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The official 1.04 suggestion thread


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This thread is Zek-certified for 1.04 patch suggestions, so post your own(PLEASE nothing involving making things exactly like they were in 1.03, make specific suggestions) ideas. Mine are as follows:


-Take out Saber Throw in No Force games. They were fine without it, and people rarely use it in moderation anymore. At least lower the level of Saber Throw in NF to level 1.

-Make saber throw more easily parryable(blocking it while you're swinging).

-Implement a reasonably short delay between saber throws, to discourage whoring of it(5-10 seconds, maybe?).

-Make the backslash moves only hit someone ONCE, not the two-three times they're doing now. That's the reason they're so ridiculously overpowered. Damage should be higher than most swings, but successfully pulling it off shouldn't end the fight regardless of health.

-Tone down the Push/Pull likelyhood to knock someone down somehow; you can pretty much knock someone down every time if you stand there until they swing at you and Push or Pull. Pull knockdown whores are especially dangerous, and Absorb doesn't do much if they're attentive enough to hear it.

-Make it at least minimally possible to stop a Push while in mid-air; maybe only if the person's crosshair is on the Pusher and they're doing nothing else.

-Make an Absorb user gain power from someone using Drain on them.

-Lower the damage on Lightning, or increase the power cost; as it is now, the damage Level 3 Lightning does is pretty insane with a decent forcebar, and Absorb(which is easily avoided) is the only way to stop it. It really ruins Duels, and is the most powerful weapon in saber-only FFA games.

-Give 100 health and 25 shields to both participants in a FFA duel when it starts. Give the winner 100 health again, and give them the shields they had before the duel began. Disallow use of items.

-Tone down the blocking percentages in non-Duel games. My suggestion is to make it more difficult to block if you're being attacked by or are near multiple people; it's realistic because you wouldn't know where to expect the attack from, and it'll help to increase the pace of FFA games.

-Weaken the flag carrier in CTF games in some way. Lowering the chances to block significantly would be a good idea.


That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Comments and additions welcome.

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Bump. Come on guys; almost all of the changes in 1.03 were suggested by players. Raven listens to its playerbase, so the best way to get something changed you don't like is to tell them about it in a logical and non-trolling manner.

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Nah, the patch left a really bitter after taste sort of like imported bubblegum from calcutta. So fudge patch 1.04 its doubtful Raven can fix what they have so viciously raped. Next on the agenda Hitman 2, and i'm pretty sure when it comes out all the AI won't jump like school boys with a hand up their ass and there will be no shooting backwards or an attampt to stangle some one without facing them.

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The blocking really isn't that overpowered at all. If you really figure out how to deal with it, you'll find breaking through someone's defense in a fight is easy as pie; you just have to think about it a little, and it's that sort of thing that JK2 needed back in 1.02. The blocking has enhanced the gameplay exponentially.

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Ok I will give them till August to get this right again. But if they still insist us playing a watered down version of a game that I thought was the best I have played in awhile I will just shelf it and hope the Aliens vs Predator2 expansion will make me forget this game. Below are the things I have a problem with patch 1.03

These are from the read me file of it.


Backflip now requires that you double tap the jump button


Lightsaber usage in multiplayer has been modified to work similarly to the way it works in single player levels. This will enable better saber battles up close with your opponent


Other players will not see the glow from a player using force absorb until they are attacked


*Note: not in the read me file but was changed;


When using grip you walk and move in slow motion


Reduced ammo for guns


Ok the backflip ajustment ruined kicking, they need to fix that.


Whatever they did, be it 200% more autoblocking or whatever has dragged out sabre battles to be just wild group swinging crouds.


Absorb was just fine they need to adjust drain though. But now absorb is too powerful. They lowered healing but that realy didn't hurt no one except in duel maps. Health packs and bacta are easy to come by.


By changing grip they made the power useless. You have many ways to get out of grip and the only thing a person using grip could hope for was you had no force left or he made it hard for you to target him. Now all he can hope for is that you have no force left. They totally ruined this power and it is just a joke now.


I have only played gun matches a few times but I do know it was a pain because I never had ammo then. Now I have read they made the ammo more restrictive. All I can say is I feel sorry for you gunners. Well I know how you feel though I loved grip and its not even one of my powers now. I might as play the light side and just be a Absorb/pull freak like everyone else.


They should go back and fix these things first. Then add some new skins this time. Ya we all know the game takes place in the future but we still like playing our favorite characters. Lets see Vader, Wookies, Maul, Solo, JAR JAR(yuck) but someone would like him, Bobafett, Sandpeople...... Also lets have a mapcycle.txt so we can edit what maps autoload.

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Originally posted by Zek

This thread is Zek-certified for 1.04 patch suggestions, so post your own(PLEASE nothing involving making things exactly like they were in 1.03, make specific suggestions) ideas. Mine are as follows:


-Take out Saber Throw in No Force games. They were fine without it, and people rarely use it in moderation anymore. At least lower the level of Saber Throw in NF to level 1.

-Make saber throw more easily parryable(blocking it while you're swinging).

-Implement a reasonably short delay between saber throws, to discourage whoring of it(5-10 seconds, maybe?).

-Make the backslash moves only hit someone ONCE, not the two-three times they're doing now. That's the reason they're so ridiculously overpowered. Damage should be higher than most swings, but successfully pulling it off shouldn't end the fight regardless of health.

-Tone down the Push/Pull likelyhood to knock someone down somehow; you can pretty much knock someone down every time if you stand there until they swing at you and Push or Pull. Pull knockdown whores are especially dangerous, and Absorb doesn't do much if they're attentive enough to hear it.

-Make it at least minimally possible to stop a Push while in mid-air; maybe only if the person's crosshair is on the Pusher and they're doing nothing else.

-Make an Absorb user gain power from someone using Drain on them.

-Lower the damage on Lightning, or increase the power cost; as it is now, the damage Level 3 Lightning does is pretty insane with a decent forcebar, and Absorb(which is easily avoided) is the only way to stop it. It really ruins Duels, and is the most powerful weapon in saber-only FFA games.

-Give 100 health and 25 shields to both participants in a FFA duel when it starts. Give the winner 100 health again, and give them the shields they had before the duel began. Disallow use of items.

-Tone down the blocking percentages in non-Duel games. My suggestion is to make it more difficult to block if you're being attacked by or are near multiple people; it's realistic because you wouldn't know where to expect the attack from, and it'll help to increase the pace of FFA games.

-Weaken the flag carrier in CTF games in some way. Lowering the chances to block significantly would be a good idea.


That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Comments and additions welcome.



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Um, keep in mind those whom want to run around while gripping someone, if your intent is to toss them over the edge with it.. you can whip them now, instead of just turning and letting em go. I've thrown people NUMEROUS yards by simply *whiping* my mouse to the side turning em loose then using force push.. 'Jedi Cannon' . . even the quickest reaction time with a great ping, they often cannot get absorb on quickly enough, especially if they have it bound to an F-key.


If you are using it purely to kill. . well I can understand a gripe there, however there should be a way to counter everything.


Oh, the backstabs are cool, just too damned damaging. The red an yellow ones need their damage reduced because of the range, or tuned to a likewise animation like the blue one. It was rediculious, I pulled one heavy stance backstab off in a group of 5 opposing team mates in a TFFA game, and killed them ALL.


You got your Janitors that just 'sweep the floor' and the people that run around arse first now.. its pathetic. Raven's fixing it though, I read somewhere that the damage on it was left in as an over-sight. One note, the blue backstab has a brief portion of time where it also lands damage INFRONT of the jedi. . bug.


Double tap kick. . blech, I've learned to adapt and use it, true it can't be done with the same impunity as before, if you get it down you can still do almost as good, someone said that you can't kick someone while they are crouching with it, I've pulled it off many many times in that case...


I think the push/pull likelihood is fine.. its only an issue on boards with pits. Numerous counters. . Drain, Absorb, waiting for an opening to do it to them... Det packs.. *BOOM.* *grin.*


Lightning damage seems fine. Heal needs to be taken up a little more in effectiveness to be on par with Drain.


Sith powers SHOULD be devistating, cause the Jedi powers are rather powerful in many situations as well. Tit-for-tat, and situational supremecy come into play.


Gun ammo needs to be taken down a notch, FAR FAR too much requirement on weapons. Rocket change was good.. Instead of 8 to 25 on alt fire, make it 16, thats far more pheasable, cause there just isn't the ammo for it in CTF games.


Besides, gunners are easily dispatched, unless they use absorb.. *groan.*


This Absorb + Speed allowing force regeneration needs to be trunicated..


Absorbs force consumption ratio needs to be upped a marginal bit. Its a bit -too- strong now.. IMOHO.


Blocking needs to be toned down a degree, as well as yellow's damage needing a slight bump, and red needing a little bump as well to even the playing fields.


Saber throw needs to use up more force power, little more, not much. Its a pain but not that bad. . just face the damn thing let it hit then quickly slash it, they'll lose it, and can't get it back. . till respawn.


I think Raven realizes these things, guns are too weak now, they need some help. . mainly ammo cost reduction, other than that and the few other gripes I've posted above, I think they're pretty good on track. Excited to see what they come up with next..



I want more TFFA and CTF levels! COME on! I get sick of Warring factions.

Another one like the Exhaust shaft, or the NS CTF map, that'd own. I love those. . . and for sakes that all be, keep the explosive spawns near the flag.


TRIP MINES! wohoo.

(Edit: I can't spell. )

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Zek wants more nerfing.


Oh joy!




After those suggestions Zek - I can see that 1.03 is the patch for you - automatic, nerfed, and Nintendo all the way.


I REALLY hope Dev does NOT follow up on your list.




Give us options to play like 1.02 in all its glory.


Nuff said.

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As I wrote directly to Raven themselves:


Patch gripes/suggestions/wishlist:


This is my final comment/gripe/suggestion on the game.


List of issues by levels of importance:


1. Backflip/Kick is nerfed. GRRRR!!!! Kick is next to

impossible to use now.


2. Drain is nerfed. Hurray more 'other force' spam!


3. Grip is nerfed - I just loved fighting grip! It was fun!


4. Saber defense is way too high - though the attack is actually much better and more accurate.


Suggestions on how to fix these problems:


A. Fixing backflip/kick can be done two different ways:


1. Server-side option/rule:


g_backflipkick 0/1


g_backflipkick 0 = Double Tap (default)

g_backflipkick 1 = Single Tap




2. Clientside Jump control - toggle


Backflip Double-Tap on/off


On = 1.03 style (default)

Off = 1.02 style


B. Fix For Nerfed Forces:


Easy solution:


Modify the rule "g_MaxForceRank":


You can either:


1. Add more Force Ranks - with more selections.




2. Change the Force Rank System to something as follows:


g_MaxForceRank should have 0 0 0 - 3 digits.


1st set = Neurtral/universal force powers: 0 - 8


2nd set = Light Force Powers: 0 - 8


3rd set = Dark Force Powers: 0 - 8


0 - 7 = normal settings - 1.03


8 = 1.02's 7 (max forces).


3. Allow auto-blocking to be turned on and off:


g_saberautoblock 0/1


g_saberautoblock 1 = 1.03 saber autoblock (default)


g_saberautoblock 0 = 1.02 saber autoblock




g_saberautoblock 0 = Manual saber block (requiring key bind for block)


4. Weapon and ammo respawns to be different:


Change g_weapondisable to g_weapons:


g_weapons 0 - 2


g_weapons 0 = no weapons

g_weapons 1 = 1.03 style (default)

g_weapons 2 = 1.02 style


Allow the in-game browser to show these important changes on the side of each server - perhaps in graph form, with the important options clearly displayed - on a side column when someone clicks on a server.


Allow the in-game browser to filter out these kinds of options - in and advanced options button/area.


People using ASE or GS can easily filter these out via modifiers and filters.


... Problem solved.

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Raven, don't listen to the people wanting the guns nerfed more. Ammo consumption needs to go back to 1.02. The ones that are saying "16 rockets should be enough for CTF" are NOT the ones that actually play it.


Don't let the opinions of people who don't even know what they are talking about ruin in for people who play competitive JK2.

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I think that a simple compromise can be found between 1.02 and 1.03. I liked all those server-side options that were suggested, and I think that'll help a lot.


Someone said that you can still throw your saber in no force games. If you set up your own CFG file, there's a totally different code for completely no force, like there was in 1.02.


g_forcePowerDisable 262143

g_maxForceRank 2


I'm not sure how that second one helps, but it's been working, and I don't want to fix what's not broken.


1. The saber blocking should definitely be toned down. And I especially am getting tired of those funky motions that happen when your hand gets thrown aside.


2. Variable damage should be taken out completely. And then Red would finally be useful again. I really get tired of doing 1 or 2 damage with a huge swing. I know some people like the prolonged dueling, but it doesn't happen because of skill anymore, but happens because you're just not doing enough damage on the swings.


Sometimes, I just get bored in a duel playing for so long.

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I think that a simple compromise can be found between 1.02 and 1.03. I liked all those server-side options that were suggested, and I think that'll help a lot.


Someone said that you can still throw your saber in no force games. If you set up your own CFG file, there's a totally different code for completely no force, like there was in 1.02.


g_forcePowerDisable 262143

g_maxForceRank 2


I'm not sure how that second one helps, but it's been working, and I don't want to fix what's not broken.


1. The saber blocking should definitely be toned down. And I especially am getting tired of those funky motions that happen when your hand gets thrown aside.


2. Variable damage should be taken out completely. And then Red would finally be useful again. Well, if you speed it up to what it used to be. I really get tired of doing 1 or 2 damage with a huge swing. I know some people like the prolonged dueling, but it doesn't happen because of skill anymore, but happens because you're just not doing enough damage on the swings.


Sometimes, I just get bored in a duel playing for so long.


Those once-fun-loved saber locks are just plain annoying now. They're starting to hurt my fingers. But I'm glad a server host can at least disable those.

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I would like to see the block code toned down to pre-patch level so people I out-manuevered to get a swing at won't block it 'automatically' as oppose to by their own defensive skill.


I would also like to see saber damage reverted to pre-patch level of 40/60/100 based on blue/yellow/red stances.


Collision needs to be reassesed as well so that full saber hits knock opponents back or a full block of a swing will push back and seem to stun opponents. Collision also needs to be more precise, I still find swings seeming to go through people in combat.


The idea that a saber isn't as deadly at the swings begining and its end is bunk in my opinion. Should there be a decrease in range at start and end of swing? Yes. But, sabers should still deliver their requisite damage if a hit is scored.


Backstab needs to be made blockable or should deliver less damage if the person on the recieving end is immobile and facing the back of the backstab initiator. Also, the blocking code needs to be assessed when people are using 'special moves' like backstab, med. twirl or DFA, the ability to score a hit on these individuals at the end of the move needs to be increased- perhaps adding additional fractions of a second of immobility for jedi's coming out of these moves.


Crouching fighters (ass fighters) should recieve a serious defensive penalty to forward overhead swings. Be it a chance to be knocked down or for overhead or forward swings to make it through crouching saber defense easier.


The force power absorb needs to be tweaked. Perhaps, toning down the amount of force it absorbs from opponents or increasing the speed at which the ability drains away if no one is using force powers against the absorber.


Those are just some ideas. I am sure with more testing under the new patch more will come to mind.

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I think the backflip thing should be put back to how it was and the range of damage increased just a bit because you are doing a "dangerous" move so it shouldnt be so hard to land it. Push for one needs to be toned down BIG time. I've played against guys too many times who just push you everytime you get up or anything and i get blown across maps and stuff and it gets REALLY annoying. The should include a search server feature so that you can search for certain criteria ie max force power etc....

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The force feedback for the iFeel logitech mouse is awesome in singleplayer! Can you please add that feature to multiplayer?

I like everything else about the 1.03 patch! You did the right thing by listening to our comments for a patch. Please don't change it again or the people that have already adapted to the changes will complain too. Please keep the changes you made. I like the blocking now and the long saber battles. Thanks Raven!

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Sort out the bloody pull push in 1.0 and 1.02 it worked great. You have level 3 push, they have level 3 pull, they roll towards you hit pull you block, makes sense, they pull you you're doing something you fall over. No more. They roll towards you hit pull you fall over and get killed.. FFS Raven it's a tacky and annoying tactic that can't be blocked. I tested it, walked towards the guy watched him roll all the way in, fell over died, I have level 3 push and pull and was doing absolutely nothing. Current push/pull makes it tack, previously if you had skill and timing you were safe.



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Letter to Kenn Hoekstra of Raven Software


Below is the email I sent early Saturday morning regarding the possibility of a 1.04 patch. It sounds like I'm not the only one to resort to emailing them about version 1.03. Hopefully we'll hear something definite soon.


My messages are in red, Kenn's in green. They are in chronological order.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 11:45 AM

To: khoekstra@ravensoft.com

Subject: ArtifeX's Guides




I'm not sure yet if anyone's made you aware of my site, but here's a link to the popular JK2 Strategy site that I've created.




I've got some extremely complete dissections of saber fighting and force powers there, which are generally regarded as the most popular and complete on the web (or so the 40-50 emails I get per day say :] ). I wanted to bring the site to your attention because of the rumors flying about on lucasforums.com that there will be no further patches for JK2. I, and many others, hope this is not the case.


If you read my guides, I think that you'll agree that I've done my homework; I'm not someone who played the game for a couple of days and then posted a rant in a forum somewhere. Neither am I someone who refuses to invest the time to practice defeating tactics that are regarded by many as "lame", "overpowered" or "dishonorable". I think that the amount of work I have put into these articles, and the amount of time I have spent playing have given me a very deep and somewhat unique understanding of the flow of the game. Based on this experience, I have written and posted a new article on my site called "What Needs to Happen in 1.04".


It is my hope that you, or someone who you pass the link on to, will read this and will recognize the need for another patch. I enjoy this game immensely and want to see the support in the community increase. I have invested much of my personal time and resources in the past month to see that it does, as have many others. Please don't let us down.


Wesley Rast

ArtifeX *ASC*





From: Hoekstra, Kenn

To: 'Wesley Rast'

Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 12:53 PM

Subject: RE: ArtifeX's Guides


I will pass along your e-mail to the team in the event there is a 1.04.




Kenn Hoekstra

Project Administrator/

Director of Support Services

Raven Software Corporation






Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 11:50 AM

To: Hoekstra, Kenn

Subject: Re: ArtifeX's Guides


Thank you for the reply.


I beg you to urge them to read the articles whether or not they intend to have a version 1.04.





I will. We’ve gotten over one hundred e-mails about 1.03 and I’ve passed them all along to the team.




Kenn Hoekstra

Project Administrator/

Director of Support Services

Raven Software Corporation






Thanks for all the time you invested in the Game........



{XG} Snape

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