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What vehicals wil lbe in it?

Ulic Quel Droma

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In the E3 trailer, we see AT-ST's and a corellian corvette. I heard that he AT-ST's will be AI at first, but I hope we can pilot or own the corvette. Im sure its probable just a landing animation, but it is wrong to hope is it?


Speaking of......


I last heard that they are going to do the underwater programming with the release of the game. Any one heard the status of in atmosphere flight and combat?


Basicly looking for any info on available ships to pilot besides speeders and swoops.

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Yes. And the fact that they have this bonus indicated that they'll fix something up pretty fast, hopefully. And well, of the planets that we know will be in the game this far, only naboo contains any special underwater terrain. So right now, I don't think you miss out that much.

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Forget where, but somewhere I read that since underwater is so similar to flight they're waiting till the expansion to include it. There will be shallow water, but not the deep kind. This is because they can use the space flight system for underwater. makes sense.

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