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Anyone working on a Mace Windu skin?


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There's my version. I started working on it earlier when I saw DaAdmiral's post. After seeing Attack of the Clones twice, I just couldn't pass up a Mace Windu skin since he kicks so much ass :) This is my third skin (first I've ever posted screenshots of, other than my little Avatar icon :)


This is Mace as depcited in Episode 2 (I don't think theres a difference between how he looked in Ep1 and Ep2, but just in case, I'm making that distinction :) The clothes are 100% from scratch, the boots and hands recolored, the head/face modified massively from the Jedi 2 originals. I think Windu could be skinned better, maybe I'll revisit it after I've had more practice, or some more models come out :)




(PS - be brutaly honest in your feedback :) The length of the quasi-robes/shirt/whatever I already know of, unfortunately I couldn't make it any longer with this particular model. Couldn't find another model that worked bald.)

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I can see the interest in here!


I, too, am working on a Mace Windu skin that is really starting to look nice, though I'm usually not one to comment. I'm working hard, inspired by Absath, Bloodriot, and Sithlord-II, to make this skin as real as possible.


I'm going to attempt to contact the author of "Mace Sundancer" to gain permission to work off his form. I think that is a completely new model, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it includes robes that actually flow down to about mid-thigh as part of the model rather than a skinned effect and nearly everything about the model is perfect for generating Mace Windu except for the contours of the face and ears.


I'll keep you guys posted. I've been working on this off and on for several weeks, and I actually foung a way to simulate Jackson's large nose. Took me a while, I must say!

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Well, the main reason I think I won't put mine up is because I'm working hard to try and get some skin pack stuff going, and I don't want to add my skin if there's a better one out :) My ultimate goal is to make some universally used skin packs so that people can actually use the skins in multiplayer. What I WILL do, however, is create another Jedi based on the clothes I made (and I'll keep refining them till I'm totally happy :). There's a LOT of material to work with in Episode 2 (Just saw it in the theatre, bootleg VCDs can't compare :) ), so I may make another Jedi from the movie, or invent my own (I kind of prefer that, it's fun creating new people :) I'm really excited about what's going to happen as everyone begins to see Episode 2. I predict the modelers among us will kick it up a notch when they see all the cool Jedi in the movie, and that will give us skinners more material to work with, too :)


Right now, I'm putting my vote on the Mace Windu I linked to above for the skin pack, but I definitely want to see what DaJo puts together too :)




(PS - thanks for the positive feedback :) It's really very encouraging. I'll get some skins done that I'll release in the near future :) )

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Yes, that was true (WAS being the operative word). Lucas' daughters are NSync fans, and the Nsync guys apparently really wanted to be in Star Wars, so they did a tiny bit of filming. It was always said that you would never notice them at all, but things heated up, people got really agitated, some people thought it would somehow ruin the movie, and George decided to snip them from the film. Personally, it wouldn't have bothered me if they had been in, all they would have had is about 2.5 seconds worth of film time, and no one would have noticed without knowing what to look for. So to answer your question, no, N*Sync is not in AOTC.



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Hmm, I think you're right, I should have used that one, it would have worked better for the type of clothes I was using. I used the Jedi model with the alternate head and face for mine. I might have another go at it using the Chiss, though



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Hmm..never considered Chiss. Doesn't he have noticable horns on his head?


I was looking a LONG time at the Weequay, since Mike Gummelt told me I could remove his hair piece with surfs (I think that's what he meant), but the facial expression is too mean, and the armor is somewhat 3D, which doesn't suit a Windu skin.


I found out from Matt "Arco" Fergusen that he reskinned one of the available models, or someone else's model, so tweaking the facial contours is not possible. However, nobody sees the face as close as I was looking at it to get good details so I'm still going to roll with it. The shape of the hair is perfect for baldness, anyway. I'm thrilled with the way the nose came out. It's perfectly aligned!


Sorry, no screens yet. But once I get somewhere further along I'll post em. Gotta give credit to Arco, though. "Mace Sundancer" has a very good plainclothes template to work from, and the sound effects supplied with his model will work well for Windu. Stay tuned!


BradFu! Keep up the good work. Don't throw your Mace down the drain...definitely work on it and include it with the model pack you mentioned.

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I was also looking at the Weequay, but gave it up because of the length of the back of his head, as well as his ears. For the armor, though, you can turn that off. You can switch him over to a basic jumpsuit type of state.


I'm not going to completely abandon my Windu skin, I'm just going to go a different direction with it and make it a different character :)



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Please forgive me for my ignorance when I spoke about Chiss. For some reason I thought he was the Transdoshan...you know...names like Bossk, Krussk, Chiss all seem to fit together. But Chiss is indeed the blue guy, and he was also the template for Arco's Sundancer skin.


I am emailing Mike Gummelt right now about the possibilities of modifying a glm file in a 3D program. If anyone knows how to import glm into Max or Maya, no matter how round-about the method, please let me know. I could just put a Windu skin on Chiss, but the shape of the head is really bothering me. I need to taper it a bit, and stick the ears out more. there are also some areas on Chiss where the hair does in fact come out from the scalp, so I need to smooth that out too.


I'll see if I can get some screens up this weekend.:mace:

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I finally got around to examining the other Mace Windu skin that I thought I liked, but now I've changed my mind, I like mine better :) The face and head on the other one just aren't good. I'm going to finish it up tonight and submit it.



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I too am making a mace windu skin. Its a modification of Omars, and I believe it looks a lot more like Samuel L. Jackson. unfortunetally i need to modify the model to make it look *REALLY* good, so until i can figure out how to do that i cant finish it. Also im having some trouble in making the bot show up on the bot menu. it has CTF and CTY support and a taunt, "this party's over" from episode II.

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I have had the same problem. The model needs to be modified. I just can't submit something for you guys to look at when the darn bumps in the model's forehead are as noticable as they are. I wish there was a way to take a glm file and convert it to something Max or Maya can read so I can modify the head to really be bald.


I may be misunderstanding the whoel deal with XSI files, though. There is some XSI support for a couple models to be imported into Max, but I'm not big on all the technical stuff...just the art. What can I do with an XSI file? If I can modify a model this way and bind it to the animation.cfg, then once the XSI support comes out for Chiss, you all will have a kick-butt Windu model. Until then, I'm working on Obi-Wan, though no model has ENOUGH hair for this project! LOL...one extreme to the next. I'll try to get by with Galak.



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