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What is your opinion about the respawn via cloning.  

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  1. 1. What is your opinion about the respawn via cloning.

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Something like this is being developed in another MMRPG called Neocron. That game has gene replicting factilities. For a price, a very high price, you can "save" your charcter to a machines loacted throughout the game world. If you die, you lose all your experience up until your last saved position (if you're new and haven't saved, well then you'll be starting from scratch). I think such an idea is pretty neat and would do well in SWG.

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You say that now.


Wait until you are the one losing 49 hours of gaming experience because you get blasted to oblivion on your way to your next clone-save.


Possible reply by then:





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Originally posted by setsuko

You say that now.


Wait until you are the one losing 49 hours of gaming experience because you get blasted to oblivion on your way to your next clone-save.


Possible reply by then:







I dont believe they will make it expensive to clone yourselve...




At least, that's what I understand from what the devs say.

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I am not speaking of expensive. I am speaking of not being available at all places. Say you go for a looong trek, find this really cool dungeon with treasures, after a long and hard fight, you manage to grab that rare holoprojector worth lotsa dough, and you make your long and ardous way back to town...


BLAM! shot by a rogue band of sandpeople.


What I mean is that there won't be able to save every hour, no matter how cheap it is, if the only place to save is in the major towns.

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Oh come on guys, there needs to be some punishment to dying or else tehre's really no point in avoding it. This'll make sure you pay attention to your character, and if players can run clone shops then we have a new occupation right there. Besides, it's not that bad.....at least we can come back to life. They could have made it perma death.

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Hmm.. true, AO have the same system, and it's a little bit annoying, but far less than in EQ (ie, losing all your possessions, having to backtrack to your corpse or lose EVERYTHING permanently). Though, I hope you don't have to insure all your items individually, which would be slow and tedious, but instead they'll give you a bulk prize for everything you have on you when you approach the terminal.


What I do hope is that there will be more than one terminal in each town, and that there'll be some scattered at various outposts. Otherwise, they'll be rather crowded!

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Originally posted by setsuko

Hmm.. true, AO have the same system, and it's a little bit annoying, but far less than in EQ (ie, losing all your possessions, having to backtrack to your corpse or lose EVERYTHING permanently). Though, I hope you don't have to insure all your items individually, which would be slow and tedious, but instead they'll give you a bulk prize for everything you have on you when you approach the terminal.


What I do hope is that there will be more than one terminal in each town, and that there'll be some scattered at various outposts. Otherwise, they'll be rather crowded!




Lol, 1 hour line to clone yourselve :)



now I can see how that can be annoying

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"come on, stop pushing! I have to insure this collection of bantha droppings now that I got 10 000 of them, so wait until I am done"




But yeah, with a couple of terminals in each town, and a modest cost, it might work. I believe that the theory will stand or fall on whether there is enough terminals (the idea of one big house in each town sounds terrible, it would be a very crowded place at primetime). But yeah, if they are EVERYWHERE, there would be no penalty for death. I hope for a healthy number in between.

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what happens if you time out/ISP drops?

is that basically the same as dying in this system?

do you have to save before you log out all the time?

maybe you can save before you log out and save as many times as you want, so you can log on/off many times without cloning...but if you die, those saves are bypassed and it goes back to your clone save....except for your items maybe...because cloning doesn't save them....ahhh...i've gone cross-eyed again...:confused:

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Saiyan22, here comes my guesses;


//Q:what happens if you time out/ISP drops?

A: In most systems, you simply stand around, and if the server gets no replies from you in, say, a minute, your character is saved, or you are killed during that period, and you go back to your last insurance (clone).


//Q:is that basically the same as dying in this system?

A: Propably not. That would be to be punished for having a bad ISP, not for playing badly. But if it happens in combat, you are likely to die anyway.


//Q:do you have to save before you log out all the time?

A: Saving and cloning is not the same thing. Saving is propably done by sitting down and typing /quit, as in any other MMORPG, which means that you wait for a while, and then your position and condition is saved, and you go back there when you log in again. Logging out without saving is only possible by pulling the cable to the modem, or turning of your computer.


//Q:maybe you can save before you log out and save as many times as you want, so you can log on/off many times without cloning...but if you die, those saves are bypassed and it goes back to your clone save....except for your items maybe...because cloning doesn't save them....

A: yes, that sounds like a qualified guess. Saving is done when you log out, cloning is done at a cloning thingy. Saving means you go back to where you were when you log in, cloning means you go back to where you cloned when you die. Two different things.



ahhh...i've gone cross-eyed again...

A: yes. :)


Remember, this is not based on any official words, this is based on my MMORPG experience. Nothing else. The devs MIGHT **** it all up, and you go back to your clone when your log, or something like that. However, this is what I expect as both most likely, and what would work best (IMHO).


If anyone has any other idea, I would be interested to hear it.

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I'd say you'll propably go safe with just logging until you expect to get "into trouble". For instance, before going on a hunt or a risky space travel, you clone.


So, some professions will have you treating the clone center as your second home, while some will go there only once in a while, when they feel like insuring their hardearned skills.

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Originally posted by Gaalgoth

Oh come on guys, there needs to be some punishment to dying or else tehre's really no point in avoding it. This'll make sure you pay attention to your character, and if players can run clone shops then we have a new occupation right there. Besides, it's not that bad.....at least we can come back to life. They could have made it perma death.


My thoughts exactly. Death must mean something. Of course you're not going to be happy when it happens to you, who is, but it is just a game and so you get back on your saddle and try again. Without a major punishment for dying, risks will deteriate. This in turn means that players will be willing to pretty much do anything: try and collect a hard bounty, slay some major beasts or enter some huge astroid field. What does that mean? Well you start to lose your unique players; those who are willing to take things to the edge. Everyone is willing to do it, because there are no risks.


I have no problem with cloning but it should be expensive (and proportional to the character type, i.e. a rich super alien pays much more for a save than some poor weakling of a creature) enough so that you can't save more than once a week/fortnight (for an average player). And yes, once you die, you lose all stats (not weapons, since they'll stay on your body) since your last save.


There's another MMRPG that is using a ticket system, whereby you have limited lives (I think they're starting out with 100 in beta, but naturally that may be adjusted). If you lose them all, that's it, you need to start over again. Sounds interesting to me and should also promote character recycle.

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I remember a game, the legacy of Khaine, where you could collect items that gave you extra lives. And these items became rarer and rarer. I think that could be an option too.


But I think it's really important to let death mean something. That it means so much that you are sweating like hell while you are walking in a dangerous area ''please, don't let me die, please''

I love that in games.

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Originally posted by FWB


My thoughts exactly. Death must mean something. Of course you're not going to be happy when it happens to you, who is, but it is just a game and so you get back on your saddle and try again. Without a major punishment for dying, risks will deteriate. This in turn means that players will be willing to pretty much do anything: try and collect a hard bounty, slay some major beasts or enter some huge astroid field. What does that mean? Well you start to lose your unique players; those who are willing to take things to the edge. Everyone is willing to do it, because there are no risks.


I have no problem with cloning but it should be expensive (and proportional to the character type, i.e. a rich super alien pays much more for a save than some poor weakling of a creature) enough so that you can't save more than once a week/fortnight (for an average player). And yes, once you die, you lose all stats (not weapons, since they'll stay on your body) since your last save.


There's another MMRPG that is using a ticket system, whereby you have limited lives (I think they're starting out with 100 in beta, but naturally that may be adjusted). If you lose them all, that's it, you need to start over again. Sounds interesting to me and should also promote character recycle.



All I have to say is:







That would so suck, after a long hard time u have a good developed character. and u die. and it's al GONEEEEEEE :(

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Originally posted by Zendjir

But I think it's really important to let death mean something. That it means so much that you are sweating like hell while you are walking in a dangerous area ''please, don't let me die, please''

I love that in games.


Bingo. Operation Flashpoint was brilliant at recreating tension because of the one save per mission. Sure it got a tad annoying when you died for the fifth time, but then actually sat down and started to think things through, approach the problem from a different angle. On top of whcih, you haven't experienced fear in a game until you're sitting in your village, with your one life, and suddenly the sound of enemy tanks rolling of the hill breaks the calm. :)


In that game I mentioned with the limited lives they are planning to have items in chests that give you more. I really, like the idea. On top of which, as I mentioned you'll have more character recycling. A person joining or starting a fresh in a world that has been running for a long time, won't have to worry about everyone around him being so much "better" than him, since the number of high level charcters will be kept in check.


I doubt SG will have anything like this, since it'll be catering to the general masses and I fear they'd rather have death as nothing more than smidge of an inconvenience. But one can dream...

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I for one am glad they dont put such a system in...



1 thing I like in SWG is that everyone's Health is the same.

Your health and other attributes are determined by what specie u choose.


And u cant see the level of other players, what would make for some interesting duels :)

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can you have monre than one clone of yourself at a time...will it be a one deal thing..liek you get cloned will your character be saved like that forever can you have multiple saves of the same guy...and if you have enough money can you create an army of yourself?

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