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Luke Skywalker - ESB


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Thanks for a great, and necessary, skin pack!

It really works well. Have you checked out that Beta version of The Carbon Freeze Chamber FFA Map?

Perfect for Luke vs. Vader ala ESB!


What happened to the beaten up Luke skin. I thought that looked excellent in the screenies.


One other thing, I'm going to try and learn how to program and modify sounds for MP characters. I'd love to have ESB Luke saying something like...

"You'll find I'm full of surprises"

or something else from ESB. Also I thought that when he gets killed, his scream form when he gets his hand cut off in the movie might be nice.


Thanks again HapSlash. And definately "not bad for your first skin"

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Thanks, I had planned on doing that with the sounds, In fact I went through the movies and made a list of all the lines that could make good taunts. But, the cord for my audio input went kaput, and I felt that people had waited long enoughfor the skins. I may update the pack after I get a chance to do so,....



The damadged skin just got lost in the shuffle. A lot of people said that while it looked nice, there really wasn't a lot of demand for it in game, and I'm afraid I'd tend to agree with them. Add that to the fact that my skin pack was already pushing 3.5 mb's, and you come up short one skin.


If there are enough people interested, I may make it avilable for download.

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:rolleyes: I'm interested :rolleyes:


I agree about the size and the lack of demand, but for some reason, after I saw the shot of it, I really like the idea of beaten-up Luke. My good friend and I constantly battle with Luke and Vader.


I wondered why you didn't release them sooner... now I know.

Thanks for getting them out to us this way.

What's your top priority with your JKII edits right now? (just out of curiousity)





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Hap! Great job on Luke! :) Two things, though.


Downloaded them, ran them through my jpg compression routine, and I was able to shave the whole pack down to 885kb with no loss of visual quality. If you want the compressed version to resubmit, mail me, bradfu@msn.com :) If you need info on the jpg compression I'm doing, let me know.


Second thing... Dagobah, not Degobah :D


I'm going to post a thread with my JPG compression tip so hopefully people will start using it.

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For me, I just keep forgeting! I just storm trough the save process and save under whatever the slider is on! I hate so much the slow save process in photoshop that I can' t wait, it's stronger than me I just save! One thing for sure is that the aayla skinpack could have used some heavy streamlining. I wanted to compress here and there before submitting but the file structure was such a mess that I didn't dare to touch anything! Don't blame me afterward, sorry. Ok, now I forgot the important thing I was saying.... ah yes! Ok, but now that Luke has been submitted any change in the files woud cause multiplayer incompatibilities or not? I didn't try this so I don't know, you know this stuff Bradfu? Would the two versions still be able to see another?

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Yeah, if the pk3 files aren't identical, they won't work together. But it's early enough that it could probably be done. No big deal, though. A couple mb might not be worth screwing around with it. Just so everyone remembers it for future skins :D



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I don't even use photoshop. Would you mind sending me the torso file you compressed so I can see it for myself? When I was saving the textures I started to get bad looking anomalies (little green & purple squares) on even the lightest jpg compression.


In fact the textures included in the pk3 I sent out had them, but they were really only visible beyond 100% view.



Maybe If I upgrade the sounds, add in the damaged skin, and increase the compression of the textures, I'll update the pk3 and people can save it over their old one.



I was hoping no one would notice that Dagobah thing, I originally spelled it wrong on the folder and just copy/pasted it everywhere else,....

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Seeing as the hoth skins are so close to being done, I'll probably finish those up first. The farscape skins I'm pretty sure are going to take quite a bit of time to finish, but with the new season already playing you never know maybe I'll be inspired.





Hey, I just started a website and put the url in my signature. It's not anywhere near to being done, and the pop-ups can be annoying, but hey, it's free!

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, it's been a month now since I've released this thing, and I haven't really recieved any feedback since it's initail release. I did get a few e-mails from people, but every single one of them was littered with complaints. I partially blame jkii.net for deleating the skins off of their site so quickly after they were added,(what was it 5 days) and making it harder for people to find them. And partially the fact that I wasn't completely satisfied with it. But to be honest, it really doesn't matter anymore, because I'm giving him an overhaul.


I'm planning to re-release him. When I do, I hope to have added a customized model, sounds, bots, and refined textures. The Dagobah Luke will most likely be dropped from the pack. I haven't recieved any positive feedback off of it, just complaints of it taking up space. And for those wondering about the battle damaged Luke, basically it was canned. It's just a simple variation of my original skin, and there really isn't much call for it.



I'll update again soon with some pics of the prgress I've made,...

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Sorry to hear you got no positive responses Hap. I sent you and e-mail when the skin was released...anyhow. I think they are fantastic and are permanent residents on my server. I would like to thank you personally for this skin as IMO THEY ROCK!! Its people like you who help extend the life of the game and add to it by creating great stuff like this...So to all the haters out there or people who didn’t send "constructive" criticism all I can say is....


**** YOU BUDDY!!




Again my thanx and I would be happy to host and server ANY of your work!

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Here's what I've got going on right now,... I've started to model a new body for him, and have worked out most of the torso and holster. Here's a quick image,...




I just popped the default luke head on there for now, and I still have to do a lot more work with the mapping of the skin, but I thought this would give you an idea of where it's headed.

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I've Always thought that the Dagobah skin was as good or better than the Bespin skin. Also since your making a new model you could squeze the wrists in for the Dagobah model because they stick out and were not make for a skin texture. But really, I would countinue the Degobah skin. You could just release it as a seperate skin altogether so that those whiners wouldn't have it 'take up space' if they didn't download it. HapSlash I think you are a very talented skinner and you should not 'can' a project because of some retards who have nothing to do but complain about stuff say your skin sucks and what not.



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