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A pretty dumb question....

Guest SL_Ki-Adi Mundi

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Guest SL_Ki-Adi Mundi

Around when will this game come out¿? I'd like to know so Ill know when to start saving my money and I can go buy it immediatly. Thx




SL_Ki-Adi Mundi

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well very dumb question

nobady knows when itll come out

some people guess dates, other says they d heard rumours, but nobady knows

how long is force commander late?I hope Obi-Wan appears the next year, and not in the 2001

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Guest Mentat[Hoth]

LEC has only 'officially' said that it will come out in within the first half of 2000(this is according to the article at gamespot). Originally there were rumors that it would be out by Christmas but that was soon proven wrong. Most things surrounding Obi Wan are only rumors. Another interesting rumor is that all of these people keep telling me that there is a DF3 in the making, and that they saw the official story at so and so, but I visit these sites daily, and there was never such a story. The only place that I saw a misleading story was at the JK Archives awhile back, saying that DF3 had officially been released. Since then everything seems to be from nothing more than word of mouth(sorry, I'm in a talkative mood).





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At the beginning LEC said something about this X-mas (look at the video).


But I heard something about March 2000 (rumor). I know someone who knows someone (*vbg*) at THQ/Softgold, the german publisher for LEC games.





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[This message has been edited by Neumi (edited December 10, 1999).]

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Guest Ikhnaton

I'd like to know where everyone gets their info about OB1. I never see anything on the LA website. Could someone give me a URL or two?



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There are no significant URL's.


I get my Infos from PC Games Germany and some people from the Net.


The only "official" statement from LEC was on E3, I think.


They didn't even announce the game on theyr hp.


But in the LEC store catalogue included with IJ5 there was a short statement that it WILL be produced. But there was a statement of Force Commander too, so nothing is sure.


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Guest Darth Kurgan

ObiWan was planned for Fall 1999 originally, then delayed till Winter 1999, then "First Half 2000" and that's the latest word. It is coming, and nobody knows if it will have multiplayer, or be editable, or be good or bad, we just have to wait for it to come out!




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited February 08, 2000).]

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  • 1 month later...
Guest SL_Ki-Adi Mundi

Well after all the contreversy over at Massassi when those 3 new shots came from Obi-Wan.jedicore.net I think it should come out sometime before June or July. Some people even say March or May. lol. But Who knows. We just have to wait. Those screens are good though.





SL_Ki-Adi Mundi

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Guest jedimathias

The last mag with obi1 and some other source that I cannot remember did NOT say first half of 2000 it said first quarter of 2000 (2Q 00)

That means before or around March.

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Guest Darth Kurgan

If it was coming out in March, I think it would be all over LEC's website by now, don't you think?


2Q would mean "Second Quarter" (April-June), btw. First Half 2000 means Jan-June, but of course knowing release dates for games always get pushed back, we pick the later months of the first half 2000 (May, June, early July).


I heard Quarter 1 2000 (which would be Jan-March), THEN I heard first half 2000. So I think that's more likely than next month (and we're already well into February).




[This message has been edited by Darth Kurgan (edited February 08, 2000).]

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Guest jedimathias

O0ps, sorry Kurgan i meant 1Q 00 not 2Q 00. (i sorta contradicted myself didn't I) :-)


[This message has been edited by jedimathias (edited February 09, 2000).]

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Guest Vagabond

Man, if Obi-Wan doesn't have MP, then they can count me out. Game over.





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Guest Grand Admiral Thrawn

I would expect Obi-Wan to be out by Christmas this year, so everyone can buy it for their kiddies.


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The metro games website ie the Australian distributor of Lucasarts games and many other fine products has been updated.


Star Wars Episode 1: Obi Wan, seems to have been pushed back from March to August 2000. So it may have been delayed again. I think perhaps if this is early August you Americans will have a chance at grabbing it in July a few weeks before this tentative release date.


Another thing interesting to note, is that this game is also listed as an adventure game. Perhaps Metro Games put FPS's as adventure games, I'm not totally sure, but it can give us an idea of what the platform may be.


Other release dates that may be of interest to is


Force Commander March 2000: strategy;

Jedi Power battles April 2000: Arcade for playstation.


remember these are dates for the Australian release. Games can come out a few weeks before hand for Americans. But I think its been anounced that Jedi Power Battles was meant for release at the same time as the release of TPM on VHS.

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I personally hope Obi-Wan (the game) is out around the end of June cause then my family would be back from vacation and that's when my birthday is. If it doesn't come out then, I'll make a withdrawal at the bank and get it myself if I have to. Even though I'm having loads of fun with Age of Kings right now...



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- Obi-Wan Kenobi




[This message has been edited by Qui Kenobi (edited February 16, 2000).]

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