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Yoda Model!


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Well if youd have read some of my posts youd know that the hair is being worked on. And Adrien I said download Gmax, so do it and forget about maya and max. If you want anymore help from me then you must first do as I have said and then we can move on. I'm just saying not to get sidetracked with all the Hype, thinking you need the best program out there to make your kickass models with, cause you dont. What you do need is to listen to me:)

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Hehe, Thanks Smeagol6566! Although, now that I look back on the earlier stages of the model, it really did look alot more cartoony. I probably shouldnt have shown it at that point, but I just couldnt wait, hehe.

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I am still working on the skin by the by. I am adding to it little by little every day. when I am 100% happy with it I will post a pic.


Oh yea.... heh... when do we see this mother ingame!



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Hehe, Thx:D


UPDATE:While we are progressing along and things are looking postitive, we still have a few issues to deal with to get Yoda working properly ingame. The thing is though, we won't release until it is done and done right:)

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Hi all, after reading all of your replies, I was thinking of new ideas for kinja to model and ppl to skin. I have never tried to create a model so i dont know how difficult it is to do? but how about making a JABBA THE HUT model? any one skillfull enough to make it?



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cool he is nearly working! For those with the skin problems.... PISS off. i have changed this skin 50 million times cos people weren't happy. All i am doing now is adding in more detail... no more changes to the basic skin. When i made him look more mean people said "make him look cuter and happier" for gods sake.... he ain't going back to being mean.


Looking great sithlord... WACKO!



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i dunno... sithlord is doin that. hopefully he will be normall yoda. If someone had softimage and then sorta imported the default animation into it and messed arund with em scaled em down etc and then appliedt hat to yoda and then ecompiled teh animations or whatever as a new set just for yoda wouldn't that work?? If you can indeed import teh animations as making a new set could take AGES.



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LOL good point there arco

if you keep making changes according to what other ppl say about it the model will never be done, as everyone sees something they might like or dislike about every little thing in any model. Hell i'd prolly still have vader going in 3d studio right now if i hadn't decided to just say the hell with it and release it. Mind you then you reskinned it


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Give it a rest kiddies. If this thread drops to a different page, that means NOTHING has changed. So, if you want to know when something happens to it, say an update on a work in progress skin, or new pics of the model, that would be cause for a post. Not this useless jibber-jabber about "I want I want, gimme gimme, e-mail it to me, mine mine, more more."


That kind of banter is what scares the normal people away.



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#1 we dont know how to resize him properly in multiplayer - ie right now if i could get him in right, he would be the same height as everyone else - in single player it is quite possible to make him small, though.


#2 right now i am hitting a very serious error that i do not know how to fix, which is keeping him from going in-game. I have him working great in modview, a fair amount of clipping but he animates.


#3 the skin actually looks great in action - if you don't like the skin, simply reskin him when he comes out. If you can't do any better, don't bitch. This is not to belittle the people giving actual good criticism about how to improve the model or mesh, but in the end it all comes down to the artistic decisions the skinner (such as Arco) decides to make


#4 The hair does not show up in modview with the proper transparency maps. That is why it looks so thick and grey. Please stop complaining about it. Arco and the others are quite sick of answering the question "WHY DOES HIS HAIR LOOK SO BAD!" or the comments "GREAT MODEL BUT THE HAIR LOOKS BAD"


ok i think that ends this basic FAQ

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yknow, the applause, the praise, and the gratitude usualy comes *after* the person has fulfilled their task and/or performance


i seriously doubt any of the above offers for 'testing' the thing have gotten so much as an e-mail


and we all know the only reason they offer it, is so they can get it before anyone else, and play with it themselves; not realy test for bugs and such


so somebody posted some wallpapers.. whats all the hubbub about? it still doesnt convince me that this thing has gone any further from the model design table


all I keep seeing is pictures of the thing skinned and standing there... thats nothing new. is there any evidence as to this yoda model actualy beeing tested *in-game*


personaly i think this thread has gotten way too hyped, with too little information, and has gotten quite ridiculous..

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Hey Anuder-Wan-Ovem, you say people shouldnt praise it until its done? Well how come its ok for people to hype up and praise entire games before they ever come out? Granted some of those games if not most disapoint. But my point is you have a problem with these people having hope. Well you know what? I have a problem with the people who don't have hope and judge our work and efforts before we have declared the project done. So if you don't have any constructive critisism or anything pertinent to this project other than saying you doubt we can do it, please don't say anything. Thx

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anuder wan-ovem:


you must not have noticed the fact that the image i posted of yoda was within modview. Modview is the program for viewing in-game GLM models.


"all I keep seeing is pictures of the thing skinned and standing there... thats nothing new. is there any evidence as to this yoda model actualy beeing tested *in-game*"


as well, you obviously don't know about how models are created for this game or else you would have known that simply from the fact that i had yoda working in modview, animating with the humanoid skeleton, that he is progressing and with this model, he is quite possible to be used in-game. However i have run into roadblocks with using him in-game, namely right now he does not work, for reasons beyond normal means of simply the model's shape and design, its more on the side of the tags or skeletal setup that i have not yet tested.

One thing i have noticed is alot of people in this forum who don't know much about jedi knight ii's skeletal and import setup posting their opinions and ideas about how to do things. Don't assume anything until you have actually done it, or have enough experience with the setup to know what is going on, which you do NOT.



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studman - i'll have to try that out

but when attempting to add the npc character in as a new one via the npcs.cfg instead of a new file ie. vader.npc or whatever, the saber always appeared in his crotch, that is why i had him replace desann to begin with - that was the only way at the time to actually fix that error



"Anyone can make a model, skin it, take a picture of it on mod-view and claim that they have it running in the game. And mod-view regardless of all its functions is not *in-game* action."


you know something, you're right. Just about anyone can do that, get a model into modview... That just dismisses all the actual mesh creation, skin meshing, texture creation, the model's skeleton weighting, the tag setup and their own skeleton weights, the export/import process through 3d studio and assimilate/carcass, which needed to be done to get that model into Modview, and of the skeleton and tag setup i have spent several hours of my time working on to help out. By the way those are the steps followed for creating any model into jedi knight 2.

why i don't have an image of him ingame is because i have come across some odd error that i have not encountered before despite following the exact same steps i have done for 3 other models, and, to some extent, a fourth (vader, exar kun, darth maul, and then bloodriot's jango, i minorly helped with that one... and jango even worked fine ingame without any tags to start with). Those models, after working in Modview, worked fine in-game (or as well as the skeleton was setup.)

so while modview may not be ingame, it is meant to act as such for testing purposes when you cant keep putting the GLM file into a PK3 to load up jedi knight 2 and test out a model, which takes each time about 5 minutes, whereas modview takes about 30 seconds to get the model going from a glm file.


so technically i am right and wrong at the same time, as are you.

they do deserve some praise though for the model itself, as it looks pretty good, but as a game model, well it still is not ingame so that is a valid point, but it is meant to be a reference to how well it will work in-game. i hope to get past this issue in a few days and i will then be able to show an actual in-game shot to you guys.

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A youngling, I sense you are. Well, ya can't download Yoda yet cause hes not done yet. But you can download a slew of cool models, like Darth Vader, Maul, Tyrion, and a bunch of other neato frito models and skins. You can find them here in the JKII.net file section and also at modcentral. Hope this helps:)

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Anuder-Wan-Ovem: if you look the new pic i posted is an update to the skin. I have done more work. And the wallpaper is a completely new thing for people to use as their wallpaper. Don't give me no **** fool i kick yo ass!


Yoda WILL be out soon and hopefully he will kick arse...



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