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Yoda Model!


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milkshape, for JK2 is still technically useless as you cannot properly export it i believe. People have been saying you can "Import the GLM files, edit them, then Export again to GLM with milkshape"


the only program we know of that can do this is assimilate, and that is from using an XSI file which is either done in 3d studio max 4 or in softimage (if even that, everyone i know of has used 3d studio)

what you can do however is create a model within milkshape, then export it to a format Max can read, then apply the model to the skeleton

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no good points man. I posted a pic a while back saying his arms and head need sorting out but I am not sure if that is gonna happen at this late stage. On the cheekbones thing the model doesn't actually have them modeled in and when trying to skin them on it just doesn't work having shadow where there obviously should be non. The wrinkle doesn't touch the side of his mouth does it? I am sure I skinned it seperate... so yeah the hair can be alphaered out so the default yoda is gonna have less hair, but other versions (say a young an healthy yoda) can still have loads of hair. Good point about the eye wrinkles i'm on it!



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To tell the truth, I never meant for this model to be exactly like the movie Yoda, although I wanted it to be pretty close. The reason is that when ILM or lucas arts does a model either for a game or the movie, they have really good referance like perfect front and side and 3quarter views. that they actually place as templates in the background of there program. This enables them to get all the proportions and features perfectly represented. In some cases they even have resin models to look at for reference. Anyways, I do not have that luxury. I'm not saying that I couldnt have tweaked the model even more than I did to try and get the model closer and closer to the real specs, but I just dont think its neccisary to make it just like the movie Yoda. Think of it more like how in the comics the charachters are always stylized abit with each different artist. Anyway I think that Yoda is gonna look kickass runnin around in JO despite all this. His hair however will be fixed if it isnt already. Anyway I just wanted to let you all know where I was coming from. Also i'm with you all I absolutly can't wait for Yoda to be finished and released:)

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a basic model anyone can do?

i've played with it in 3d studio and it is a well constructed model. If anyone can do it, especially you, please redo it for us to see... that will shut us up... until then, just keep your comments to yourself.



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i'm not sure about how long until we can have him properly into multiplayer

we don't want yoda released with alot of bugs nor at the same height as everyone else. Single player is not an issue, he looks decent enough in single player as-is. Now, Multi is gonna be a pain

until then we will try to exhaust our possibilities


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hehe darn

i thought JPS's/james' little quote for it would clear that up ...

here is the word so far on height

yoda can import into game, buggy in parts but will be fixing those up soon

he is NOT SMALL in multiplayer, that currently can only be done in Single player, which is what that yoda is in the second shot - i have him set to Scale 50, which reduces him to about the height of kyle's knee/mid-thigh. In multi he is big, unfortunately, and that one shot of him in Multi (shot 1) is him at large size.


btw wait till you see the little one in action, if kinja puts the shots up later




PS and i'm not good enough at photoshop to fake that


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No worries dude I have a half done han solo soundpack that I may still release. it does suck rather largly tho which is why I never did release it. Anyone up for doing a han solo soundpack?


I will have some new shots of Yoda very soon..... just when I do a bit more work. God I have been making this skin for ages.



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i received word from james monroe about the scaling option that is present in single player. He says it may be possible for multi, but very hard to do, and would eventually result in alot of cheating (ie. people who are 3 feet tall are much harder to hit... etc)

if i do hear anything important or otherwise, i will let you guys know


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Originally posted by AnacoZERO




oh i see now. the small yoda works fine on nonpure servers like if u wanted to use cheats. cool thnx.



No, Yoda does not work in Mp at all. At least not at the right size. The screen of him with kyle is in Sp. I don't think Raven realized this either.

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Ok guys i decided to post a few little shots tonite. I have Kinja's and Arco's yoda animating a bit better. these are SINGLE PLAYER shots remember. I fixed yoda's hunch a bit (not quite igor anymore) and i fixed the leg part so that it doesnt deform so wildly (learned a few things about this along the way for weighting this sucker)




So, if i see any honest questions about hair you wont be answered, k? I know you guys will post some lame-a$$ comments saying "THE HAIR SUCKS" just to be bastids







The Multiplayer coding side of things is underway, we will be looking into what options we have.

Currently here is what, realistically, is NOT POSSIBLE:


Yoda FAQ

by sithlord-ii


Why is yoda so big? Can't we do this to fix it?

I have compiled a quick list of what people have suggested to fix yoda for Multiplayer, and the majority are not feasible with the way JK2 handles character models. I have listed these things below, with a reason why they will not work.



(1) An Invisible pole above his head for hit detection.


Why? this is not quake 3. It does not use the quake 3 animation setup, it does not use the quake 3 collision detection, and because of how the collision and such is handled, nullifies this option. Sorry, guys.


(2) Scale him down on the skeleton in 3d studio max


Why? If you make the model parts stray too far from the base skeleton the parts will deform wildly, since the parts will not simply move in reference to the skeleton, but in direct connection to it. Think of the skeleton points as a puppetmaster's handles, pulling an invisible string. The further the handles move, the more the parts will be pulled towards that handle. So, if you have the model literally on top of that handle, it will move directly with it, in synch with it. However, say a part is really small when it is supposed to be larger. Those parts will be pulled the same amount as the large model, instead of scaling the handles down to fit the small model. I ran into this error when i tried making vader larger than the common skeleton. Even though i resized the skeleton, it always reset back to the base skeleton within Modview after i exported as XSI, then GLM.


(3) Shrink him in the NPCS.CFG file


Why? Does not work for multiplayer (currently...). Raven did this so as to avoid people making their characters 3 inches tall, ingame. Think of the saber fights with that one, eh? talk about a bread basket for a goal. It only works for Single Player at the moment, which is what i used to make yoda so small in the screenshots.


(4) Replace R2D2 with yoda


Why? R2d2 uses a different skeleton completely, and he infact does not currently work in multiplayer. We could make a nice little replacement yoda droid though if you guys would like....


(5) Just make him the same height as the ughnaughts!


Why? If you look, the ughnaughts, in multiplayer, ARE the same size as everyone else. Look at Desann, then Kyle. In SP, there is a size difference. In Multi, they are all the same. This is why Vader is not taller, either, and once i get the chance to test it out, most likely Chewbacca, as well.


(6) Just release him for SP!


Why? If we release him as SP, currently he only works as an NPC model. To make him work correctly as the SP replacement model we would most likely have to rescale everyone to twice their normal size, at least, in order to maintain the correct scale - i have not been able to rescale the base kyle model (Anyone who can do this, please let me know at frost_michael@hotmail.com)

-rescaling everyone to larger sizes may result in the fact that the maps are still normal size.... think about that one, it would look a bit odd at times.


ok well i think i covered most of those. Now, if anyone has any questions, you may direct them at that brick wall over there *points to brick wall*.




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I trully want Yoda, and in the proper scale in MP, but not only will it not work, but IT TRULLY IS AN IMBALANCE!!!


THat's not even a question.


So to everyone working on this right now, great job, and a helluva nice response post there SithlordII.


Keep it up!

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sithlord, those are some awesome shots! A thousand Yoda's battling to the death, what more could you ask for! :D I personally am not in a rush to see it in Multiplayer, I don't think it's one that I would use, but as an NPC in singleplayer, which you guys have already accomplished, I think this is GREAT!! I'm envisioning Prequel-based single-player missions in which you team up and fight alongside the Jedi Masteriest Jedi Master of them all!

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Yoda as an NPC in Sinple Player isn't a problem, that's been accomplished. What he was referring to was actually replacing Kyle in SP so you could play as Yoda. As it stands now, though, they could have a SP mission in which you battle against/with Yoda :)

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Kinja and Sithlord-II...


Abs and Blood have it right. I love getting updates, but this community is scary. People don't read the thread, they just post


I like the version u guys have rigt now..why can't u release that for all of us fans dying to get our little grubby hands on a yoda skin. Then whenever u feel like it or have time try to improve the skin like many ppl do. I just want that yoda so bad. please release him soon the one in your 8 screens. release him today if u can or give us fans the date he will be released for us hungry fans. please I check back to jediknightt net every hour waiitng for the release..thanx kinja sith lord and everyone else associated with the skin and may the force be with u


My friend, you will be missing out on A LOT of sleep if you keep checking websites every hour. I have no idea how these models are created (outside of what I've read in these types of threads). But, if you paid any attention at all, this model is a more than a few hours away from release. Start checking back weekly or better yet, monthly.


I know there are plenty of folks out there who DON'T act this way, and frankly, I think those people would support a lack of updates. Sometimes, posting screens of your progress is like throwing gasoline on a fire for these people.


You guys have done an amazing job so far. You and the other dedicated skinners, modelers and mappers are what make this game so much fun.


Thanks for all your hard work.

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