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Yoda Model!


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Wait a minute, hang on...it may take a while but I'm going to try and find the point of you asking that BOFH.




....Christ sakes. Does it matter how long they've been working on it? Can YOU make a Yoda model?



Didn't think so.


This thread gets my PUNT because I"m still curious to find out if anyone has figured out how to scale the player in SP correctly. As of now all you can scale are the NPCs.


Also, I've been taking a look at different types of modeling techniques, and I'm starting to understand why it has taken so long for them to go this far. The Yoda model seems to be a non-standard model, which must have made it VERY hard to weight.


Before any of you start complaining about how long it is taking maybe you should go read some tutorials and look at the Yoda screenshots again. Doesn't look so easy now does it?

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Originally posted by Tru_Weed_Smoka

Who does this Kinja cat think he is? Hes acting like god well hey god I already have your yodal model and i wil soon have all the skins and I already released it to EXACTLY 37 people and i made Sithlord leave


Somebody ban this mother.fu.cker

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You really are a jerk aren't you? (not a question) This "god" works on a model for two months with no pay and now you are insulting him. You may have a crappy version and be giving it out to everybody. What everybody wants is Kinja's high quality model. BTW yes, you will have all of the skins soon... when it's released! Usually people aren't proud of being a theif. I guess you think everybody likes lowlifes.

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eh...just ignore that Tru_Cock_Smoka kid. he wont get any skins any sooner than the rest of us. and who cares if he has the model already, its not finished and 90% of the people here would prefer a finished model over a beta one. so let him have his beta model, we're getting the better product

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

Wait a minute, hang on...it may take a while but I'm going to try and find the point of you asking that BOFH.




....Christ sakes. Does it matter how long they've been working on it? Can YOU make a Yoda model?



Didn't think so.


This thread gets my PUNT because I"m still curious to find out if anyone has figured out how to scale the player in SP correctly. As of now all you can scale are the NPCs.


Also, I've been taking a look at different types of modeling techniques, and I'm starting to understand why it has taken so long for them to go this far. The Yoda model seems to be a non-standard model, which must have made it VERY hard to weight.


Before any of you start complaining about how long it is taking maybe you should go read some tutorials and look at the Yoda screenshots again. Doesn't look so easy now does it?


Calm down Chrono... BOFH is perfectly entitled to ask when the model was started "out of curiosity"! We're all really excited about this model and it's impossible to avoid the fact that the tension of waiting so long will get to some people! I'm sure BOFH meant nothing by his remark, so lets all just calm down!











Oh yeah and Tru_arse_licka can p*ss off as well! Kinja is a God as far as I'm concerned... I wouldn't know where to start in making a model of a cuboid, let alone an intricate design of a little green alien! Max respect to Kinja, Arco, Kman and Sithlord (Deceased)!

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You cant control Kinjas model he created this and its his decision whether or not its released, you have no control over what happens. And why would you want to stop this model? And if this community is so lame, may I ask WHY ARE YOU HERE?


Kman you really need to get this moron banned and right away he is a disgrace to Star Wars as a whole.

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