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Lord Helmet

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...i really dont think its that random man...it says on the official faq that anyone that wants to be a jedi can be a jedi. you dont have some random midichlorian count. it doenst say you could be a jedi...it says can. you just gotta find a mission to send you on the right path... and you cant swerve on it by picking some fights with ramdom people. its not gonna be random though. the devs wouldnt want you to not be what you wanna be because its random. its just gonna be tough to get there. and im bettin there wont be difference in anyone's midichlorian count. the only difference between jedi will probably be where they've allocated their points.

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The devs probably wont control the jedi population, the following factors will:


1. It's really hard to become a jedi. You must first find a master/ holocron/ jedi bookthingy to learn you the required skills. And those will probably not be found around every streetcorner. And the components for a lightsaber are hard to find, especially the crystals. So only dedicated players will be able to become jedi.

2. You will be hunted down by bountyhunters, vader, dark/light jedi. There are far more ppl looking to kill jedi than there are jedi, so being a jedi is dangerous.

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yeah, but it will probably take at least 100 hours of play time to be a jedi--at least. That's if you do everything right the first time, which you won't. Most players don't have the patience to wait that long. and there will be a penalty to dying, so it will be a pain to be hunted down.

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more or less....you can still be killed, but it isn't as easy. If killed in a non battlefield area, you can report them. but any one can be killed anywhere, when you're neutral it's just harder to be pvped than when you are in a faction.

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To me, this still sounds appealing..



I'd love to be a Jedi.

A light side jedi that is.


And I shall have an orange saber (go holland!)

Man... just the search to become a Jedi is so cool.


Although I may need some help from people... (for people who dont take hints very well: HINT HINT HINT HINT HINT)



Apart from my Jedi wannabee character I shall probably have a smuggler or something. Since I suspect that the jedi ways will be frustrating at some points :)



Hmm... I just realised a problem:


What if with 1 character u become really high in the Rebel fraction and with the other character really high in the imperial fraction.



U can use that information to benefit yourselves or others...



sounds nasty!

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Well Maxx, to a degree I agree with you. There will be many people who think that they will become a jedi and when they can't tehy will stop playing, and there will be others that try to be ajedi and when they don't become one settle for something else. But I don't think that everyone who wants to be a jedi and only a jedi won't become one.....there will be few jedi, but no that few. I predict maybe a couple hundred or so (of varying skill levels, and i'm including people that are only force sensitive) on each server at any given time after the game has been out for a couple of months. Those aren't great odds with the thousands that will be playing, but they're better than you all make it out to be. It's not going to be like three people at a time.

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But Gaal, people will target you in a fight and after the fight they may try to hunt you down, or at the very least sell your info to someone else who will hunt you down. Being a known jedi will make for a short lifespan me thinks.


Remember, Jedi are a hunted species, the Empire wants the lot of them killed. I doubt you'll be free to saunter around cities, lightsabre a-dangling from your belt.

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