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OBI WAN Cacelled for PC?? Maybe I should ask Lucas Arts for a reimbursement

Guest Brian29

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Guest Brian29

I think people are missing the point here.

OBI WAN was to be a PC only game!!!


If OBI WAN was too be a console only game then Lucas Arts should have stated this initially and not a month before the game was projected to hit the store shelves.

I believe this is why the PC gaming community, like myself, is all up in uproar right now!!!


I would have been fine, if I was told out right that OBI Wan was going to be a console game, but I wasn't. In fact, I remember buying a PC Gamer magazine months ago specifically because it had a First Look article in regards to OBI WAN w/screens. Ever since reading that article I have been (ooops.. I mean was) excited about the new game and I have been waiting for it to come out ever since.


So my question is this?? Is Lucas Arts going to be reinburse me for purchasing that magazine?? I dont think so!!! So, why should I buy any more Lucas Arts PC games when I have already lost enough money on them??


I would also like to comment on the upcoming Star Wars Galaxies game (now there is a joke!!!) All it is, is another Everquest game that has no point (ending) that sucks you dry by making you pay monthly playing fees so you can play the game that you have already paid for.. Give me a break!!!


Lucas Arts has got to get its act together and release the game (OBI Wan) as it was intended so as to satisfy the PC gaming community and in turn use this whole OBI WAN fiasco as an problematic example of what can happen to a game. Hopefully the next time Lucas Arts previews us a game that is currently under development by them. They will release that first screenshot when they know exactly what gaming platform the game will be for!!!


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I'm wondering why we had to start another topic to say the exact same thing that the last five have. Also, why in the world would LEC need to reinburse you for that magazine? How have you lost money on their PC games? Did you not get a game for that money like everyone else?

No, Obi-Wan was not supposed to be a PC only game. They had talked of releasing it for consoles as well for quite a while (IGN reported it several months ago). The reason they decided to go to a strictly console version is because:

1. Only high ended PC's would be able to play it.

2. The glyph system didn't work.

3. the finished product began to stray from what it was originally intended. It wouldnt have made a very good PC game, but it would make a good console. (all of this taken, generally, from the LEC pres. interview)


They are currently making several games for the PC, one of which will probably be a FPS.

You would be even more ticked if they released Obi-Wan and your comp couldn't play it, or if it didn't live up to your expectations or it wasn't the type of game you thought it would be.

Everyone was disappointed, but I would have been even more disappointed if LEC had went ahead and released Obi-Wan and I couldn't play it, or it ended up being not as good as it could/should have been. At least they are attempting to make the quality of games a little better, like it used to be. The fact is, no matter what they did, someone is gonna be ticked for one reason or another. Just give them a break. Your mad because they release some good games for consoles but not PC. Well i dont see Jedi Knight, or the X-Wing series on any consoles. Consoles are a different market. The people who own consoles spent money for them and expect a good product just like the PC people. LEc is trying to give them something original. If you want to play Obi-Wan, get and adaptor or buy the console. If not, just wait and get the next game LEC releases. Of course, this is just my opinion.

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Guest Brian29

Lucas Arts should reimburse me for doing an article for PC Gamer in regards to OBI WAN.

(The reason why I bought the magazine!!)


Please notice the title of the Gaming magazine in Question??? It says PC not Console Gamer!!!



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Guest Brian29

Well if PC Gamer does an interview with a Lucas Arts employee/s. Are Lucas Arts not to be held accountable for the information that Lucas Art developers give in that interview??? So whom should I ask for the reimbursement from then???


Game developers use magazines as media tools to promote there product. How else would people find out a product without advertising? So in reality all of the game screens you were seeing were actual game screens from the PC version, not the PS2 version, or any console version for that matter as told to us directly fromt the lions den (Lucas Arts) the game was to be for PC.


I really see no point in buying a play Station 2, when I really see no point in buying a console gaming unit. If anything I will wait for Bleem 2 to come out and then I will laugh my ass off at all of the people who went out an purchased a PS2. Seeing as I will have spent about $70.00 Canadian on the Bleem 2 emulator as opposed to spending the $500.00 that people are paying for the PS2 now.


So with the Bleem2 emulator your arguements about OBI Wan PC incompatibilities are a joke, especially when considering that all games are created using a computer anyways.


At least Mr. Gates has the right idea with his new Xbox console that runs using a Windows platform and boasts a whopping 600 Mhz processor. With the Xbox Mr. Gates had the forsite to make a unit that will make games that will run on a console and most likely on a PC with little or none transitional coding. This will destroy the little PS2 out of the water.


Now lets talk about Sega for a second.

Sega is creating a PC card that can be put inside your computer that will let you play Sega Dreamcast games. Its good to see that they too see the importance of the PC gamer.


It is a fact that PC gamers make up more than half of the gaming market and the Xbox when it comes out could quite possibly destroy any console competition all together.




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Like I said before, when they gave the interview, they thought it would be released for PC. Things change. I don't know about where you live, but here PS2's are only $300, not 5. I agree that the X-Box looks like it will be a good system, as long as it isn't bugged like most microsoft products tend to be when they are first released.

If you don't want or need to buy a console, good for you. I felt the same way, a year or so ago. But when my PC got to be outdated, I got a PSX. Now I have an upgraded PC, but I still want to get a PS2. I think consoles and PCs each have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to gaming. PC's have so much that can go wrong and effect the games. Consoles only have the one specific duty to worry about. While I admit that PC games tend to be better, I have still found a few games that I actually enjoy more on a console.

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*Jedi SuperBuen enters the battle* smile.gif


Look, your magazine waz maybe what 7$ with tax? Get over it.


As for your whole x-box & MR Gates argument, Microsoft products already has enough !@#$ going wrong with them that it doesn't surprise me that it will be screwed up as well. And it might look and sound like a PC, but it's still a console buddy, so even if you think MR Gates is thinking of the PC gamer, you're wrong, he's thiking about the $$$ he's gonna make by selling consoles. Let's remember, ***Microsoft is the least compatible company out there. It's plug and play until the damn thing works!*** So I don't believe for a minute that just 'cause it sounds like a PC that you will get to play PC games on it (or maybe just the Microsoft ones).


Maybe the PC gamers are half the gaming market, so that means that there's all the other half that they will make bucks on.


If you really want OB1 just buy the console that it comes out on, save up now, or put it on your credit card, or ask mommy to buy it to you for *X*-mas (hehehe).


Just quit about the magazine thing, like really...!





Everyone has got to have the sickness

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I also have another question: is Bleem2 released yet? And is it guaranteed to work with OB1? 'Cause if not, then your point is no more valid as you claim JediMasterHorn's is (silly me, I can't even find the post he made that claims he says that it's not compatible). PLUS nobody even knows what console OB1 is gonna be for, so it might not even be for P$2.



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[This message has been edited by Jedi SuperBuen (edited December 07, 2000).]

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Guest Brian29

Question: If Microsoft is the least compatible company out there, then how come so many developers make games using the Windows platform??


The PC gaming community makes up more than half of the gaming community. This means that Sega, Nintendo and Sony make up the rest. This means that roughly each one makes up about one-eighth of what the PC gaming market does. So if you were a developer where would you look to make your revenue??? A market that makes up about one-eighth of the gaming community or a market that makes up a little over half???


Bleem2 is not developed yet, it was merely mentioned to prove a point. There are people on EBay that are paying over $2000.00 for the PS2 and the reviews are just now coming out and they are not very good. PS2's have a tendency to overheat and the lip movement in DVD movies running on the PS2 look ought-of-sinc which makes the movies look like they were edited with a bad dubbing job.


It's not the $7.00 that is in question, it is the principle that matters. I spent money specifically for a first look article on PC Obi Wan, however, I now feel like I have been frauded and mislead into purchasing this magazine by Lucas Arts (The ones that did the interview) due the cancellation of this game. Also, from reading other articles (November) about OBI Wan and how it was nearing completion and was about to go gold before Mr. Prez decided to scrap it. Leaves a real sour taste in regards to Lucas Arts.


In regards to the PS2 or any other console for that matter. I refuse to spend money on a stupid console because point blank - they are a rip off!!!


OH boy let me play Half Life- Dreamcast once... LOL!!! With a PC I get the opportunity to use MOD's, TC's, and editors. What do you get with a console?? A game that has no replay value and costs more than PC game.


Half Life Dreamcast for example, it costs around $90.00 (Canadian), however, you can pick up Half Life-PC for $20.00 (Canadian) and it comes with an editor and the opportunity to make whole new levels and play other TC's (Total Conversions) of the original game.

I have looked at the price comparisins of most new games for both PC and consoles and all games are more expensive for the console. Look for yourself!!!


A PC can also be upgraded and repaired very easily. Look at the complications one has to go through if there console breaks down...LMAO.

Also with a PC I can Multitask and I can do everything a console can do and more. I can play games, work, chat all at the same time. (God I love Alt-Tab)

What can you do with your little console???

Play games until your sister or parents kick you off the TV because they want to watch a movie. LOL

Peoples arguements about consoles are pathetic and they have no chance in hell of winning with me!!










[This message has been edited by Brian29 (edited December 07, 2000).]

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First of all, I am not trying to win you over to console. The point of my posts is not the PC vs Consoles.


As for your point on the gamers market, I'm afraid to say that you're not totally right. I own a N64 & I buy PC games... Which % do I go towards. Obviously there is money to be made or consoles wouldn't be as popular.


I agree with all the points about upgrading a PC and multitasking and all that.


But as for compatibility, Microsoft sucks. The PC for that matter. It's always a pain to get everything configured for it. I love PC games, don't get me wrong, but it's always a struggle to make em work just right.


All console games do not suck. the N64 Zelda is one of my fav games. But I also have a bunch of PC games that I really enjoy as well, including TPM & JK, MOTS, etc...


Yeah console games are cheaper, so what? Like I said, get a credit card! biggrin.gif




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First off, where do you get that console games cost $90? Here they are $30-50 depending on how new they are. I'm not against console or PC. I agree with Jedi SuperBuen in the fact that as much as I love PC games they take a lot to get them to work right. Like I said, both Pc's and consoles have their strengths and weaknesses.


Dude, you need to just get over the magazine thing. LEC didn't know what was going to happen. You are getting upset at them for not being psyhcic? They weren't trying to mislead you. While you are at it, why don't you take the news networks to court for making you think Bush had won the election?


As far as consoles go, if you don't like them, don't buy them. No one is forcing you to. LEC doesn't have to release everything for PC just because you want them to. Consoles are a different market, and they are trying to tap into that market. Not every PC game gets ported to console, so why should you expect every console game to be made available for PC?


BTW Jedi SuperBuen when did I say that Bleem2 or whatever isn't compatible? just wondering or did I misunderstand what you said?



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Guest Brian29

Do you guys ever read what anyone writes?? Just curious. I could care less what games come out for a console as compared to a game for PC and I really could care less what games get converted to PC or vice versa. The reason I am upset here is because for over a year now, I have been subjected to screenshots, movies, interviews etc. in regards to a PC title. Star Wars - Obi Wan PC.


Lucas Arts has been waving candy in front of my face for over a year now and now they are telling me as a PC enthusiast that I cannot have it and if you guys believe everything that Lucas Arts tells you then you will probably go and jump in a lake if Lucas Arts tells you to do so. In my eyes, something is not right here at all in regards to the sudden cancellation of this game. Obviously if Lucas Arts knew that this game was going to be a console only game. I am sure that they would have known this a heck of a lot earlier, and not one month before it was due to hit the store shelves!!


Sorry but I just dont BUY there reasoning and

cant understand why anyone would spend all the money on advertising and promoting on a game to suddenly cancel it!!! So believe what you want.


In regards to Halflife Dreamcast, sorry I typed the 9 key instead of the 8 key.


The going price for Halflife - Dreamcast in Canada when it is released is going for around $70.00 plus taxes. This will make it close to $80.00 to buy.




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Guest Garindan

i bet they put that sob story out (about the limitations of technology blah blah blah) just for a coverup, i bet they just needed more time, and couldn't come up with a better solution than to lie, we all shouldn't believe everything they say to us, just look at the back of the rogue squadron nintendo 64 box and you'll see tie fighters in barkhesh when there's only TIE BOMBERS in that level!!!



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first off they didn't cancel anything, they just changed it from a PC to console game. Lets use your same reasoning: Why would they drop all of that money on advertisements just to tick you off? They had to have a good reason for what they did, and in my opinion they did. There is no conspiracy, they just realized were the game was headed and decided to change it over to a console, where it would work better as a game. Get over it already. Apparently, you are the one who doesn't read what people write. And as far as that "if you guys believe everything that Lucas Arts tells you then you will probably go and jump in a lake if Lucas Arts tells you to do so. In my eyes, something is not right here at all in regards to the sudden cancellation of this game."

If you want to believe that LEC shot JFK go ahead. There is no reason to think that the reason they gave us about Obi-Wan isn't the real deal. Why would they need to lie about it? Its not like they owed us anything. We didn't reserve a copy or spend money on it already. They just decided to take a different direction. We may not agree with their decision, but to tell the truth, thats our problem not theirs. They are doing what they feel is the best thing for all concerned. BTW, they didnt do this a month before it was due out to my knowledge. They never had an official release date.


The LEC Prez has already said they have several games already in development for PC, and he hinted that there would be a DF3 sometime. LEC didnt wave candy in your face and then tell you you can't have it. They are just saying that if you want it, you need to get it at a different store. Wheather you do or not is your choice.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I must agree with Horn here fellas. They have said in interviews now that Obi-Wan was more of a console game than a PC game. I don't know about you, but I would like to see this game where it can do the best, which obviously ain't PC. How would you feel if Obi came out for PC and it sucked? I can't imagine the complaining! Therefore LEC are moving it to another platform so we don't have to be disappointed with it! It makes perfect sense when if think about it.


I have been watching this game closely for as long as it has been in development, so I am disappointed with the platform change. But as Horn says, get over it. The game is not coming back to PC!



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Horn: I know you didn't say that, just that Brian dude waz saying that you had said it and I waz just stating that I don't know either where you had said that... I know, I have a headache too...


Brian29: Look dude, !@#$ happens. Things change. You're mad, hell I waz mad. But I am over it. And you should be as well (over it).


You're the one who thinks there's a big conspiracy against you with LEC & PC Gamer.

So they make a mistake, !@#$ they're just human dude!


The guy who said they had TIE bombers on the back of the N64 RS box: *sigh* I don't have anything to say about that...


Everyone has got to have the sickness

'Cause everyone seems to need the cure...


[This message has been edited by Jedi SuperBuen (edited December 08, 2000).]

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You know Brian, you said we belive everything LEC tells us and all, well what choice do we have? It's not like whinning and bitching about it is gonna change anything. LEC made the decision to release OB1 for a console that has yet to be named. Hey I signed the petition and waz bummed out. But there's nothing you can do. Boycotting won't do anything. Bitching and whinning is alright, makes ya feel good, but after a while there's limits. Like asking for a refund for a magazine, that's pushing it.


And like you said, just wait for your precious Bleem2 to come out and you'll be able to play OB1 (of course that's if it comes out for P$2) on your PC.


I understand what you mean. It feels like the PC is being neglected. But that's just the wait life is. I mean I have a N64 & a pretty good PC, but still can't play JPB. I was waiting for it and d/l the movies and it's for PS & DC. So I'm screwed. But what can I do? Nothing. I'm not buying a DC or PS. But instead I've been playing TPM on PC and JK/MOTS some more. And I am entertained. Just find something else to do! There's other games!


Horn: He is referring to the Canadian prices, which are correct (I'm from Canada as well).



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Well technically we haven't spent a dime on the game (unless you were one of the people who pre-ordered the game from EBworld or something), so there is nothing to reimburse except time, and nobody said you had to spend time anticipating the game.


This isn't anything new. Other games get delayed and cancelled, and change platforms. In this case it hits home because we had websites devoted to it and fans that were really looking forward to it (with good reason I think) based on what we were fed by LEC and other sources (which I'm sure they fully expected to be able to deliver to us at some point). The game industry can be a tough place, and things don't always pan out the way they originally envision.


Yeah, it sucks, and I wish LEC would reconsider on the PC deal, but that's how it goes. Not a lot we can do about it, except "whine" and "complain" as you say, though we can do it in such a manner so as not to be annoying and rude, but intelligent and constructive.


However, one thing I think we are owed is an explanation for the complaint that was apparently filed to IGN (our hosts) about something(s) that they disliked on Obi-wankenobi.net (the site is now down "until further notice" which apparently they had something to do with).


I would like to know, what is up with that.


Otherwise, I can accept the game not being for PC, because it isn't my decision to make. Maybe a PC version will come out someday, or maybe I'll just rent an Xbox and try it out, but I probably won't be buying it. Now had I already spent money on the game, then I'd really be pissed, especially if I didn't promptly get a full refund.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited December 08, 2000).]

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Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.


Are you trying to say my response was unreasonable?


Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and that also includes me, I have a right to disagree with anyone who has posted here if I feel I have reason to.



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*laugh* no no no... it's an honest non-sarcastic question! I am just wondering why there waz a complain against OB1.net and what it waz, just out of curiosity.


I know you have your rights to your own opinion, and reading your post, I agree with what you said. Sorry if my post sounded like I thought you weren't entitled to your opinion!



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[This message has been edited by Jedi SuperBuen (edited December 11, 2000).]

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If you'd just been more specific, I wouldn't have suspected anything. ; )


Np then, actually no I don't know what the complaint was.


All I know from what Aristotle said, is that a bunch of folks were posting stuff that people at LEC found very offensive (ie: personal insults, threats, etc), and they complained to IGN. I don't know the exact words they used, or what IGN told Aristotle, but he (Aristotle) felt the site should go down while he studied the problem.


So in short, I don't know, ask him.



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Hey Kurgan, I know you get a lot of crap from ppl ('IamMad' or something, ya know that guy who got banned) so I understand you thinking it waz against you... No hard feelings


Hey Brian, where you at? Havin't replied to anything in a while!


I read the post on the OB1.net thing... I think some ppl are taking the whole cancellation thing too seriously! Anywayz!



Master of Puppets, I'm pulling your strings

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