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Awesome accident


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It was cool, but an accident.


I don't play any mp because i have no way to play it, but i do play alot of the sp ladder map, also i'm a habitual push/pull + saberthrow whore. Keep that in mind.


I think i was fightin' the two red and one yellow reborns and I pushed one down.

I then did the sideways, relaxing dive jump and threw my saber out at the same time and killed the guy i had pushed.


It took me a little bit to figure out what i did. It was smooth.

I haven't been able to do it again though.


Anyway i don't have a picture but i thought i would tell about it.

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where jan gets captured

I got Dessan stuck in between 2 crates when i was hiding where, and jsut hit him in back, i dunno i think he's invincible. so i pushed him out and htne let him continue.

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I was fighting a reborn in a rather tight space when all of the sudden I put my saber away & pulled out a thermal detonater. I have WHEELUP setup to switch stances and WHEELDOWN setup to cycle through all my throwable weapons and I guess I got confused.


Anyway, reflexively I hit the attack button and let loose with a frag before I knew waht weapon I was using. Keep in mind this was in tight quarters and I knew the frag was gonna hurt. After running around like a chicken with my head cut followed by a crazed wannabe with a lightsaber I finally got him in front of me & force pushed him into the corridor. The detonator was right in front of me and began to beep faster. Not having any better ideas, I force pushed the detonator into the same corridor the reborn was in. It detonated under him just as he was getting up. He didnt get up after that.


Now THAT was cool......

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Originally posted by ItsNotMyFault

I was fighting a reborn in a rather tight space when all of the sudden I put my saber away & pulled out a thermal detonater. I have WHEELUP setup to switch stances and WHEELDOWN setup to cycle through all my throwable weapons and I guess I got confused.


Anyway, reflexively I hit the attack button and let loose with a frag before I knew waht weapon I was using. Keep in mind this was in tight quarters and I knew the frag was gonna hurt. After running around like a chicken with my head cut followed by a crazed wannabe with a lightsaber I finally got him in front of me & force pushed him into the corridor. The detonator was right in front of me and began to beep faster. Not having any better ideas, I force pushed the detonator into the same corridor the reborn was in. It detonated under him just as he was getting up. He didnt get up after that.


Now THAT was cool......


Heheheh, that's pretty funny. :D




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I had just killed a reborn, spawning the next wave. They ran towards me together, so I did a sideways slash across their midsection. I saw one drop, and a pole explode but didn't realise that I had killed them both fresh[/i] reborns till I another one charged past them.;)

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not to do with fighting but.....


.....the door with the robot, the one you have to give the password (from lando) to - if you get the password wrong a trapdoor opens.


well I threw my saber down the trapdoor and then it closed - i walked around with my left arm trying to grab it back.


the only way i could get it back was to give another incorrect password - well funny.

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