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Episode 2 maps.


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Here are some suggestions for mappers on making ep2 maps.


1. The arena where they excutions were supposed to take place.


2. The Sentae room.. where they were holding there voting.


3. Someone NEEDS to redo the Jedi Council Duel level.

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I'm gonna say that the arena level will not be near as fun without someone creating giant alien tiger and such models to fight. :D And a 1 on 1 duel won't be near that exciting without a crowd cheering you on... can you put NPCs in MP maps?


Remember, that was just a gigantic round desert floor with 4 posts in it... nothing too special unless you use it as part of a bigger whole. :D

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Yea, but that would be nice if the crowd could be there... and jedi's could be swinging there sabers off in the distance. Something moving like the backround used in the Jedi Chamber Duel level may be able to be used?

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"Those wil become reality

in Atack of the clones total conversion

i am working on the senat chambers

and a few others

like padme's appartment and every thing that is on coruscant =]"


That is so cool. You rock man. Lemme know when you get those done. I can't wait to see all the new episode 2 levels.

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I am working very hard on the Arena of the Executions but I need a picture or small movie file wherin I can see the entire Arena.


It's going to be a SP map with lots of animations. The idea is to let the player choose which one he is. Obi-Wan, Anakin or Amidala and maybe even yoda or Windu.


However, I'm not certain because I don't know if it's possible to make a nexu (amidala) reek (anakin) or acklay (Obi-Wan).


As soon as they are released, expeect a heavy map.


Expect sreenshots to pop up.


By the way, does anyone know a good sand texture.

Maybe there's one in the Mos Eisley texture pack?


One last thing, how do you create ingame cutscenes or play a movie. that way I can seriously become a mapper.

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