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What I would like to see in the future


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Back when I played DarkForces 2 I was hoping they would come out with a saber combat game where there was more to it than two types of swings. They did, Jedi Outcast.


Now I would like to see them make a game solely based on saber combat. No guns, very limited force, lots of different moves.


1. No Guns. Jedi don't use guns. Did not obiwan say something about a blaster being clumsy? How many starwar movies have we seen where the jedi put their saber away and open fire?


2. Very limited force. The reason is that, for the most part, force is used on lackeys and weak mind people. In Episode 1 obiwan and maul did not push each other around, grip each other, zap each other, or anything else. They fought, plain and simple. They did use their powers on the droids and other weak people. The reason, I think, is that a jedi can simple counter these--after all they are suppose to be able to sense the force flowing. True Vader did throw things at luke with the force and the emperor did zap him but the emperor had no saber and both vader and the emperor were much more powerful than luke.


Force that should be allowed...that I can think of.

A. Force Jump. This is sort of a given.

B. Force Slow. While in mid air if a jedi hits the jump button it will slow his descent. This will prevent fall damage. It doesn't slow it enough noticably so you wont' be pulling a matrix. We saw Luke do this when falling in Bespin.

C. Saber Throw could be useful with some limitations. Im not going to go into detail but one such thing could be puting throw on a timer or allowing only a certain number a fight. Another option would be allowing any ready jedi to deflect the saber (like in single play JO) and knock it aside. In the movie vader threw his saber because luke had his put away, he didn't throw it while look was swinging.

D. Force Seeing. Not like it currently is but perhaps a "rear view mirror" type thing. Or some kind of hud display that will show a basic readout of stuff behind you. After all Jedi can sense things in the force and being that we are only playing a game we do not have that power.



I think the future game should have many different moves. Slashes, stabs, and more. Some special moves that can be pulled off and some moves that can be created thorugh combinations (such as stab, stab, slash).


There should be a few kicks of sort but they should only server to knock a person back with a chance of knocking him down.


Blocking should be automatic. The chance of blocking should be based on many factors such as stance, position, style, etc. Much like it is now. The reason it should be automatic is because, again, a jedi has a sixth sense and can see a split second into the future and so he knows where the attack will be.


Advanced Features

1. Styles. Single saber, dual saber, twin saber. Each of these should have different bonuses and penalties. For instance a single saber would have access to just about all attacks where as a twin saber would be more bulky and your mobility would be severly limited.


2. Stances. Rather than light, medium, and heavy these should have a bit of a different approach. If you ever read I, Jedi it talked about some rare jedi who use the triangle stance where their palm rests on the saber and the saber points down. Then there are other stances. Each stance should open up combat opportunities, power, and defensive ability rather then speed and damage. (note, power and damage are not the same, power is the chance to break through a defense or apply pressure).


3. Special Moves. The game should, of course, have the wall runs, flips, rolls of various sorts, and run up the walls.




Do note that im not saying this is what the next patch should be. Im saynig I would be thrilled to death if Lucas Arts would create a game like this. One downside is that with the many moves and styles it would be hard to balance.

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