could serve as a nice portal for folks who want to host dedicated servers, and for those who prefer to play on them. The idea makes a lot of sense. MS gets to keep its Zone advertising intact, and gamers get the functionality and capability of dedicated servers.


I can't help but speculate in hope that Obi-Wan will go forward with dedicated servers now that the precedent has been set.




[This message has been edited by Wilhuf (edited March 28, 2000).]

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Guest Vagabond

All the pieces are coming together now. The quote that comes to mind is:


Only now do you understand...Jedi...






VagabondNomad on the Zone...


All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...



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