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The patch sucks big time (how to fix included...BRILLIANT!)


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Yup the patch sucks, it's MUCH worse than before. It's great to see that people waited so long for very minor changes that could go a long way, but instead the game just got worse UGH!


Anyhow heres how to fix it. First GO BACK to patch 1.02. Now I know that version wasn't perfect either but there is sooooo much wrong with the current, so this is where to start.


Grip needs to be buffed.


Lightning needs to be buffed.


DRAIN NEEDS TO BE BUFFED. Yes I know, during 1.02 TONS of people were crying about drain but I still think it was too powerfull then so heres the deal....

Drain should be just like 1.02 BUT it should work a lot slower (including draining your own force), this will allow time for light jedi to activate absorb.


Speaking of absorb, I think it should be a sort of punch power whereas once it is used it takes away a given amount of force and lasts a short period (force still regenerates). This way people can use it when they are being drained, lightininged, etc.

As for quick force powers such as push and pull, absorb should be used when people think it would be especially dangerous to get pushed (like when they are crossing a bridge). As for pull, use protect when you are up close and using a gun.

This way absorb won't be the lame constant shield that it is now.


I think protect should only "show up" once it is doing it's job. Not only is it a better graphic and effect type thing but it makes it so everyone doesn't already know you have it. It's kinda like shield power, but it will show up different (ie it will show up similar to the way absorb does now).


BOTH FORCE ABSORB AND PROTECT should not screen your monitor blue or green when using first person view!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE THIS. I think it would be ok for it to flash these colors if they are being put into effect though (ie the conditions I stated previously for the colors). ONLY THEN PLEASE!!!


Mind trick still sucks. Heres something very important....mind trick at level 3 is supposed to fool everyone on the map until you attack or whatever. However it does not fool people who just join/spawn. THIS IS LAME. People are respawning all the time!!! Mind trick sucks enough (at level 3, and all other levels) without it not working on half the people (like it's supposed to on level 3).

All that needs to be done is the entire map get's mind tricked until you attack.

This is too unrealistic? Well this isn't a realistic game. This would greatly help balance. And how is mind tricking everyone on the map realistic anyways?

With my system it's not only more balanced but also more realistic! Here's why!! Mind trick will be an aura around the caster, which effects ANYONE who would normally see the jedi. This doesn't change anything but it would explain why. AND it would be similar to the way darth maul "cloaks" himself in some of the expanded universe books. But my focus is, of course, primarily balance.


SABER FIGHTING COMPLETELY SUCKS NOW. CHANGE IT BACK TO 1.02 ESPECIALLY MEDIUM STANCE!!!! SO REVERT ALL SABERING EXCEPT.......backattacking. THIS IS BULL-POODU!!!! WTF. Backattacking is now a primary, or rather THE primary attack. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the 1.02 was perfect either...here's what I think.

Backattacking should be used as an emeregency protocol when people are directly behind you. It's damage should be HEAVILY LOWERED, but it should go a tad faster with less lag time afterwards.

My main point is that I think it should be "disruptive". I don't mean piercing, but I mean it should stall the person behind you so you can escape OR give you enough time to turn around (and by that time BOTH people be in ready stance). If the other person doesn't have a saber, then it should still stall them but only do MINOR damage!!!!!.........OH YA and except this:


PEOPLE SHOULDN'T be blocking all the time when you are attacking from behind. I think this is because your saber is long enough to go "through" them so it does and thereby hits their saber (which is pointed at their front). PLEASE FIX THIS!


And finally, for some reason my EAX works on single player but not multi. Great job adding EAX btw :)

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O ya I also wanted to mention that mouse movement is REALLY MESSED in the new patch for some reason. I have tried mouse smooth and all that stuff, plus my mouse works fine otherwise.


Dam this patch is gay!

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Dam this patch is gay!




Grip needs to be buffed? Lightning buffed? Lightning is spammed like crazy as it is, and grip was just retarded on levels with pits. You'd get people who did nothing but grip you, run you towards a pit, and drop you. At least now you have a couple seconds to get your bearings and absorb (if your light) or push/drain (if dark).


Protect is ok the way it is. It doesnt have the deterrent effect that the original absorb has. That being, if one saw a player glowing blue, they certainly werent going to use a force power on them, but they could still attack. Now, its used as an actual function, and not just somethign to scare away force users. However, with protect, there is no way to get around having to attack them. You've gotta attack to get the kill, no other way around it. (except ledges, if you swing that way)




Uh huh....




>blink blink<





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Okay..lets take a look at this post then, shall we.



1. Grip needs to be buffed.





2. Lightning needs to be buffed.




3. DRAIN NEEDS TO BE BUFFED. Yes I know, during 1.02 TONS of people were crying about drain but I still think..




4. Speaking of absorb, I think it should be a sort of punch power whereas once it is used it takes away a given amount of force and lasts a short period


Umm...like, why?


5. As for quick force powers such as push and pull, absorb should be used when people think it would be especially dangerous to get pushed


Sure..? So when do you normally use absorb? When you're safe and hiding behind a crate somewhere? Are you saying that absorb should be made into a "near-the-edge-only"-power?



6. As for pull, use protect when you are up close and using a gun.

This way absorb won't be the lame constant shield that it is now.





7. I think protect should only "show up" once it is doing it's job. Not only is it a better graphic and effect type thing but it makes it so everyone doesn't already know you have it.


Oookay..? This was done to absorb.



8. BOTH FORCE ABSORB AND PROTECT should not screen your monitor blue or green when using first person view!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE THIS. I think it would be ok for it to flash these colors if they are being put into effect though


Ahh...the colours. Major bad.



9. Mind trick still sucks. Heres something very important....mind trick at level 3 is supposed to fool everyone on the map until you attack or whatever. However it does not fool people who just join/spawn. THIS IS LAME.

All that needs to be done is the entire map get's mind tricked until you attack.





10. This is too unrealistic? Well this isn't a realistic game.


Okay. It isn't a realistic game. Agreed.



11. This would greatly help balance.


Are you serious? Points 1-10? Buffing lighting and so on?



12. And how is mind tricking everyone on the map realistic anyways?


Well, it isn't.


13. With my system it's not only more balanced but also more realistic!


I thought you said...nevermind.


14. ...But my focus is, of course, primarily balance.


Yes, we can all see that. LoL





Change it back? The DFA that kills from a mile away and even though you have your saber buried in the ground?



16. It's damage should be HEAVILY LOWERED, but it should go a tad faster with less lag time afterwards.


You want all 1.02 saber-thingies back but backattacking heavily lowered? Doing less damage than a basic light stance swing? Oookay. Whatever you say. That surely would take care of all the assfighters. LoL!


17. My main point is that I think it should be "disruptive". I don't mean piercing, but I mean it should stall the person behind you ...If the other person doesn't have a saber, then it should still stall them but only do MINOR damage!!!!!


Umm..stall? Like when you stab someone who only has a bryar pistol in his hands with a saber..he would..be like.."ahh..I can't move..doesn't hurt though.."?



18. PEOPLE SHOULDN'T be blocking all the time when you are attacking from behind. I think this is because your saber is long enough to go "through" them so it does and thereby hits their saber (which is pointed at their front). PLEASE FIX THIS!


LoL! That's probably it, yeah.. :rolleyes:


You were right ShockV1.89, he really broke the mold. Makes you think, doesn't it..? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Really, Johner...this thread has been dead for a week now. Zero replies. *hint-hint*


Let it go. Bury it.


I'm not the only 1 keeping this post going hint hint

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