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The answer to all saber fights? What do Jedi see?


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"Hey, time for some creativity. For now, saber fights like this in singleplayer or 1 v 1 are certainly possible. "


Of course its possible in single player.. its allready there. Try using Force Speed :)


But in multiplayer.. no.. not even 1 on 1. It is of course possible to slow everyone down, but really, what would be the point?


If it would allow me to take 30 seconds to carefully aim my lightsaber against an unguarded part of my opponents body, wouldn't my opponent still have those same 30 seconds to recognize what I am trying to do, and carefully move out of the way?


All we would have would be regular fights in slow motion, wich IMO sounds extremely boring...

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Originally posted by turner

Hey - I've read some of your other posts just to see if I was on track or not.


I am.


Now, excuse me, I have to go determine how to make your posts invisible to me.



Can't wait...Just please hurry up with it, so I don't have to read posts of you referenced to me since they are below the average standard to be considered a post.....


Originally posted by The Rocket Man

Hmm - Quite a nice post to read.


But =SSC=Kal-El (if that IS your real name), you are the bus boy.


Yes that feels good coming from a man who has 1 post, and named himself after an Elton John song :rolleyes:...What's wrong, can't find anything good to name yourself today with? And what kind of a dope you must be to think that =SSC=Kal-El is my name...*sigh*


Originally posted by revertto1.2

=SSC=Kal-El why dont u go suck some co ck, u may learn a thing or 2.




REVERT TO 1.02 !!


Right, given that you are this close from being banned, if you already arent...


Originally posted by Arrghman


as kairon pointed out, its not an issue of current technology....


I know, but it would be a different game because you would have to write a bunch of new stuff for JK2 (don't get sidetracked, we ARE talking about JK2 here, and if we aren't, go post on some other forum), so it's not doable...unless you know how to code the engine, and make it your own from scratch.....

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I'm thinking along the lines of not total slow motion, but pretty slow compared to normal speed, maybe 1/3...


Anyway, I guess I'm imagining it like this (kind of)... keep in mind 1/3 or 1/2 full speed...


We meet and one or both of us draw sabers...I want to take an overhead chop at you - so I hit key "w" or whatever. Before my blow is delivered, assuming you are jedi, of course, you see an overhead arc from my sabre - keep in mind this is only perhaps 1 second before my swing occurs. You can move out of the way (probably needing force speed here) or block overhead.


As you decide to move sideways, you also hit a key which initiates a crosswise slash - I see your "ghost" move to the side, and a dim lightsaber arc, which I have to block, and do. I decide to follow my block with a diagonal slash, but you've already hit the key to do a slash of your own, feeling I won't be fast enough - and you're right, because my block slows me down a little, since you're not facing me straight-on, and you're already chopping, so off goes my arm.


This melee may take as little real-time as 5 seconds. But if both sides are careful, hey, it may take a minute or so - still a lot shorter than most saber fights in the movies I think.


The caveat here is that if you do too many successive moves, you might end up just swinging away like a moron while your opponent moves behind you (being able to see a bunch of your swings where they will take place ahead of time) and burns you a new one.


Now, assuming you hit say 5 combos, and your guy is there doing them - at any time you can change the next move not yet done, at a cost of a little speed.


So it's a tradeoff - you probably have to take a little risk to gain an advantage. Maybe a really hard swing will take a fraction of a second longer to execute, but will slow your opponent (put him behind your "force vision) by three fractions of a second.


Hey, I dunno.


Originally posted by Kairon

"Hey, time for some creativity. For now, saber fights like this in singleplayer or 1 v 1 are certainly possible. "


Of course its possible in single player.. its allready there. Try using Force Speed :)


But in multiplayer.. no.. not even 1 on 1. It is of course possible to slow everyone down, but really, what would be the point?


If it would allow me to take 30 seconds to carefully aim my lightsaber against an unguarded part of my opponents body, wouldn't my opponent still have those same 30 seconds to recognize what I am trying to do, and carefully move out of the way?


All we would have would be regular fights in slow motion, wich IMO sounds extremely boring...

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You guys are funny! I like how worked up everyone gets over a discussion whether or not an idea will work. I thought the name calling was below the belt and unnecessary, but so was the name ripping. Come on man, you are grasping at insults when you say someones name is stupid. So you sat there at your comp thinking about your name longer... whoopee!

I think that the bullet time idea has potential. So many things in history emphasize how dreamers accomplish things (ie...Columbus, Wright Brothers, the list goes on.) Theres no point in saying without a doubt things won't work.

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Ok this is how I see it.I understand what ur idea is, and in single player it could possible to pull off.Sure u might need a new engine and powerful pc but we wont go into that. But in multi player it just cant work the way u hav explained it. Because if i press a button to attack and on ur screen u see an attack arc just b4 i pull off the move, that means there will hav to be a delay

from the moment i press the attack button to when i pull off the move.So it will always seem like there is a big lag which will slow down fights and will totally destroy your idea of fast,controlled battles.


and its been said a thousand times already but u cant slow down one person but not the others in multiplayer.We all know that cant be done.Well not now anyway.


And I will probably get a post from turner sayin how closed minded I am.But I also think it is abit ignorant that you think we are closed minded just because we say your idea wont work.Yes there have been many "crazy" ideas which turned out to be great.But there have also been more ideas that dont work.


I think this idea could work for single player but for multi player I cant see any way of it working.But I am just talkin about the idea of attack arcs.I think maybe simplifyin the idea could hav possibilities.For example, if you are looking at someone attacking with a lightsaber head on, it is very hard to read where the attack is actually goin to hit. So maybe (for example) arrows could be added to show what side of ur character is goin to be hit then you press the appropriate direction to block with ur saber.


The "hit indicator" would come up as soon as the opponent makes the attack so you will have to react very quickly.But I think that is the whole point.Just because you are meant to be a jedi doesnt mean you should have everythin handed to u on a plate.It would require alot of practice and fast reactions to become very good.And I believe that is wat games are about, the person who puts in the most effort should be rewarded.


Anyways I'll get off my soapbox now.That is my view and I'll stand by it.So attack me if ya want.I await your reply. :smirk2:

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I think what he's getting at is that evgeryone in the game is at half speed, not just YOU. That works, since everyone is still in the same time frame, it just gives enough time for the computer to render the lines of attack and for you to react to them. It would be pretty cool, but it might get old after a while. I think the best way to encorporate something like this would be to have it as a modification to duel mode in FFA or as a server variable.

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To incorperate this into Multiplayer, we have to change our POV on things... Instead of slowing TIME down on the server, why cant we slow down the PLAYERS?


Imagine this... normal things going on in the background, two people start a fight... their attacks put them into slow motion with real time around them...


It wouldn't have to slow down everyone and it would be an interesting way to play...


And yes, you can easily slow down people with our current technology. Ever heard of timescale?

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yea i was thinkin about this a while back. u could have a new type of private duels in ffa where u both go into slow-mo and u gotta manually parry and block and attack with different buttons. i think its a cool idea...now if someone can just make it a reality.

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Imagine this... normal things going on in the background, two people start a fight... their attacks put them into slow motion with real time around them...


now we are talkin! duel Challenges could put two competitors in 1/3 slow mo for a brief burst of action, as gun battles blaze in the background in realtime.


I like the hit arrow warning, keeping it simple might work( a back warning like spidersense, but using the force would be useful.).


In streetfighter you can counter someones moves by seeing what combo they are doing visually and coming up with a breaker move. Why not here? a right slash telegraphed would lead to a counter left block, or you get hit!


As I said before, it may not even be possible now, but why not think of solutions instead of problems? The world would be a better place, and so would this forum.

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