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Anakin vs Tyrannous is Ep 3


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i just read an article on





Sustaining grievous injuries at the hands of his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Vader required cybernetic enhancements and replacements to sustain him. His pure innocent self seemingly lost forever, Darth Vader cast a dark pall over the galaxy, as he was one of the foremost agents responsible for the elimination of the Jedi order.


this at least answeres the question if obi wan will fight anakin in ep3




would you mind posting the names of the books you mentionend ??


greets funkyhead

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Likely since Anankin and Palpatine have a friendship, palpatine would massage his ego and inspire him to fight Dokuu to end the clone wars thus playing on Anakins arrogance.

At this Doukoo will realize hes being betrayed so he will exploit palpatiene to the jedi who then will consider showing mercy to Doukoo but Anakin will kill him before hand thus pushing his battle with Obiwan.

Palpatiene will declare himself emperor before the jedi can do anything, then palpatine will use the clones to attack the jedi who will be exhausted after the war, along with bounty hunters,other sith followers, supporters of the empire, and haters of jedi.

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Originally posted by te necabo

lightsaber color depends on the crystal inside but Mace Windu has an electrum lightsaber not a crystal light saber this is what gives it its purple color I'd assume. - go to http://www.starwars.com and watch the episode 2 commercials for this info- other jedi it lists as having crystal lightsabers but mace it lists an electrum lightsaber


Actually, that's not right... an electrum handle is simply one that is gilded, signifying placement in the Jedi Council... there was a thread on specifically that somewhere on this forum, but I don't know where it is now...

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