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NgStats for Obi-Wan on Zone


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Since Microsoft has acquired NetGames, the producer of the Über-cool NgStats for Unreal Tournament, they have indicated that the MS Gaming Zone will begin to support NgStats.


(see http://www.bluesnews.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?show=43 )


Obi-Wan could potentially support NgStats through the Zone. This would be the essence of coolness : every kill, flag capture, rescued queen, etc. could be logged and recorded and robust stats and rankings generated.


The stats could easily record the best in team players, death matchers, arena players, saberists and experts with specific weapons, and how efficient force powers are, and who abuses force grip smile.gif.


I haven't read any statements from LEC that multiplayer Obi was even going to be hosted on the Zone. I'm assuming that it will be given LEC and MS's existing relationship.

Does anyone have any confirmation on that?


See the NgStats for UT for an example of what I'm talking about. http://ut.ngworldstats.com




[This message has been edited by Wilhuf (edited July 14, 2000).]

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