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Co-Operative Mode?

Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

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Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

A While ago there were rumours of a

co-operative mode in Ob1. They were on this board.

Were they all lies or will I be able to enjoy swinging my saber to cut peoples arms off with a friend by my side?



The truth?

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Guest Saesee Tom

Some of the screenshots I saw look like they might be co-op. I don't know.


It would be great though!


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Guest Darth_Simpson

Nothing has been confirmed yet, but I don`t think it will be included. LEC has revealed a lot of the muliplayer modes, but said nothing about Co-op!


Those screenshots you saw was most likely Qui-Gon as your AI buddy, not another human player!

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Guest Darth Pie

Hey I heard from IGN.com that there will be a multiplayer scenario that would be kinda like co-op. It said that you and some friends will have to escort the queen to safety and keep her from being killed by another group of players. It may not be technically co-op but that does sound kinda cool.



" If you only knew the POWER of pie! "

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Guest Neumi

Yeah, sounds cool, but I want to play the storyline with a friend.


i haven't seen real coop modes since DN3D.


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Guest Kurgan

Well technically, team-play is coop.


When you say COOP you basically just mean single player, but with another person at your side, killing enemies together in the level.



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In games that have actually implemented this feature, coop (cooperative) play refers to multiplayer completion of the single player campaign (e.g., Quake2, System Shock 2, Unreal, and Daikatana (hey stop laughing)).


While teamplay is cooperative (hopefully), teamplay usually refers to human v. human or bot teams in deathmatch, CTF, or some gametype other than the 'single player campaign.' I wouldn't refer to team play humans versus a bot team as 'coop play,' despite the requirement for cooperation.


Of course in cooperative play you should be playing as a team to complete the campaign as well.


I'm not opitimistic that Ob1 will ship with coop play. It hasn't been mentioned yet as a gameplay type. The client-server network architecture for Ob1 is likely better suited for coop play than the JK/MotS peer-to-peer model... Who knows maybe there will be a surprise... doubtful however.




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Guest Neumi

Originally posted by Wilhuf:

In games that have actually implemented this feature, coop (cooperative) play refers to multiplayer completion of the single player campaign (e.g., Quake2, System Shock 2, Unreal, and Daikatana (hey stop laughing)).



All these games have coop?

It seems I missed soething. Must replay them.



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Yes Unreal shipped with coop play. A lot of fun actually.


Nowadays, I play Unreal Coop through Unreal Tournament. UT supports all Unreal maps. Basically this swaps out all of the original weapons with the (better IMO) UT weapons.


System Shock 2 was patched for coop play, as was Quake2.




[This message has been edited by Wilhuf (edited June 22, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Huh, amazing, I knew Quake2 had it, and I've never played System Shock/2, but I played Unreal extensively, and had no idea it had coop!


So (I'm not talking about using UT, I knew you could play Coop using that), in Unreal, you can play two player in the single player missions and help each other out? wow!


Maybe I should reinstall it and try that..



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It's certainly worth reinstalling and giving it a shot. Of course be sure to run with latest patch 2.25x (network code is so much better).


Yessiree, multiplayer completion of the Unreal single player campaign. Many hours of online fun.


For those who do want to try Unreal1 coop in UT, there is a mutator for UT that is supposed to simplify the setup configuration for Unreal 1 coop play in UT. (I havent actually tested this mutator, and did the configuration manually, so I can't comment on quality). Mutator info at



Personally I prefer Unreal Coop in UT. Weapon handling is much better IMO. But Unreal1 coop is good as well.




[This message has been edited by Wilhuf (edited June 22, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

By coop I mean playing the single player missions with a friend. (Sorry I have been away for 4 days and so have not been able to reply)

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Guest Dave Maul

In my opinion, co-op worked nicely with Jedi Power Battles, and I think it could be a worthy addition to Obi-Wan.




Dave Maul

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