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Multiplayer Blows!

Uranium - 235

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I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but here's my two cents.


I played the single player. I loved the action of running around enemies with lightsabers, guessing their moves, countering, defending, and attacking. So I'm thinking: Multiplayer should be something like this... but a bit different of course.


So I go into a team FFA server. Instantly I see people flipping through the air with rocket launchers blasting players to their delight. I think: Okay... force push sends rockets right back at them. Then I realize with a 16 player game on a DSL I won't have time to use the 'push' because it's so damn laggy. I'm a Tribes 2 vet, and those games are somethimes 64 players large.


I finally do 'push' a rocket at a guy standing still. The rocket goes off in a random direction. Some time later a guy sprays laser fire at me and I reflect the bolts in entirely random directions (I had level 3 in defense and level 3 in push).


Then I run down into the basement and I see a guy has about 500 trip mines all over the place. So there's a no-no for poor map design: Trip mines respawn in a little room.


Then I whip out my sniper rifle and give it a try. Every shot (Naturally) fires one second after I let go of the trigger.


Once I get into a sabre fight it was the most rediculous thing ever. The match seemed to be about who could 'push' and 'pull' each other the fastest. The enemy uses 'Mind Trick' on me. So I counter with 'Sight' and alas I have sight but my force bar doesn't recharge! Why should I be disabled to counter an enemy attack! He's winning no matter what I do!


So the fight goes on with us swinging wildly. Then he's about 20 feet away, I kid you not, and I hear the sizzle of a lightsaber and I fall over dead. He runs away and it says he killed me. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!


Every battle seemed to be the same way. I'd get hit with him no where near me. Then I find a guy with the Flechette weapon. Between the fact that you have to have a T1 to play with little lag and the rate it fires, I was dead nearly instantly. The same for the concussion rounds of the Repeater.


All in all I must say, despite the single player, the the multiplayer is YAQ (Yet Another Quake) where everyone runs around with the biggest newb weapon they can find, there's no teamwork, and no balance. Raven, you screwed up big time on the multiplayer. You could've had a great multiplayer but it seems you've cloned singleplayer which wasn't that balanced to begin with. And with the new patch, it's even worse.


Damn I can't wait for the Kaiburr Saga to come out and do it RIGHT.

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haha i have a t3 connection and what he said is totally true. everyone goes for the big ass newbie weapons and easy kills and that's the jist of it.

No teamwork I have seen on countless hours of playing. Team heal...encountered newbies using it (bless them) but vet players ans selfish power fraggers just kill kill kill they dont help you out. Those push pull grip push contests suck.


Also force powers are cool if people didnt' abuse them. THose no force power servers are boring as hell , it's no REAL fighting. It's easy fighting, no challenge. If you buy a game you want to play every mode possible, not be limited. Better to dl the games off winmx or morp if your not going to even be able to use your 100% moneys worth.

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yeah play no force saber only for the ultimate in newbie fun. feel the thrill of randomly swinging your saber attempting to hit someone! get the rush of watching people run backwards attempting to backstab you!

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Originally posted by flippo

yeah play no force saber only for the ultimate in newbie fun. feel the thrill of randomly swinging your saber attempting to hit someone! get the rush of watching people run backwards attempting to backstab you!


...maybe you just suck at sabering and think all you can land is random swipes at a skilled JEDI. I tell you, there is more strategy and skill involved in actually landing several swings at an opponent, and to do so consistently against other players. I play with a high ping (200+) and still manage to hold my own against most. I was a fps fan ever since DUKE3D came out, and love run and gun shooters just like anyone else, but multiplayer duels are where it is at if you want a true JEDI experience. Quit knockin it if you suck...

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"I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but here's my two cents."


***Okay, I'll try :)



"So I go into a team FFA server. Instantly I see people flipping through the air with rocket launchers blasting players to their delight. I think: Okay... force push sends rockets right back at them. Then I realize with a 16 player game on a DSL I won't have time to use the 'push' because it's so damn laggy."


***I've had no problems with lag (DSL). My ping is usually about 50-100. I guess you simply had bad luck with those servers.



"I finally do 'push' a rocket at a guy standing still. The rocket goes off in a random direction. Some time later a guy sprays laser fire at me and I reflect the bolts in entirely random directions (I had level 3 in defense and level 3 in push)."


****Are they supposed to fly automatically straight back into the barrel of the gun? Where does it say that? But agreed, a little tweak might be in order here..



"Then I run down into the basement and I see a guy has about 500 trip mines all over the place. So there's a no-no for poor map design: Trip mines respawn in a little room."


****Is this a problem? Shoot 'em if you feel you *must* enter that room.



"Then I whip out my sniper rifle and give it a try. Every shot (Naturally) fires one second after I let go of the trigger."


**** The lag-thingy again...



"Once I get into a sabre fight it was the most rediculous thing ever. The match seemed to be about who could 'push' and 'pull' each other the fastest."


**** Are you referring to the infamous A$$-fighters? "Fear my buttocks Jedi, 'cause I shall pull you up my Ass and slice you to ribbons!" LoL..yeah...ridiculous and lame. Can be countered by using absorb, though (If you keep you eyes open).



"The enemy uses 'Mind Trick' on me. So I counter with 'Sight' and alas I have sight but my force bar doesn't recharge! Why should I be disabled to counter an enemy attack! He's winning no matter what I do!"


**** Umm...GetSu_m$k!llZ n00b. Just kidding.



"So the fight goes on with us swinging wildly. Then he's about 20 feet away, I kid you not, and I hear the sizzle of a lightsaber and I fall over dead. He runs away and it says he killed me. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!"


**** Well, don't go swinging around wildly. But with the lag you're describing it might have been the only choice..oh well, I would have switched to another server.



"Every battle seemed to be the same way. I'd get hit with him no where near me."


**** Lag? :rolleyes:



"Then I find a guy with the Flechette weapon. Between the fact that you have to have a T1 to play with little lag and the rate it fires, I was dead nearly instantly. The same for the concussion rounds of the Repeater."


**** Those weapons are nasty. I don't think you are even supposed to be able to stare them to death if they're firing grenades at you. Use pull, jump, run away. (I think lagginess has been dealt with already, so I won't mention that anymore)



"All in all I must say, despite the single player, the the multiplayer is YAQ (Yet Another Quake) where everyone runs around with the biggest newb weapon they can find, there's no teamwork, and no balance."


**** That's why we have SABER ONLY servers and games where some kind of code is followed. But a Free For All, Full Force game is bound to be a massacre. After all, there are two dozen killing machines running around..

If you want more of a "Jedi-ish" experience, stay away from the beforementioned servers.



"Raven, you screwed up big time on the multiplayer."


**** No they didn't. :D



"You could've had a great multiplayer but it seems you've cloned singleplayer which wasn't that balanced to begin with. And with the new patch, it's even worse. "


**** Did you actually try out the pre-patch game? I doubt it. All you're talking about here is big guns (which were nerfed a lot with the patch!) and lag. The 1.02 spamming was much *much* worse.


Okay.. I guess that was all. So did you have any valid whines? Lag is not one...nor is the existance of pre-teen l337-gamers. People are idiots, but that doesn't mean the game is.

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