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1.03 constructive criticism


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Since so many people dislike the patch, including me, I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread about making the next patch better. Here are a couple changes I would like to see


1. Sabers should kill in one hit. This would be great with the new blocking, your blocking would depend on your stance, strong would have the best blocking and light would have the worst but you'd have more chances to hit. I also think that it would be much more thrilling if you knew one little screw up and your dead. Dueling would also require a lot more skill, sure there would be some lucky swings but a skilled player should know how to aviod them. This would probably decrease the use of guns since you wouldnt have any defense and lets face it, if someone with a saber catchs up with someone with a gun, the person with a gun should be dead. Since I know some people will not like this idea it would be good to be an option on the server like sabers only


2. Do something about people having their saber down. To many people think having your saber down means free shot. You should be able to take no damage from one hit with your saber down. Here you get a warning that the person doesnt want to duel

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#2 isn't the least bit practicle. What if I'm almost dead, so I unlight my saber and go and get health because no one can kill me.


Please, give a little thought to what you post. It's half-baked posts like these that influanced Raven into making JK2 crap in 1.03.

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I agree. Overall, I like 1.03 alot more than 1.02. No DFA spammers. Sure the backstab move is being expoited now, but I don't think that will be a problem for very long. I thought changing heal/drain was too severe at first, but now I i think that it's good that someone can't just refill their health continually in a long fight. Sorry you can't be jedi medic/vampire anymore. The only other thing I don't like about sabers is that the block seems a little too high now...it takes some of the elements of timing out of the game.


With the old patch this meant alot of players used red and would try to nick you with the end of the saber at the right moment to go 90 damage. Now the attacks and styles seem better overall, but the defense is too high to let a really good player kill lesser players saber vs saber. I think it should be lowered a little bit, and the backstab move made so you can't charge backwards through a fight with it. Other than that I like 1.03 alot.

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I do not like the patch as much as some, but I do not agree with either #1 or #2.


#1 is not smart because it is a computer game and while it might be nice to have a realistic game, it might not be the most fun or enjoyable way to go. I do, however, agree that damage needs to be kicked up a notch.


#2...well, if you have your saber down, you are a free shot. If you don't like this, then put your saber up. It's really not that hard. It's like expecting me to not shoot a burglar just because his gun is put away. Granted, this isn't the best example, so how about one from Star Wars. Remember in ROTJ--"You are unwise to lower your defenses." Uh-huh, yeah...

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Seems like Im being flamed for my views. O well if you want to flame me thats your problem. Now to the people who actually said something helpful


To torment the guy who got angry about the taking 1 hit with your saber down. If the one hit kill with saber was implemented it wouldnt really matter. With guns, I guess they could make it so you arent protected from guns. Any moron would know that a guy with a gun doesnt want to duel


To pendanic, if blocking is raised the one hit kill thing wont be a problem. Its hard enough to hit someone know. If know when to hit at the right time you should win

And about having your saber down. I think you already know but having your saber down means you want to duel someone. Its much easier then fighting them while constantly pressing k. You must be one of those guys who runs around spamming lightning

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Seems like Im being flamed for my views. O well if you want to flame me thats your problem. Now to the people who actually said something helpful


No ones flaming you that I could see yet. They are disagreeing....there's a big difference. If anyone is flaming it's you, saying that the guy is probably spamming. You have no basis for that other than he disagrees with you. Chill out, and listen as much as you want them to.

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Patch is good, no apologies offered. #1 while most realistic would not be fun, #2 seems to negate the desire for realism of #1.


I think most of the whiners about the patch are people whos only thrill is winning even if it means cheating, using unfair advantage, etc. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by DeFrio

Since so many people dislike the patch, including me, I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread about making the next patch better. Here are a couple changes I would like to see


1. Sabers should kill in one hit. This would be great with the new blocking, your blocking would depend on your stance, strong would have the best blocking and light would have the worst but you'd have more chances to hit. I also think that it would be much more thrilling if you knew one little screw up and your dead. Dueling would also require a lot more skill, sure there would be some lucky swings but a skilled player should know how to aviod them. This would probably decrease the use of guns since you wouldnt have any defense and lets face it, if someone with a saber catchs up with someone with a gun, the person with a gun should be dead. Since I know some people will not like this idea it would be good to be an option on the server like sabers only


2. Do something about people having their saber down. To many people think having your saber down means free shot. You should be able to take no damage from one hit with your saber down. Here you get a warning that the person doesnt want to duel


ok, both of these ideas suck...plain and simple...but heres an idea...


1. The whole saber kill 1 hit thing would not work...judging by the manual, threads, etc, the light saber stance was made to block and do quick hits...you would see everybody switch to that so they can block, and kill much quicker with light...medium and heavy werent made to block as much, and the attacks are slower, so there are no reasons to go to them.


2. this is just a bad idea...people get enough of people who are battling that run away when their about to die, turn their saber off, and expect everyone to ignore them as they go to heal...everytime you see someone about to kill you, you would turn it off, and no one could kill you as you (obviously cheating) run away to heal without the saber

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