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New Smuggler Skin!!comments?


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This is my first skin for JK2. Mooncurser aka Ro'an Kabyles,

a notorious intergalactic smuggler and jedi outcast.

Please comment, good or bad, i wanna hear it.




There is a serious shortage of ethnic models in the starwars

universe, with one token black guy in every movie.

Jar Jar's step 'n' fetchit routine doesn't count *wink*

Thought i'd try to correct that...at least in the game.


Any new skin suggestions welcome.

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Originally posted by JekRendar

It's good. The first Black guy in JKII!?!


and i guess lando is a no-good stinken bum, that doesnt deserve to be counted:confused: :confused: :confused:


just pointing out a fact....



also: WHAT OF SHADOW TROOPERS!?!?!?!:D there about as black as they come right?;):D

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hahahaa, yeah almost forgot about Lando...WhooHoo!!!! I did say that there was one in every film though right? Now its Samuel Jackson. I have a question...where are the asians/indians/etc? (trade federation dubbed voices don't count.*wink*)

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Hey, I think anakin's little friend looked like he might be indian, he was dark-skinned at any rate (but not black). And hey don't forget the voice of Vader was a black dude, though I'm not sure about the guy under the suit. Wasn't the actor in the Chewbacca suit black as well (though again, he was kinda hidden under a suit). Janson's round face in ESB sort of looked oriental-ish. I'd have to pop in my film and watch it again to be sure though.

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Hey, I think anakin's little friend looked like he might be indian, he was dark-skinned at any rate (but not black). And hey don't forget the voice of Vader was a black dude, though I'm not sure about the guy under the suit. Wasn't the actor in the Chewbacca suit black as well (though again, he was kinda hidden under a suit). Janson's round face in ESB sort of looked oriental-ish. I'd have to pop in my film and watch it again to be sure though.


Hey, that's right! Anakins buddy did look indian. I'm not familiar with Janson. All of those other characters you stated where all hidden under a suit...hmmmm, is there a message there? Subliminals from lucas? Decipher amongst yourselves.

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well im glad someone remembered my Kel skin there ;) . He had bot support and a taunt too though...


But anyway, very creative use of the Weequay model. Thats actually the model that i started the Kel skin on, with plans to make the dreadlocks as you have there. Definetly a good conversion of an otherwise difficult model to skin.





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well im glad someone remembered my Kel skin there . He had bot support and a taunt too though...

But anyway, very creative use of the Weequay model. Thats actually the model that i started the Kel skin on, with plans to make the dreadlocks as you have there. Definetly a good conversion of an otherwise difficult model to skin.



Wicked! I love that i said the Kel skin name and the creator magically appears to post! Absath, what where your thoughts while making Kel? Did he already exist in the starwars universe? Why did you pick him, and what are you working on next?

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hey... i just thought of somting..... if you ditch the funky/interesting gotee... this guy will look just like lister from red dwarf....


omg that would be a riot to play with... esp. with lister taunts:D lmao.... anybody else think that this would work?

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hey... i just thought of somting..... if you ditch the funky/interesting gotee... this guy will look just like lister from red dwarf....

LMAO. I didn't think of that. It must be the dreadlocks. Jeez, can't say i liked that show either, but i have seen it.


I am not a fan of cross universe skins. My personal opinion is that even multiplayer games should be starwars exclusive. It helps the suspension of disbelief to stay in character. IMHO only. I love the responses so far...keep em coming.

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The palace guard guy from tpm was black. How quickly people forget in order to make a joke.


Hey, no one is trying to make light of racism here, the new film obviously learned from the last three. The post was about the skin. comment on that. The "palace guard guy" was Captain Panaka. Thanks for reminding me, I'm ashamed I forgot his fine performance. I've been trying to forget that film. maybe i will make a skin of him next?

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There was a rebel pilot in ROTJ that looked asian. But he got blown up pretty fast.


hahahha, yeah. A lot of people get blown up fast in starwars. It is a war.


An asian skin would be really cool, but i think i'm gonna make an alien race first. Any suggestions people? :) :)

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Originally posted by starbucks


Hey, that's right! Anakins buddy did look indian. I'm not familiar with Janson. All of those other characters you stated where all hidden under a suit...hmmmm, is there a message there? Subliminals from lucas? Decipher amongst yourselves.


First of all Indian is not the proper term. From my memory that little fellow was Arabic.


Indian is too vague and too stereoptyped so it can be offensive.


Native American, Inuit, etc, are the proper terms.

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