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motion capture

Guest Neumi

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Guest Neumi

Have you seen the animations on the LEC page showing some animations mad with motion capture?


What do you think about?


The saber moves are nice, but I don't like the last part of the animation with the double bladed lightsaber.


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I find those mocap animations a great improvement over the original JK/MotS animations.


Saber dueling in JK/MotS seemed a bit two-dimensional. There was really no effective way to attack your opponent from above or below. Fighting basically occurred on a plane, despite the ability to force jump.


The new Obi animations might make dueling far more interesting.


Hopefully there will be downward attacks that can be made in combination with a jump. The attacker leaps into the air, over the opponent, and brings a downward attack on the opponent beneath him/her (Drakan implemented this kind of move). Dueling would be much more three-dimensional this way.



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Guest Neumi

I'd like some "chinese martial arts" moves.

for example:

A long jump forward. If there is a wall (can be calculated easily), the figure should turn and put his feet to the wall and then do another jump in the other direction.


Or, as described in Zahn's "Cobra" trilogy: A high jump in a small room, during the fly a quick turn, then a "jump" from the ceiling to the ground level.


You know, some special moves.


ps: Did some of you read "Cobra"? the Toft-War would be a nice background for a Cobra-Game.

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Guest Dave Maul

I've noticed an error in the animations: On the SpinLeft movie, you can see the shadow of Obi-Wan's lightsaber, which shouldn't be there.




Dave Maul

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Guest Neumi

We saw it also in JK's first animations.


Besides: Didn't you notice this is not the OB1 engine?

This probably is a scene redered by 3ds max, animation studio or something like that.

Its only sense is to show the animations.


The shadows in this animations are rendered, they were not created by a game engine.


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