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my Darth vader model :-) in progress


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Looks pretty damned good.

But the cape is wrong on the back. It goes up over the shoulders and around his neck.


The second thing I noticed is the part of the helmet that covers Vaders mouth. I think it's too bulky, and the .... hm, how can I describe it.

Ok, imagine Vader is looking to the right, then the part before is mouth has to have this angle / , but every model i see has it this way around \ . So his head looks some kind of ape head.


on this pic he looks up, and the mentioned part of the helmet is still a vertical line.

I hope you got what I mean.

I go and find you some other pics. If you can correct this small things this can be the perfect vader model.

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thx for your comments!! :-))

i don't think the eyes are too big but you're right about cape and head...i'll change that..but about the cape...there is a probleme...if i move it as you say..it will move inside body because there are not polygons enough ..you know?...but i'm waiting to test my model to adjust the cape...:-)

thx a lot..


--sorry for my plain english i'm french--

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veeerry nice. But a bit too black. It should have more than just one colour in it. blues and greens and browns for the different bits... but only slightly diffrent hues so as to not take away from the overall blackness but still make it seem more real. look at my skin for sithlords model as an example. But still yes very very nice work... it has that bulky feeling that darth has. TOP WORK!



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Tiens, un camarade français :)

Et doué en plus :)

Beau boulot, ton Vador a l'air vraiment bien fait.

Juste une question, est-ce que la cape sera soudée aux bras et jambes, comme le modèle de Sithlord, ou sera-t'elle animée indépendament?

En tout cas, bravo :)



Sorry , I'm french, and I prefer reply in french, 'cause my english is too bad ;)

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Speaking of capes...I know that JKO is just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle (a lot) more based on the Quake 3 engine. Now, in Q3 Areana, the little loincloths(sp) on the characters flapped in the wind and stuff. There's GOT to be some kind of way to make that happen here. I can't find it, for the life of me, though. I wish that Raven would just...argh! I wish they'd just give away the little secret to DO that. Hmm....Maybe if I say Mike Grummelt's name three times, he will appear before me and give me the secret! :D Well, probably shouldn't do that...the last person whose name I shouted three times appeared in a ring of fire and asked if I wanted to sell my soul to him... ;) j/k *tries* Mike Mike Mike! *peers around* Aw. Dang it.

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merci bien du compliment :D ..ca me fait plaisir.

la cape c'est exactement ce sur quoi je suis en train de bosser...apparement y'as pas moeyn de l'animer independemment ,j ai essayer comme sithlord mais je trouve ca pas terrible..et je trouve que dans le jeu mon perso a comme qui dirait fait un régime...lourd..dc y'as encore du boulot...je ferais une version sans cape en plus je pense..je sent qu'elle vas me gonfler tres vite la cape..

puis j'ai la texture de la ceinture qui marche pas quand je l'essaie dans le jeu..alors qu'avec le model viewer je la vois...que des merdes ...:-))


ps:t'inkiet je suis une brêle en englais aussi


in english :p


to wedge_spg


thanks for your compliment i'm happy(lol)

I'm just working on this cape..and i think there is only one way to anim it: like sithlord model.But i tried that ..and i think it's wrong not awesome enough...i think i ll make a realease without the cape...to try and see..

I tried my model into the game..and it's strange the mesh seem to be smaller(more small lol)...

another probleme, a map didn't work...the belt...?why????very strange..i can see it into the modelviewer...damnit


ps:don't worry i don't speak english very well too..


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in what ****ING movie did u ever see his ass?


he always wore the cap so u couldnt see the ass so not strange u dont remember...

maybe when he died and were a ghost but not even then u could see his friggin ass...


that ass is VERY nice modelled i have to say. Very nicely done indeed this model and skinning... biggest problem is the cape!

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lol...mrlove you're right

we can't see the darth vader's ass in the movie..but i saw he seem to be a little fat...see him next to luke or han solo...

then..i built his ass a little fat ...and a little muscular..:D

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