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Yoda Model!


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My two skins are approaching completion. However, I would really like to have the glaring issues with the animations of the yoda model fixed before I send my skins in. If you need me to make a list, I will.

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heh ok so far there is only 4 skins... ep 2 yoda and blue by me an esb yoda an red by kman. There may be more varients added... but is there really any need? The file is most likely gonna be under 10 megs. and it will come SOON.



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Hey Corbitz, Give me your e-mail so I can send Yoda to you as soon as its done. :yoda: Wish I could do more. Goodluck man and may the force be with you:lsduel: GODbless you:)


BTW: Everybody, I was thinking we should all try and frequent a few certain servers and play some MP Jedi Outcast together. Anybody know of some good servers?

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Well Crosis, thats a possibility I guess, but I would rather be tricked into giveing yoda to somone than to turn my back on someone in an unfortunate situation. I mean hey, its just a model. This is somones life were talking about. Theres absolutly no comparison. Like I say, I only wish i could do more. And why shouldnt he want to play some multiplayer and kick a little booty with Yoda before he goes to have his procedure done? This guy sounds like a hardcore gamer to me, there isnt anything thats gonna keep a gamer from play his games.

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ok a few words here on yoda's progress:


Texture Pack: Almost complete


Model: Complete


Sounds: Complete


Scaling mod: Already Released, Included with JediMod modification


No, i do not know whereabouts the textures are for completion. No, i am not sure when the model will be released.


and Trowa, I must say i completely agree with chrono.

"Least motivated workers"?

are you freaking nuts?

have any of us been paid to make models for jedi knight ii? no? hmmm

i think our motivation stems from wanting to make character models for fun... i'm sure everyone who is helping on yoda has had their fill of people emailing them asking for the files, asking to test it, demanding we send it to them, etc. i know i have received my share, and having people messaging me on icq or otherwise every few minutes about "So, how's yoda??" gets *VERY* annoying.

To those who really complain about yoda taking too long, go make it yourself.... who knows, maybe you will make it faster, and better... or maybe not.




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Grow up? Get a life? What the hell? I leave my gaming and my sex life (Which I assure you are wholesome, currently booked for the next few months and are of no further concern of yours) miles apart! You really do NOT know who I am, I really don't think being an avid gamer automaticlly leads to lack of sex, and if you plan on going defensive just because I've said some harsh things about public communities becoming filled with lamers, heck, fine by me. Is it my low post count that got you upset? Nevermind, when someone else opens his mouth it's just fine. I have done several things for several diffrent communities, including all the aforementioned shiznit. Or do I have to have 500 posts in every friggin online community I'm regged in to get some proper respect?


All I was saying, and it's called "reading between the lines", is "Don't promise anything long before you deliver". People get anxious. Stupid people get tactless, tactless people seem stupid and it drags on and on and on, having to filter through rubbish to find some UPDATES WHICH ARE RELATED TO THE TOPIC. I think the anouncement of a Yoda model was premature and dragged this lot in here. If you beg to differ, don't involve other opinions like "I'm -probably- getting more tw*t then you do" or "But I don't even like Duke Nukem". My point remains valid - Duke Nukem is way over due and then expectations have dropped, causing in loss of intrest and some interesting life threats via E-Mail, and on the other handmy male ego has also pumped up abit more because people feel so threatened by what I have to say, they expose their teeth and jump to attack my pen*s. Funny, little man, very funny indeed.

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actually, about your comments, Kn1ves, about the yoda model post being too premature, the idea behind posting images like this, such as WIP posts, is for help, for information to help improve a work in progress. However this forum is not exactly the best one for that, as we have learned quickly. Other forums, such as at polycount, are great for that as you actually do get good responses and helpful information, instead of peole complaining about where the model is, and for us to email it to them....


so you are both right and wrong in your statement.


and btw i wouldnt be surprised if duke nukem forever simply gets canned.


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I'm sorry but this is Kinja's thread and It should only be up to him and the mods to whether this thread will be closed. He works so hard and the yoda model is very close to being released. It's not fair that immature posters make the thread longer and full of useless info.


As for that i will get this thread back on track(were close to being at the train station) and i will say "How are the skins comming along and can i get a list of the different skins will be included in this pk3?"

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I am closing this thread until there is something new to show.


Kinja and Sithlord- PM me when you have something to show and I'll re-open it. The useless banter has gone on way to long here, and I am not going to spend hours deleting all the useless posts in the last couple of pages. They shouldn't be there to begin with.

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Oh happy day, the Yoda thread is re-opened


I can already imagine what the most of the next hundred posts will be about: "Please hurry", "I need the model", "You've had enough time", "YOU OWE ME UPDATES YOU BASTARDS", "Ung um urnf gah *Drowns in own saliva*" etc. :rolleyes:


Isn't there a way to moderate this single topic? Just reopened and look at the sheer amount of useless BS.

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Yeah, there should be a way to moderate the posts, so that kman or kinja is able to view the posts before they're displayed.


It'd probably be more trouble than it's worth, though.


So, I advise everybody to USE THEIR COMMON SENSE (what little of it they have left).

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i think its my first time sayin sumtin, ive been watchin this post almost from the beginning and i just wanna say great job on the model guys!:D but like most other people i am groing impatient with the wait but im not here to rush anyone just stating maybe someone else should make a crappy model to play with until the good one comes out you dont hafve to worry bou tthe sizing issue(im talking stricktly mp)until the good one comes out since the jedimod fixes that or maybe somoene could release a beta or sumtin i dunno im talkin sh!t outa my mouth so wahtever



ps no rush and may the force be with you and the model plokoon rocks but so does yoda:yoda: :lsduel:

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lol, you have only been wating like a couple of weeks, a month tops...its just a model guys, life goes on, you all should really just sit back and relax, because i am sure Kinja appreciates the support, but i HIGHLY doubt he, or any other artists doing work on yoda, appreciate being rushed.

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