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The answer to all saber fights? What do Jedi see?


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Semi-slow motion with visual "precognition".


Yes, that's right.


You're using the force, right? (Ok, if just any ole person picks up a dropped saber, then, no. This is also why some dude with a lightsaber will never win against Jedi unless the Jedi wants it.)


So instead of just hacking around, which many people seem to be complaining about, how about an option for this:


Semi-slow motion - you're thinking fast... you're seeing slow. You know, bullet time type thing.


The catch is this: the better you are, the further "ahead" of your opponent you can "see" -


Suppose you're about to be shot at by some guy with a blaster. Your vision goes to slow-mo precognition; you see a visual "target" area where you're going to be receiving some hot beam. So, being as fast as you are (seeing ahead), you move your saber to about that position, the force takes over, "pulls" your light beam exactly into position, and the shot is blocked. If a bunch of people are shooting at you, these "target areas" differ in hue, perhaps from a dull yellow to red hot, based on the order in which they're going to hit.


Let's say you're up against some stormtrooper who thinks he's crafty and picked up a lightsaber -


Well, you go to slow-mo vision again, and can see where his swing is going based on a transparent "swing arc" type thing which appears based on the type of attack you're about to experience... You now know where to block. And since you're WAY faster in this case, you can command your characther to block, then attack... Think really long motion trails.


Against other Jedi, well, you may not get as strong a precognition.


I've been thinking for quite a while that the force, if you REALLY want the player to feel in control, needs visual cues... As attacks change in real-time, where appropriate, new visualizations fade in while old ones fade out.


What does a Jedi see?


This type of system would possibly need a new range of blocking moves.


I mean, watching your guy blocking blaster fire is very cool, but actually doing it would be great.

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Why not?


I'd like to read those threads if you have any links.


BTW, yes, it can be done. Maybe not with this engine, but it can be done.


Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

No go, can't be done...it was discussed before

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slow-mo in MP ???


lol you know how much lag that produces ???

and imagine how powerfull your pc has to be to calculate it all ...


you'll need a 1Ghz on low reso for that kind of action ... maybe in the far future when we all have a 60Ghz pc and a 1Gig downloadcapacity.


good idea, but not going to work now ...

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who cares about now? Have some vision. jeez. cant be done. if everyone thought like that we wouldnt be playing with "sabers" on the "internet" at all. I think you guys need some jedi precog yourselves. its not that far away. look at max payne, integrate next gen internet, and voila! Don't drink the hater-aid gentlemen.

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Maybe I misunderstood something here, but slow motion in multiplayer? Like using Speed in single player, or like the slo-mo in Max payne?


The problem with that in multiplayer, is that you are not alone... You can't slow yourself down, without slowing everything else down as well.

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Originally posted by starbucks

who cares about now? Have some vision. jeez. cant be done. if everyone thought like that we wouldnt be playing with "sabers" on the "internet" at all. I think you guys need some jedi precog yourselves. its not that far away. look at max payne, integrate next gen internet, and voila! Don't drink the hater-aid gentlemen.


It can't be done...that doesnt mean it wont be doable later, but IT CANT BE DONE NOW...read the damn tense...


Originally posted by Kairon

Maybe I misunderstood something here, but slow motion in multiplayer? Like using Speed in single player, or like the slo-mo in Max payne?


The problem with that in multiplayer, is that you are not alone... You can't slow yourself down, without slowing everything else down as well.


Yep, otherwise it's two paralel games (you got slow, they got fast, aint mixin) ;)

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Originally posted by turner

I wasn't talking about JKII.


So, those threads, then?



Yes you were talking about JK2 because you posted it on a JK2 forum...maybe you need some thicker glasses though.....


Btw, I'm not you fricking bus boy, go find the damn threads yourself. If you werent so caught up in what you have to say, you would go find a recent thread talking about this...

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You're hired.


For those of you who think it can't be done - working at McDonald's isn't so bad, plus they've got great fries.


"You can't do it" = "I can't do it"


Originally posted by starbucks

who cares about now? Have some vision. jeez. cant be done. if everyone thought like that we wouldnt be playing with "sabers" on the "internet" at all. I think you guys need some jedi precog yourselves. its not that far away. look at max payne, integrate next gen internet, and voila! Don't drink the hater-aid gentlemen.

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Taking the easy way out, I see.


Generally the way the weak minded work. Path of least resistance and all.


Ah, ye who is never wrong. Back when I was 18 I knew everything too. I've forgotten so much since then.


And yes, you are my bus boy.


Bye now.


Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El


Yes you were talking about JK2 because you posted it on a JK2 forum...maybe you need some thicker glasses though.....


Btw, I'm not you fricking bus boy, go find the damn threads yourself. If you werent so caught up in what you have to say, you would go find a recent thread talking about this...

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Yeah, it's ok. Open mindedness is what gives me a distinct advantage over people like you. Who do you think a game company would hire, a pasty whiner like yourself whose mind is shut?


It's refreshing. Luckily it's a matter of natural ability and maturity, so I really don't think I have much to worry about.


Now why not run over to Scripps and build yourself a tree fort?


Oh, and stop by Donberto's and grab me a carne asada burrito. And hurry it up.


Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El



*Operation, grasping at straws*




And with that sentence you really show how stupid you are...

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Originally posted by turner

Yeah, it's ok. Open mindedness is what gives me a distinct advantage over people like you. Who do you think a game company would hire, a pasty whiner like yourself whose mind is shut?


No, who they would hire, would be someone who can think realistically, not someone who dreams about things that arent accomplishable at the moment.


It's refreshing. Luckily it's a matter of natural ability and maturity, so I really don't think I have much to worry about.


Yes, the maturity of your vast imagination that does no-one nothing good, and only complexes and wastes space here on this forum.


Now why not run over to Scripps and build yourself a tree fort?


Oh, and stop by Donberto's and grab me a carne asada burrito. And hurry it up.


I don't even know what those things mean, which really point on what you are since you do know what they mean...

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Hey - I've read some of your other posts just to see if I was on track or not.


I am.


Now, excuse me, I have to go determine how to make your posts invisible to me.


Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El


No, who they would hire, would be someone who can think realistically, not someone who dreams about things that arent accomplishable at the moment.




Yes, the maturity of your vast imagination that does no-one nothing good, and only complexes and wastes space here on this forum.




I don't even know what those things mean, which really point on what you are since you do know what they mean...

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Originally posted by Kairon

Maybe I misunderstood something here, but slow motion in multiplayer? Like using Speed in single player, or like the slo-mo in Max payne?


The problem with that in multiplayer, is that you are not alone... You can't slow yourself down, without slowing everything else down as well.


as kairon pointed out, its not an issue of current technology....

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Uh... Someone explain to me how having slow-mo with only one person and not everyone else would work. The only way to do it would be to actually make them move slower, which would obviously give others the advantage. You can't have improved speed in comparison to everyone else(like in singleplayer) without slowing them down as well. It's simply not possible until there are wires going to your brain that actually do give you enhanced reaction times. Or that slow down your perception of time while your character is sped up to make it seem to you as if everyone else is slowing down.

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What I'm picturing is essentially a 1 v 1 fight where you are both in slow mo, a la bullet time - where there may be no actual speed advantage, you will see the other's moves via the "force vision overlay" or whatever you like to call it a little sooner maybe - this simulates the enhanced reaction times, like in Max Payne or the Matrix or whatever.


Now, in a MP game, it's a different basket of bricks.... indeed, you can't have people moving at different paces in real time.


Hey, time for some creativity. For now, saber fights like this in singleplayer or 1 v 1 are certainly possible.




Originally posted by Zek

Uh... Someone explain to me how having slow-mo with only one person and not everyone else would work. The only way to do it would be to actually make them move slower, which would obviously give others the advantage. You can't have improved speed in comparison to everyone else(like in singleplayer) without slowing them down as well. It's simply not possible until there are wires going to your brain that actually do give you enhanced reaction times. Or that slow down your perception of time while your character is sped up to make it seem to you as if everyone else is slowing down.

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