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Default Reborn skin


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Sweet! I'm good and helpful! And I've only been in the skinning game for about a week and a half <G>


As for using the other Reborn skins in Multiplayer, I think I've heard of a way, but I beleive it requires cheats or scripting (which I haven't gotten into). I'm sure someone here can answer whether or not this can be done this way or not, and if so, how to do it. Otherwise, just create a new skin for it that just points to whatever skin files you want to use, like Phagocytizer said. Of course, you have the whole Pure Server problem if you go that route.


Hope an answer comes along, I'd be interested in hearing it too :)



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There are two ways.


1. Open the console (SHIFT+`) during the game and type one of the following:


model reborn/boss

model reborn/forceuser

model reborn/fencer

model reborn/acrobat




2. Go to the file section of JKII.net and download either the Four Reborn file or the Reborn Jedi Pack, (which also contains team skins for each model!)


Method 1 can be used on pure servers but doesn't display any player icon (picture) for you. Method 2 can't be used on pure servers, (unless they have those particular skins installed too,) but it does have a picture for each skin.


:vadar: Hope that helps!

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