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Bring Yoda


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Just wondering if anyone's seen a Yoda model or skin out there. Searched though jediknightii.net and couldn't find one and there's no mention of one in these forums. Could someone please make one. Surprised that no one has made one yet. I'd make one myself but I'm afraid that it'll just turn out to be a green stick figure with pointy ears.

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crouch... just make him go lower to the ground

dfa + yellow.... would be the exact same, don't see how this would be a problem. Have the hovering device attached to his feet. There are clever modelers out there that could do this I'm sure.

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I said similiar not exactly as the one shown on the web page. He'd be STANDING on the hovering device which is attached to his feet. When he's running, walking he'd be the same height as everyone else. When he crouches his hovering device will lower him down to the crouching height as everyone else. Now the problem probably comes with rolling. To roll, just make the hovering device goto the ground and go as fast as rolling. If this is too hard to implement then whatever, my bad for bringing it up. I just wanted a Yoda model to play with.

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I'm not clear on modeling. Didn't someone make a Vader "model" already? Yes he is the same size as the other "models" in teh game, but if someone can design a completely new one for Vader, why not for Yoda? If worst comes to worst someone could go the JK I skin route where someone just stapled Yoda's head on a Jedi's body.

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there is actually a guy that's made a yoda model but he hasnt finished it yet. go to yoda's swamp and then search for the thread: yoda model he has done a really good job so far and he will prolly make yoda hover or something.

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