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What really makes a player cheap?


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or is there such a thing as a cheap player? maybe hes just outwitting you.


Does using backkick and then backstabing your oppenent when hes down make you cheap?

or how about pull then backstab or push then backstab?


maybe protect and then backstab?

or pull then push off a ledge?


I really dont see any of these moves as cheap, but when I used these on some oppenents today they complained about them. I thought I was playing JK2 where these moves are part of the game. These were seasoned players too, they are aware of the moves, but I was still cheap for using these tactics.


what makes a move cheap, is it cheap because someone can catch you off gaurd and pull you to the ground and kill you?


Is it cheap If someone grips you and run you over to an edge and drop you, but what if you used absorb and they waited out your absorb and then did it. is it still cheap.


All these things are part of tactics and part of the game. I personally dont find anything cheap about them... were all playing with the same game right? So why is it some players think these moves are cheap and other congratulate you on a move well done. Is it only less skilled players that think those moves are cheap?


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In my books, nothing is cheap. I learn alot from people trying all the things you just said. But don't make them the only moves in your bag of tricks. I don't use the backstab or pull/push backstab at all, not becuase I think they are cheap, but because I don't find them very effective against strong players. They put you at risk if you miss.


- Vorax

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My opinion is that it's only cheap if you spam a single move ad infinitum.


Now, if you do things more or less in the order you listed them (in other words, varying your attacks) then it's not cheap.


My advice to you would be to not sweat it. A decent player would be able to deal with what you listed; or at the very least have fun trying to deal.

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I agree. A player that spams a single move should be an easy target for powerful counter attacks. However, if he continually is able to kill me in the same fashion, it is my fault.


In fact, the only tactic that I have been unsuccessful countering is the 1.03 patch. Now THAT was a cheap move! :naughty:

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Ive had people call me cheap for smacking them while their saber is down or while they are bowing.


When I do I almost always have light stance as I want to just tell them "I caught you off guard" not kill them. After all a one hit kill isn't any fun. Everytime I do this I hit my macro that says Darth Vaders old comment about being a fool for lowering the defenses.


Cheap? I think not. When people argue and call me names I just explain that a jedi should always be ready. And the fact that you can nearly instantly have your saber out and in blocking order. If a person is so close to you that there is no time to ignite your saber then its your fault for letting him get that close.


Be warned, its safe to bow but I suggest you be prepared when you do. Go watch Ninja Turtles, "Never lower your eyes to an enemy." In other words bow but don't bow so low that you can't see your oppoent.

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^^^ Dude, I am not a bower, I do it if someone is doing it to me. But geez, don't attack them when they are doing that. That to most players is a sure sign of a newbie. People think that you just don't know what they are doing, basically because anyone that does know what it is, doesn't attack. It's just a kind of hello, and good luck in the fight. To kick someone when they are being polite is just stupid. I can see why they get pissed at you. It's not cheap, it bad sportsmenship.


- Vorax

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In my books, nothing is cheap. I learn alot from people trying all the things you just said. But don't make them the only moves in your bag of tricks. I don't use the backstab or pull/push backstab at all, not becuase I think they are cheap, but because I don't find them very effective against strong players. They put you at risk if you miss.


I agree with you 100% but i still know one very cheap f*ckin move .... I was against a guy , he did mind trick on me and type:

" AFK " . So i put my saber off and wait .... BAM , I' m dead , he simply did a DFA on me ... I was like " huh??? " and he said "OOPS sorry , wrong button " . ( yeah right ...... )


Legend Of Khaydarin

PS: You guys should also admit that backsweep in a hand of a skill player can become one of the greatest weapon ...

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I'd have to say there are no moves that are really cheap except for the ones that don't work like they appear to. Such as the backstab and backsweep, and formerly in 1.02 the DFA. Those moves are unreasonable as they are/were. Mainly because of they're damage arks, I really didn't have too much of a problem with they're one-hit kill effect, but they we're far too easy to perform. For instance backstabbing and killing someone in front of you.. Or backstabbing getting kicked on your ass, and getting killed by the backstabe effect. Or the rotating mid air DFA.



Otherwise, your just unprepared. For instance maybe your not using absorb when playing with grip,lightning,drain whores.

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^^^ Dude, I am not a bower, I do it if someone is doing it to me. But geez, don't attack them when they are doing that. That to most players is a sure sign of a newbie. People think that you just don't know what they are doing, basically because anyone that does know what it is, doesn't attack. It's just a kind of hello, and good luck in the fight. To kick someone when they are being polite is just stupid. I can see why they get pissed at you. It's not cheap, it bad sportsmenship.


Actually that is fine, if people want to consider me a newbie then I have all the more advantage over them. Few people actually complain when I do it which surprises me, the only guy I remember complaining is when someone else did it and I defended him. Most of the time I do not do it anyway as the person im against is wise enough to keep a distance.


Heh, one time I told a guy to kneel to me or die after rocketing my score up to 7 and 0 in a couple minutes. So when he kneeled to me with his saber off I left the server and let him live. Hehe, wish i would have gotten a screenshot. I didn't know how at the time.

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Originally posted by MotionMan

What about killing someone when they are typing?;)


If they trun thier saber off and run into a corner then I think it is not just cheap but rude. But i dont like it when people stop to talk in teh middle of a fight then complain that i was being "cheap".

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I rarly attack someone while they are typing on purpose. I did kill this one guy because he would say 'w8' and then talk to his friend on the telephone to find out what my health was. We ended up vote kicking him outta the server...and I think it was his server cause afterwards the server went down and someone told me later that he was the host--heh.


How embaressing, getting kicked from your own server ;)

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as humans we find the most advantageous the most easy way to solve a problem.. therein lies the answer.. people are not cheap if the rules didnt allow them to be..

speaking from a nf duelist p.o.v. the programing is allowing for these cheap ass moves.. people just work with what they have.. period.

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my definition of cheap is just if a person constantly spams all the moves like DFA or backstab, etc


i also don't like it if they constantly are running around killing people who are waiting for a duel or you challenge them to a duel and they do a DFA on you and say "wrong key"


i don't consider lightning cheap, all i have to do against them is turn on absorb and they just feed into my force pool because half the force whores are so stupid they don't realize


i had one guy come up to me and just keep using lightning when i had absorb on, i just killed him while getting a nice full force pool;)

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I think it is cheap, when the admin said that in his Server there are duells played and don't kill unarmed people because they want to watch the fights.

When now s.o. comes in and hits everyone he sees, I think he's very cheap! Because a real Jedi wouldn't kill unarmed people!

Then he should go to another server where he can fight his way.


So I think everyone should be able to fight the way he wants to but there are servers for people who want to play a special way, e.g. just with standard forces and saber. And on the other hand there are servers for people who want to play it like an ego-shooter.

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I respect an individuals' right to not battle if their saber is down; I will not attack.


However, some people use it to give them time to go get health and shields while engaged in battle (putting up their saber when near death, for example). And worse, others will use this against you. I pass them by because their saber is down and move on. They will flip out their saber and sneak attack. And then complain, 'I had my saber down,' when you hunt them down like a dog and put a saber in their backs.


Standing on a shield spawn point while you use force heal and get 200 shields before reengaging while saying, ‘back off n00b, my saber is down!’ is not my idea of a ‘fair use’ policy ;)

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Originally posted by Qui-Gon_Jinn

Because a real Jedi wouldn't kill unarmed people!


Thats why some of us follow the dark side muahhahaha!:evil2:






:holosid:-Wipe them out Lord Motion, They should be no match for your ass kicking skills.

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Originally posted by ShogunBlade

as humans we find the most advantageous the most easy way to solve a problem.. therein lies the answer.. people are not cheap if the rules didnt allow them to be..

speaking from a nf duelist p.o.v. the programing is allowing for these cheap ass moves.. people just work with what they have.. period.


so true...

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Originally posted by Tarus

Ive had people call me cheap for smacking them while their saber is down or while they are bowing.


When I do I almost always have light stance as I want to just tell them "I caught you off guard" not kill them. After all a one hit kill isn't any fun. Everytime I do this I hit my macro that says Darth Vaders old comment about being a fool for lowering the defenses.


Cheap? I think not. When people argue and call me names I just explain that a jedi should always be ready. And the fact that you can nearly instantly have your saber out and in blocking order. If a person is so close to you that there is no time to ignite your saber then its your fault for letting him get that close.


Be warned, its safe to bow but I suggest you be prepared when you do. Go watch Ninja Turtles, "Never lower your eyes to an enemy." In other words bow but don't bow so low that you can't see your oppoent.


I'd have to disagree, hitting someone while they bow is. They are attempting to show you respect, some may say it doesn't matter 'cause it is just a game, but it does. There is a human on the other end and is showing respect as if it were a spar in real life. Though you are not obligated to bow, it's not showing much in the way of sportsmanship when you attack them while they do, no matter how weak the blow. All in all, it's pretty rude ;P


As for the topic, what I'd consider cheap is abuse of moves, especially exploitive moves (Such as the old DFA, and now the backstab).


[edit] By the way, just to be clear, I'm speaking in terms of Duel mode, since that's about all I play, the other modes are too laggy for my 56k.

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something that is cheap is abusing saber off "rules"


if they know they won't be attacked by me when their saber is off they often come up to me and try to back stab...i learned that lesson pretty quickly though because you can tell if they are gunna hit you like that

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well some people think its funny to walk up to you turn around with sabers off then back stab you for an easy kill.. happens all the time.. imo dont play cheap players.. infact dont even tell them they are cheap players because it entices them to do it again.. you have to remember the mentality of ages that play this game.. this game is played mostly by teenagers.. and that in itself is the reason i dont hang out in the zone anymore

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