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IS there any Eposide 2 models out?


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Negative on the Yoda, a Yoda model would still be as tall as everyone else due to the way the game engine works. All models are the same size. In SP you can increase or decrease their size by defining a ratio to actual size but in MP that apparently doesn't exist, which is why the Ugnaught model is just as tall as everyone else.

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I'm kind-of disappointed with the lack of any AotC models. Jango Fett being the only exception. Its personal preference on my part. AotC has many of the key characters of the SW universe in the primes of their careers.


Obi-Wan Kenobi is on the verge of becoming a Jedi Master, and has trained in FORM II saber combat since Qui-Gon's death.


Mace Windu (His lightsaber training regimen rivals and in some areas surpasses Sith combat training)


In essence, I think people should realize just how much more powerful some of these characters are. Lucas even said it himself, to paraphrase "The original trilogy was about a broken shell of an old man who fights and loses to a feebly skilled young boy."


Heh, sorry, some of my view on the whole "Vader rulez all", or "Luke is the most powerful Jedi ever" argument slipped in there. I can't help it if Lucas says the same thing I do.


I do think we need an influx of AotC models though. As it stands right now, the character skins aren't all that good, aside from Al's, and even then, its an episode 1 skin that really doesn't look much like Obi-Wan. There's a real good Anakin skin from Ep2, but I haven't seen much of anything else for prequel era work. Sorry if I missed anything, didn't mean to leave any great artists out, or the wonderful work by those who are just learning to skin and model.

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Originally posted by Darth Draugmahl

Negative on the Yoda, a Yoda model would still be as tall as everyone else due to the way the game engine works. All models are the same size. In SP you can increase or decrease their size by defining a ratio to actual size but in MP that apparently doesn't exist, which is why the Ugnaught model is just as tall as everyone else.


Can't you read. It's a new model. Not a skin. They could make little models but there aren't good looking tiny ones. Except Yoda.

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Can't you read. It's a new model. Not a skin. They could make little models but there aren't good looking tiny ones. Except Yoda.


I don't think you understood what he was saying. In Muliplayer it seems that the game automatically scales the player model to the same size as the other player models for fairness. Its either that, or you can make a small model, but the areas for damage are still just as large. IE. shoot over Yoda's head and he still takes damage because thats an area where damage is counted for all normal size models.

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I agree that Episode 2 models would be cool :) I'm not too worried, though. They'll come in time. Especially now that people are getting the hang of making JKII models.


One thing I highly suggest is someone building a quality Jedi uniform model, without hands and head. (This would be the "uniform" they wear under their cloak). If someone can make that, then you could base a huge number of models on it. In Attack of the Clones, you'll see a large number of Jedi in action (you've already seen it in the trailers). A bunch of humans, but also some cool aliens. Kit Fisto has got to be the coolest Jedi of all time :) He's the Jedi with green skin and a mass of tentacles on the back of his head. Watch for him in the movie, you'll like him even though he doesn't any lines. I would LOVE to see a model based on him.


Anyway, I hope this gives some people ideas, don't want it to sound like I'm demanding anything. Whatever you guys want to model is great. I don't have the skills for modelling, but any new material you can provide to base skins on always welcome. Keep up the good work!



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yessssssss!!!!!!!! who is making the yoda model? my prayers have been answered.after seeing the footage of yoda fighting a great yoda model in this game would kick major booty!!!!!! i hope it comes soon, i'm dying for a yoda model, i have count dooku and anakin from the movie already,just need yoda now :)

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Wait for Anakin to drop by and see this. He's one of the brilliant minds working on a AOTC TC for Jedi Outcast. He'll be sure to have the answers you're looking for...


Hi guys, yep we shall be doing the models ASAP, but we are trying to create new model animations and we do not wish to rush the project, i know some of you want to get your hand on the models, but we dont want to give you a half assed job in this guys. I hope you understand.

Iam working closely with the modeling team and we shall try and released them as soon as possible.


Iam also trying to create a new MP for you guys too of the Obi Wan and Jango Fett dual and Kiminto (did I remember to spell that right :p ) so I shall get some new screens of the maps once our Screencap guy has sent me some new pics of the area. :p


See ya later guys and thx for remembering us :p





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Take your time! :) You're absolutely right. Slower, but higher quality is much better than rushed and crappy. Can't wait to see what you guys can do :)




(PS - Kamino. This would make a cool duel level :) )

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To OrecaGuy51 since I can't e-mail him:


You mentioned FORM II lightsaber combat and such. Where did you read on lightsaber combat? Just curious, since I always wanted to understand the possible real weapon reference that lightsabers might be based on.

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Ok now that Iam happy with the modeling side of it, im going to get a bog standerd Jedi Model from AOTC out for you guys to play with. now I will say this, Im at my Girlfriend Grans house 'house sitting' so I have just my laptop and not my super dooper PC, so I cant model or map. Major pain in the rear, I know, but once I get back this weekend I shall post some stuff up ok, dont want you guys going mad on some skins :p



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I noticed someone mentioned Obi-Wan being on the verge of becoming a Jedi Master in AOTC. Not sure where that information came from, but it was either refering to PRE-AOTC, or innacurate. In AOTC, Obi-Wan is a full-fledged Jedi Master. And Mace Windu's power is mentioned (seems to be the one to compare against for power, which means to me he's the most powerful [as far as raw force power goes]), while Yoda is the wisest.


Man I can't wait till everyone else has seen this so we can discuss it in depth! :)



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i am making a yoda model. the model is almost done, i still need to skin it and do all that other crap.


if the engine really does scale all the models to be the same size. what would happen if i say threw a stray vertex or polygon a few feet over yoda's head. would that work?


if anyone wants to do all the copnverting and importing for me that would be sweet since i dont know how. i am using maya.

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