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Saber Models?

Aaron Halcyon

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Is anyone planning to do more saber handels? I really would love to have a large variety to play with even if it is just sp. I already love the one Sithlor II did and the Exar Kun one but I for one really want to see more of them. For Ideas here is a great site to find sabers http://members.tripod.com/MousieDroid/Hilt/Sabers_Library.html

Thanks in advance

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I would love to see some new saber hilts as well. That website linked above is great...I wish the owner would update it with more sabers.


I previewed a little image of a project I was killing some time doing a while back, but I may as well show more of it. It continues to grow. Essentially, its a schematic of various lightsabers. I used a few of the ones of THE HILT website for sources, but the rest I found from models, pictures, and other various websites. I think they look really nice. They might help someone out with saber modelling, so I figured might as well make it easy for them.







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I'm doing my best to learn about 3D modelling. Already know how to edit textures, but I have never tried to create 3D models.

Anyway, I'm learning, and I plan to make a large number of saber hilts when I know how. Should be soon enough, I'm a fast learner ;)


If you want to check out my texture work, lok up the golden and the dark jedi sabers at jediknightii.net. I've created more skins, but they haven't uploaded them yet.


Wish me luck...

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Personally I would like two see many many new sabers, most out now are prety ordinary (no oofense intended, just the round metal cylinder things with various). I wanna see some more exotic ones, in some of the books (dont really like starwars books but read a few) they mention some exotic ones, such as ones made of rancor teeth ect...


Plus any Freedon Nadd-Darklords of the Sith (comics) period stuff is most definitely welcome such as Ulics just befor he fall two the darkside. Infact anything from this period is cool cause frankly it is probably the best of the starwars stuff that ive read, seen or heard about with the exception of the original three flicks (but even then probaby the best).

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Originally posted by Sintax

Plus any Freedon Nadd-Darklords of the Sith (comics) period stuff is most definitely welcome such as Ulics just befor he fall two the darkside. Infact anything from this period is cool cause frankly it is probably the best of the starwars stuff that ive read, seen or heard about with the exception of the original three flicks (but even then probaby the best).


Those are on the way, that's what my mod revolves around, the era of Exar, Ulic, Ood, Tott, Cay, Sylvar, and the whole clan. :D

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It's not me, I'm a complete newbie at modeling. Still trying to figure out a lot of things, problems with UVW mapping and so forth. I'm just saying that I w-i-l-l do a lot of sabers as soon as I know how.


For the moment, I'm working on the Maul saber, just as an example work. That's the best way to learn...

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I managed to get the Maul sabre to work an hour ago! Still need to edit the textures, but that's what I'm good at;)

I'll do that tomorrow, after work, gotta go to sleep now. As soon as it's done, I'm starting on the Dooku saber and some sabers from the 'Tales of the Jedi' comics. I love those spiky, mechanical hilts!


Anyway, I don't have a site yet, but anyone interested in getting the Maul sabre can post their mail adress here, and I'll send it to them.

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If you place a saber-replacement .pk3 in the base directory, does every character then use that saber? My concern is: I have a saber hilt that I'd like to be specific to the character I'm working on when he's used in game.


Oh, and for the Maul saber: del@reid.cx Thanks!

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I thought you'd want it!:)

I'll start on the textures now. Providing nothing goes wrong, you should be able to expect the saber within 6-12 hours. I'll send it to all who post for it here untill it's up and running at jediknightii.net.


See you on the other side...;)

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Sorry all, but you're gonna have to wait one more day. First of all, it took me longer than anticipated to do the UVW mapping, and then my program crashed!:mad:


It's up and running now, but I can't sit here much longer, I've got to get up and go to work in 6 hours. Sorry to keep you all waiting, hopefully it will be all done tomorrow, I'm working as fast as I can!

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