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help - stuck, walkthro doenst help


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i am at the bit not far after Luke and i have beaten up some Reborns, after where Stormtroopers have flown through the hanger :-)


I am in a room with a welding type machine on the end of a rotating arm.


I climb to the top (onto a rail nearest the ledge with the grate) and i cant make the jump - i have tried this jump 20 times - is there another way?









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If you are at the top level, and can see the breakable grate, you are close. Jump to the rail - as you seem to say you have done - that is closest to the grate, and just bak up a bit and then use your best forward move - jump combo.


It is not a trivial jump, but is very doable. I routinely (have played SP 3x now) save on the rail, then do the jump. I seldom get it the first time ... OK, I NEVER have gotten it the first time.



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