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obiwan update!


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ooookay well heres an update of my obiwan...

i hate the legs... if ic ant get them to lok the way i want tomorrow, im going to make new ones...

plz give some cunstructive critism, what to fix, what to leave, etc etc.

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someone needs to get the force-twinkies away from Obi-wan. hehehe. the legs are rather wierd looking, and the torso is just a big block. theres no shape to it, no waist etc. its obviously still early in production...get it a bit farther and then ask for help.





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It's looking good, and yet not. I think your main problem is that the proportions are more cartoony than realistic (the legs being the biggest culprit). The other thing that irks me is the round profile of the belt. I would expect it to be more flat.

It's a tricky model to make though, with all of that loose, flowing fabric. It's bound to look poofy and blown out of proportion until it nears completion. You've got a good, solid foundation going there!

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I've got to agree on the proportions, definitely way off. I notice you're using a Dragonball Z name in the forums, though, so maybe you're shooting for the unrealistic DBZ body style? If not, definitely needs work. You might try getting the new Ep2 Obi-Wan action figure so that you can view him in 3 dimensions, might help.



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i also noticed the chuby ness, im not going to the animeish proportions.. going to make it as real as i can... though i just worked more on the front then the sides etc. he is much smaller now.. and i think i am going to ahve to do the legs again.. as they stick.. and for the belt part yes.. its too round i may not add a msoothing group to it..

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his sleeves are definitely too small, they should hang down like a komodo, and look almost too big for him.


Also, his tabards *you know those things that go over the tunic and are tucked into his belt* actually extend lower than the tunic in front, and the left is slightly over the right under his belt.






We used to think Jedi robes were composed of 3 layers of fabric, the tightfitting undershirt, the tunic, and the tabards.


I think the underlying problem with the model is that its too "tight" up top. All the clothing is tight on his upper body, when the real thing is in actuality quite loose. But the lower-part of his tunic is too loose, and just fluffs out. (I've made two Jedi costumes myself, the last of which I wore to AotC). :aobi:


Sorry if that sounded a little harsh, just wanted to give you some constructive criticism. The model is turning-out excellent regardless.

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Originally posted by OrecaGuy51

his sleeves are definitely too small, they should hang down like a komodo


sorry if this is off the path about your model, VEGETA2K1, but i think OrecaGuy51 meant kimono, NOT kimodo.


as for your model, it's getting there. but who am i to say anything? it's a ton better than what i can produce. i just think the legs look like cones that body sits on. the chest looks too puffy or something. i don't remember obi-wan being as huge as lou ferigno (the hulk guy). like BacMeth said, i think some reference pictures would help to get the proportions better, ESPECIALLY the pic OrecaGuy51 provided.

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well, i didnt want it to be to bagy, cuz in game it woudl look like crap.. soo.. i "improvised"

im going to redo the legs, and fix up the upper torso, but thanx for the comments

and OrecaGuy51 do you ahve alarger pic of that?

and does any1 have any good sized refbics of obiwan? from the back, profile, and front?

possible standing straight no stances etc. i know their hard to find and i couldnt find any but images like the one OrecaGuy51 posted would be great..............

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The only real thing that changed with his outfit from I and II was the color of the tunic and tabards. I remember seeing a large version of that pic somewhere, haven't been able to find it.


Padawansguide.com is a costuming site for Jedi garb. It has lots of info and pics of Obi-Wan's costume.

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If you ask me he looks more like Morpheus right before he fights Neo then anything else. The people that said he looks cartoonish, they're totally right. the people that said he's fat, they too are right. you could also fit that Obi-wan in with some Karate-Chicken from the WB's Anamaniacs...my point it, it looks okay, but could look way better if you were to have reference pic and a lot more time put into it.

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no, not any updates yet as i haVNT had time to work on it yet.. been trying to get one of my other mdoels in game.. and its hard.. and i dont think i got some caps right :(....

but i plan to add the braid for the ep1 version.. ep 2 wont have it..

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oookay finally an update! i worke don this for about 3 min.. i re made the legs.. addes some small folds.. did new set of boots.. made him skinny... and um.... dont know... i dont think its good enough to go to head just yet.. but i may any ways just to get it done..

any thoughts on this?


whops forgot pic hehe



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