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interesting poll


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Interesting poll

I think it's interesting that the poll (front page of http://www.jediknightii.net )asking about the 1.03 patch shows that most people either think it needs a bit of modification or is otherwise perfect (so far at least anyway). I guess that this shows it is mainly the small but vocal part of the community that is saying


1 H8 TH15 P47CH 1T5 ST00P1D.



I don't mind people not liking the patch (hey, I'm not going to judge on preferences), but why is it that most people who do post about disliking it don't at least try to do so in a constructive manner (after all, you'll probably get a lot farther in having things changed). It's not as if Raven is personnaly making it their business to offend you or anything. They're just trying to do what the community wants and balance any unbalanced issues. Personnaly, I thought the game was fine before, and it seems fine now. Your comments on this poll?


BTW Yoda prevailing in a FFA match? Am I the only one that's confused?

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Because they are people with too much time on their hands and there poor range of skills are now drawn up very short.


As to Yoda winning, wait until you see him in Ep 2 you may change your mind on his power and ability.


then again maybe not.;)

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You must be a total idiot.


The poll currently states :


17.2 %HATE IT

11.6 % Changed too much, Means they hate most changes.

45.0 % Needs Tweaking, Means changes made are hated also.


and only


26.2 Like it ( mostly newbies playing with joysticks)


So we Have a total off 73.8% ->>>> HATE IT<<<<-


26.2% Like it (Idiots what else can u say )


Get the point, Majority Hate the changes !!!!

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Originally posted by revertto1.2

You must be a total idiot.


The poll currently states :


17.2 %HATE IT

11.6 % Changed too much, Means they hate most changes.

45.0 % Needs Tweaking, Means changes made are hated also.


and only


26.2 Like it ( mostly newbies playing with joysticks)


So we Have a total off 73.8% ->>>> HATE IT<<<<-


26.2% Like it (Idiots what else can u say )


Get the point, Majority Hate the changes !!!!


Ummm maybe you should spend more time at school and study statistics or something, because only 17.2% hate it, the others chose options where they said they DIDN'T hate it but disliked some changes, th eoption to select hate it was there and they didn't chose it so therefore they do NOT hate it, why is this difficult for you to grasp?

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I don't think that you realise that there is in fact a difference between people who want to see some tweaks in the patch, and people who hate it. People who vote for tweaking the patch generally agree that the patch is a good thing, it just needs to be balanced some more.


In any case, where do you get off calling anyone an idiot over an opinion? Perhaps you need to learn that just because someone has a different opinion to yourself doesn't automatically make them an idiot.

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You have to understand how many people such as myself, give the patch a 10 out of 10, but still vote "needs tweaking" This is simply an open-minded state, realizing as great as it is, there are still some unaddressed issues/new issues that need to be tweaked. That's all.


So the original post was correct in stating how people who "hate" the patch, are a minority (minority = newb morons)

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Like I said before, an opinion is an opinion, so if you do hate the patch, that doesn't automatically make you a moron. I just don't like the guys who continually slag off Raven when all they are trying to do is make things better for everyone. I mean they got that patch out real fast, and it did address a lot of the issues that people were complaining about on this board. Now, instead of saying thank you, a lot of the posts on this board are slagging off Raven again because they didn't get it 100% completely right the first time.


Believe it or not, but a lot of games these days take more than one patch to fix any problems (although personnally, I think this patch is fine). It takes time. So I really don't get people who go flying off the handle at Raven when all they are doing is trying to help and address issues raised by the community earlier. If you have a suggestion, make it. If you think something is wrong, voice that opinion. All I suggest is that you do it in a constructive manner (which will get you a lot farther than shouting, slagging off, and biting the hand that feeds you).

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I've noticed that people always assume the n00bs are the ones making all the "HATE THE PATCH" comments, and the patch haters assume that the n00bs are the ones that like the patch.


Lets have some equality for n00bs here guys. What single piece of evidence do people have that the n00bs are any trouble at all.


Before anyone looks at my tiny 'post-count' and starts calling me a n00b, let me stop you here, I've only registered recently but have been watching the forums for ages.

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Time for another story lol :)


So I'm in this duel game, and there are like 10 of us...so I am the one leading with 6 (only because all of those who were leading with 15-25 left :p), so like this guy enteres from observer, and we start fighting. I of course beat him, and then he goes into observer and calls me nOOb (like its some sort of an insult :rolleyes: ), so then I went with "Oh, and you are what, a pro?"


hehehe :)

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Whoa, I didn't think I was even implying that N00bs were causing the problems. If I was then apologise to N00bs everywhere (myself included).


In any case my point still stands, and that is:


YODA winning a FFA? Come on


I could understand Darth Vader, Obi Wan and the rest (even the emperor) winning, but yoda:confused: ? Can anyone explain this to me? Bear in mind this is before episode II.


Wait a sec, that wasn't my main point, was it? *looks up*

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