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Yoda Model!


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yes well hopefully... but i really need a 3ds of the model as the max file kman is too good for my old version of max and it won't open it up. It's killing me! I have the model now with uvmaps but i can't actualy texture it.... AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!



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Hey guys the skins are looking great! Both Arco and Kman's that is. Yes the hair is an issue, oine that should be an easy fix or tweak though. And I agree the cheeks could be pulled up abit. Sorda like giving him a facelift, hehe. Really looking good though Arco. I like the high contrast. It should look nice ingame:) Well, I can't wait to see more. Also i just got my Wacom tablet today so I might try my hand at it too, but ctually I'll probably wait for my next project.

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ok. Since it seems you are relying on me I decided to get in some help. if kinja don't mind.... sithlordii is looking at importing him ingame. thisi s crunch time folks. this may or may not work.... lets just wait and hope it works.


Oh yes and thanks to all you guys who helped me on the skin.


but most thanks go to kinja for his AMAZING mesh skills... you rock dude! I loved skining this pup for you andi hope to work with yo uagain sometime.


anyway i am all finished now... just waiting on an ingame version to sort out shaders etc... if it can go in the game.



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Yoda can go in game, but with a little trouble. As an Npc - if he was resized and rigged to the skeletan he would work fine, as we all know. However to get him to remain that small size in single player he needs to be rigged in a different way.

People have suggested that he could ride on a chair - which he could, but the main problem is that his arms arent long enough to hold the lightsaber.

The lightsaber issue can be gotten around by making two hands - probally best to apply a blue transparent material to them - to make them appear like etheral force hands.

By weighting Yoda's arms to the upper arm bones then it will look like he is using the force to direct the lightsaber. (although it might look strange with a blaster :0 )

Also to retain his original height in multipilayer and not to have him on a chair - then he could be allinged to the floor (as per usaul) then have his feet/legs weighted to the tibia bones so that he would run. If this method is followed however then the weoghting of the arms will need to be counteracted by weighting to the hips - so that they dont distort and stretch all over the place.

It can be done and should be fun to do :)

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kman- that rocks! Very nice skin I love you clean stlye! WOW very nice ****.


spacermonkey-awwww I had hoped for him to hold the saber. I don't really like the blue force thing... damn if only he could. POO! But at least he can be put ingame.



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Yeah Arco I know its a shame Yoda cant be the right size in multiplayer without some problems :(

I tested everything I could think of a while back to see if it was possible - but it seems the bounding boxes are determined by the skeletan - resizing it just results in it being set back to default for multiplayer.

Anyway he's gonna look cool, so even if I only get to fight against yoda as an NPC it will be great :D


edit: but since the source code has been released it would be possible for someone to adjust the scripts that cause the automatic resizing of the bounding boxes in multiplayer. But I'm no coder, maybe someone will step forward and take a look at what can be done.

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When I asked James Monroe about the possbility of putting a yoda model in game - and getting it to work using the animations he said -


Bounding boxes are fixed for MP. But I think they can be controlled in SP through a dude.npc file. (follows format of npcs.cfg)




Its just a matter of someone changing the coding.

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i am really wanting a normall ep2 fighting yoda. non o this floating crap. but if that is all we can have due to ravens CRAZY coding, then i guess it is better than nothing. still gotta love ol' Pea Head.



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Amazing Skins guys. Thank you both, Arco, and Kman for fixing Yoda up right! I was going to suggest that you make a Dark Yoda skin Kman. And its totally cool if you get monkey or whoever to help in the compiling and ingame issues. I think before Yoda is released we should tweak the hair. Which is my fault for modeling it that way. Sorry:D I think that his hair should recede back farther, more like the older yoda. Eventhough Yoda from EpisodeII has more hair, I think it will look more Yodalike with less hair. So if you could arco, just try deleteing all the hair on top of his head, leaving the rest to get that old baldman look thats so hot these days, hehe.


BTW I'm down with whatever, as far as getting yoda working ingame in one form or another. Idealy he would be running aroud swinging that saber and kickin @$$ that way but for now I'm like a few of you, I just wanna see this little booger ingame.Not that I want it pushed out really poorly, just saying that wichever method is chosen for the first release, I would like it to be done well.

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hi there guys

okay here's whats happened thus far: i've been playing with the yoda model - i segmented him further down, seperating his hands from his arms, and the arms from the torso, along with splitting the torso and hips apart. No seams were apparent due to how the verts were assigned at the splits. Yoda had.. issues to say the least. Using the basic skeleton, i attempted first to try and lay it out close to the humanoid setup but no dice, yoda definitely has his own shape to him. Then, i tried modifying the skeleton itself, shortening the legs, and extending the arms, as well as compressing the torso bones to fit - but no matter what, when i changed it to GLM it would deform quite oddly, and the base skeleton, not the modified one, was what showed up within modview, as i've learned before from when i was importing vader.

it seems as though, currently, if the model does not line up fairly closely to the base skeleton (through this importation method) you end up with unpredictable or poor results

i'll try and play with it a bit more after but i will have to see if there is really much i can do for it


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i'm playing around with him right now, kinja do you have msn or ICQ? theres some stuff i want to talk to you bout yoda if its ok

as is, yoda's legs deform okay, a bit of wierdness here an there but not bad

but its the arms that have real issues, the torso wasn't a problem nor was the head, the arms really deform badly because they are too far away from the base skeleton

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What do you mean about awhat tutorial did I use? I don't seem to remember owning any tutorials. err... I mean using any tutorials. But I may be able to help you out. What is it you need exactly? Well to get you started though, since I believe you asked about what program we used. I used Maya to model Yoda then Kman and Arco skinned him in 3dStudioMax. But what you need to do(answering question for the 1,000,000th time) is get yourself a copy of Gmax, and you can easily do that by clicking on thefollowing link http://www.discreet.com and once in the discreet (Discreet, makers of the infamous 3DSTUDIO MAX) website, look around there and find Gmax, and then download it. Gmax is a trimmed down version of 3DSTUDIO Max. It has everything you need and then some to get you started modeling. Plus, if you learn to model in Gmax then you know how to model in 3dsmax aswell. Which is good since Max and Maya are the most used 3d packages in the game industry. But the best thing about Gmax is that it is absolutly free:) Anyway I hope this helps, and good luck man!


P.s. Search the web for tutorials on Box modeling and after you master modeling move on to texturing(or skinning). STAY AWAY FROM NURBS. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE! atleast for games. But I use box modeling for high rez stuff aswell. Its the simplest and the best way IMHO ofcourse, hehe.

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