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Duel - To Force or Not to Force?


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What do you guys think about playing on a No force-duel server?


I just love it.

Even though it is a bit boring fighting with sabers only for 5 hours in a row, I dont like force-duels because there are too many lightning-spammers (even tho there are counters..)

Besides, the duels end too fast. And you don't get the same "movie"- feeling, I mean, take Vader versus Luke for example.. In the movie, Vader did not spam Luke with drain/lightning nor did Luke spam Vader with push/pull.


It is so much "cooler" to fight a pure lightsaber duel, in my opinion.

What's your opinion?

/AnabolicJedi :vadar:

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I enjoy it best when they give you at least rank 2 of jump. I enjoy being able to employ the wall runs, flips, and kicks....though I do think kicks should deal alot less damage (5 damage range). I do not mind throw but I hate when its level 3 throw. Level 3 throw means everyone just throws their saber and controls it to hit you in the back or some such, its still easy to defend against but just makes the game boring.


Pull and push are ok with me, just seems to turn it into a pull push fight.

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Good points there.


I also can accept push/pull only servers sometimes, BUT people dont know what this is all about!! Obviously, they have never watched the original Star Wars movies.

What the hell is fun with pulling/sabering somebody 10 times over and over again?

For me, the ultimate saber match is like in the movies. You start with your sabers off, and walk to eachother, you crouch and salute your opponent, and you dont start fighting right away, you need to get that special movie feeling. And then no force!! No damn pulling/stabbing all the damn time. This ruins the duels completely.

If you want force and lots of lightning-f@gs, go to a FFA server where there is no huge skill required, just lots of spamming of moves and force powers spamming.

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they should set it so force doesn't regenerate on duels, or make it an option.


That way the person who practices conservation will have the advantage, and in the same blow taking it away from someone who uses the force as a crutch.

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SABER THROW IS NOT IN NO-FORCE GAMES BY DEFAULT! People are still using the 1.02 values in their servers, which is incorrect. ChangKahn made a post about it in the Dedicated Server forum.


I like NF servers better when they're set up correctly to not have saber throw. The only problem is there are few counters to the ubermoves(DFA in 1.02, backstab now) so people use it more. The Force is nice occasionally, but sometimes I just feel like saberfighting.

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I like both. I visit both NF and FF duel servers. When working on saber skills, I hit a NF server. When I want to work on force strats/tactics/counters I hit a force duel. This is a good way to totally round out your skills and, in theory will lead to master of the game as a whole, not just a single aspect of it. "I want to it all baby! Yah!" hehehe


- Vorax

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In Empire Strikes Back, I do believe Vader spammed Luke for a little bit with force throw though (the various flying pipes, boxes, etc.)...hehe


And we all know that in Jedi, the Emperor is spammin' that lightning like a mo fo on Luke!


If anyone hates spammers the most, it should be Luke!


So you see,


Dark Side=Spammer, I mean if you think about it, the dark side is spam by nature (ie, the anger, fear,rage, hate), these emotions bring out the spam in all of us!


So spam away my brothers!



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Originally posted by GoofsPij

In Empire Strikes Back, I do believe Vader spammed Luke for a little bit with force throw though (the various flying pipes, boxes, etc.)...hehe


And we all know that in Jedi, the Emperor is spammin' that lightning like a mo fo on Luke!


If anyone hates spammers the most, it should be Luke!


So you see,


Dark Side=Spammer


So spam away my brothers!





LOL !!! :p:p:p

You made a damn good point there!

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Turns out that in the end Vader didn't like spamming after all...


He got so sick of the Emperors's crap that he threw him into the Death Star's (II) reactor...;)


The moral of this story kiddies:

Be careful who you spam, you could get thrown into a reactor...



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