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Let's Change The Name of This Forum...

Jedi SuperBuen

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Hey let's change the name of this forum to "Bitching and whinning about how LEC makes games for consoles and not games for the PC **that I like**".


All it's been on this forum has been is "LucasArts sucks because they come out with games for kids" "or all LucasArts WILL make is games for P$2" "LucasArts should make games that I like"


None of you can predict the future. Sure they cancelled Obi-Wan for the PC and it sucked and I signed the petition and all that stuff. But it is now time, like many of us, to get over it and not dwell on that. It's been discussed so many times...


Just want to give you all a head's up that you sound like a 10 year old kid who is used to getting everything they want and now your mommy told you no so you're just going to keep whinning and whinning until she says yes.



You can do it your own way

Just as long as it's done just how I say...

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Guest Brian29

Ya your right maybe we should call it the kiss ass forum instead?? Hmmm Stocks in LucasArts perhaps or just fringe benefits??





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Well either we're whining about the games or whining about each other it seems.


You don't have to like it. Me, I'm over it. Yeah, a game I was looking forward to isn't coming to the platform I wanted.


My only resentment lies in that I was built up by the hype from the company for it, then was letdown by them. But, I have forgiven them and moved on.


Still, everyone can express their own opinions. Nothing in this forums says you have to like everything LEC has ever created and always be positive about them. As long as people aren't making death threats and using tons of profanity, it's fine.



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Seems to me it's just venting frustration. Maybe in a place where someone else feels the same way. Yep, there's nothing theat can be done, except wait for announcements, and praying. I don't see a LucasArts forum so that we can post at the source. I doubt they'd have time to moderate it anyway, busy making games for the PS2, then they'll have to change when the X-Box comes out, and make games for it. Wait-a-minute? That thing sounds like a stripped down version of a PC anywho... maybe they'll come full circle.


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Originally posted by Jedi SuperBuen:


Just want to give you all a head's up that you sound like a 10 year old kid who is used to getting everything they want and now your mommy told you no so you're just going to keep whinning and whinning until she says yes.


We may sound like 10 year olds but if we REALLY 10 year olds we would goto Lucas Arts site and see this pic:


And start jumping up and down and say "Mommy! look it's not just Racer... it's SUPER BOMBADRacing! That means it must be better. Besides, Racer was too hard for me!"


Then mommy would say,"Yes, I remember Yoda Stories, it was too violent in my opinion, but lets walk on the wild side and buy this one!"


If we were 10 years old we would say:

"Mommy look at this pic!



Boba Fett is fighting an SandSpeeder that doesn't have anybody driving the thing it must be remote control! Nevermind the tank is from another Star Wars era which makes no sense whatsoever! That looks AWESOME I remember in Mysteries of the Sith fighting that Rancor was too hard and I had to use cheats because I was so little. If you don't give me this game I am going to say the 'D' word!"


Mommy would say,"You know what mommy and daddy told you if you said 'Darn' that we wouldn't buy you any more Pokemon cards!"


Or as a 10 year old we would say:

"I can't play games like Homeworld, Half-Life, Quake 3, UT, Counter-Strike, Age of Empires, No One Lives Forever, Deus ex, Sacrifice, or Giants because it is too hard an advanced but look at this pic!


You fly a cute little starfighter with a gamepad though a 20th century earth city! This game has to be easy! Mommy please buy it?"


Then mommy would say, "Okay son get off the computer!"


And we would say, "Yeah! I need to do my homework. I can't wait I am learning division today!"





On a serious note, I can see Jedi Superbuen's point. But on the same note, we are venting, just because he is "over it" doesn't mean the rest of the world should be too. That is why every human being is an indiviual and we all don't have the same hair styles, same clothes, listen to the same music, ect. And that's okay.


No one has to read these threads, and no one has to "grow up" either.


Lets try to be respectful and not call people names at least.





[This message has been edited by Darth_Lando (edited January 26, 2001).]

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Good enough Darth_Lando, I can see your maturity (this is not sarcasm I am refering to the "serious" part of your post) and I agree: Just because some people got over it, doesn't mean that everyone else should. Freedom of speech, I'm all for it. And venting is fine.


I'm telling you though... For someone who doesn't like SBR, u sure are up to date with the game and the pics on here smile.gif Come on admit YOU'RE A CLOSET SBR FAN!!! wink.gif



You can do it your own way

Just as long as it's done just how I say...

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Originally posted by Jedi SuperBuen:


For someone who doesn't like SBR, u sure are up to date with the game and the pics on here smile.gif Come on admit YOU'RE A CLOSET SBR FAN!!! wink.gif




Haha! That is FUNNY! I have to admit, you got me good on that one!


I should lighten up around here myself. I don't want to spoil anyones fun around at this message board.


Thanks for the joke though, that gave me a good laugh!


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Hey Lando, what's wrong with showing pictures from magasines to your mom, I still do it. (especially when there are funny captions underneath it biggrin.gif) That way, she understands what I'm talking about. She even knows the difference between "Hadoken" and "Shoryuken", and to please Sailor Meike, she knows 90% of the DBZ-cast and understands the basic plotlines.(altough-like me- she doesn't know what all that grunting and staring is good for!) Heck, I don't have to complain with my mom, she understands games.(and beats me at Tetris, and we are equally powerfull in Bust-A-Move)




I am your father.

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