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Hall of Lame 2 (getting really annoyed)

Shadow BladeX1X

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Originally posted by Shadow BladeX1X

Do you guys find it annoying that when you turn off ur saber and then you try to duel someone they keep attacking you? isn't that like dishonerable *wink* looks at (Chaos Matter):o


I thinks it really lame when someone is getting their butt kicked they turn off their only capacity for both offense & defense. How many of you out there would have got up and left the movie theatre if Qui Gon Gin said "All right.....OK......Time Out....King's X over here, gott go health up.......be right back there red 'n black dude"


sarcasm meter:



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correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't obi wan in episode 4 deactivate his saber while fighting Vader, as if to say "I'm ready to die?"


I think that's the message people are trying to convey when they deactivate their lightsaber: "I'm ready to die"


They actually want you to kill them, so I don't see what the problem is.


Also, if you edit the 'typing' icon to one that says "please kill me" It is rare that you ever have to feel guilty about killing anyone.



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You could look at it that way, Prancer. Or you could se it as people saying "You and me, one on one. Get ready to duel." Annnd, of course, if you jump them and kill them while they're hitting the duel key, you can feel satisfied with knowing that you killed them in a way that required no skill whatsoever. Congrats.


Likewise with typekilling. If somebody is in the middle of a firefight and stops and starts typing: He's an ass, I'll hold him down, you sabre. However, if he's off in the corner or under some stairs, WITH sabre off, typing... just leave him alone for a minute. Again, it takes no skill to kill someone whos hands arent even on the controls. The blue symbol is there for a reason...


How about I steal your keyboard and mouse, and then I kill you and call myself an l33t k1nd4 d00d. l r0x0rs!



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First of all, I'm not overly concerned with showing that I am "skilled" or "l337" or anything like that. I just like to kill people as quickly as possible, what I call speed killing. This is what matters in a FFA game as far as scoring goes.


I've been told that this is a sign of insecurity, but I wholly disagree. I'm not ashamed to lose, but I do like to be a bit competitive when I play. I enjoy the game more that way. You play how you like, I'll play how I like, let's not criticize eachother.


I score higher than a lot of players who are obviously better than me one on one. I owe this to playing smarter than them. Instead of running around dueling with a saber I get a rocket launcer. If I know I can't win a fight with someone, of course I'll run away. I'd be an idiot not to. Of course, I get criticized (and kicked out of servers a lot) for what I think of as "playing smarter." But hell, I'll never be as "skilled" as some other players, but at least I got a head on my shoulders that will let me win a match once in a while.


Also, If something is important enough to type in the middle of a game (I've never actually seen anything I would consider important being communicated in a game server) then expect to die. In my quest for speed kills, I see someone with a bubble over their head as one quick kill on my way to the next. I think its fun the same way many of you think saber fighting is fun, and I don't vote-kick you for saber fighting do I? God Damned Saber-Spammers.


Anyhoo, if there's a button on my keyboard I can push that will make someone die, I will push that button. I'm not going to investigate all the various signs and signals that the players polygonal representation may be giving out that would suggest he's going to have a hissy fit after his death. It's like trying to figure out women.




P.S. I am having trouble figuring out what the hell this means:


How about I steal your keyboard and mouse, and then I kill you and call myself an l33t k1nd4 d00d. l r0x0rs!


I'm not stealing keyboards, mice or anything else for that matter. Nor am I calling myself "an l33t k1nd4 d00d. l r0x0rs!" I'm just having fun with a game I paid a great deal of money for and would appreciate not getting banned from servers!

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But HP, wouldnt you like to see your name at the top of the scoreboard and know that you got there by skill? And not by killing people whose hands arent even on the controls? That person might be typing "gf" to someone, or perhaps assisting a newbie in a certain technique. I'm sorry, but being at the top of the scoreboard and having more kils than someone else doesnt mean crap when you got there with a relativley cheap technique. (and the rocket launcher thing: I'm down with that. Guns are there for a reason, use em.)


P.S. I am having trouble figuring out what the hell this means:


What I mean is when you typekill someone, they may as well not have any mouse/keyboard or any controls at all. Their hands are nowhere near them. It's like drag racing someone when the other person is trying to reattach their steering wheel. Sure, its a win, but its just sorta stupid...


Look at it this way, if you will. You and three friends are playing ball at the local basketball court. One of your friends says "Hold on a second" and kneels down to tie his shoe. You grab the ball, drive past your kneeling friend (who doesnt even see you go by) and slam the ball. Its really the same thing in a game.


Running away is fine too. If you cant win a fight, then by all means, take off. "He who fights and runs away..." If your opponent chases, all the better. Drop mines for him. :p


If people ban you from servers for typekilling... well, its their server. I wouldnt do it if I was admin, but I might ask you nicely to not do it.


Communication between players is one of the things I enjoy most about multiplayer. Its what seperates them from bots (aside from more unique play and spamming :rolleyes: ). Being able to yuck it up with someone about our last duel is fun for me, and when someone takes advantage of that for a quick, cheap kill, that annoys me.


But hey, different strokes...



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no you cannot. you cannot CONSISTANTLY be at the top of the score board killing people afk.


if it is the difference between 2 to 3 kills, then it killing people afk is a skill and a valuable tool. its a free point and whoever can take those opportunities most effectively wins. but really, how many times do you ever get a chance to kill someone afk? maybe 2 or 3 times at most in a 20 minute match. less if its based off of kills.


the fact of the matter is, there are not alot of games where people just stand around afk for long periods of time. they are usually afk for a minute or two, and if they had sense, they type afk. with the new patch, (with the one of two things they did right, the other being eax support) you get that cute little box over your head for config. AND if they had sense, they would go to an out of the way location to do what they needed, away from the fray.


If killing afk'ers is the difference between 2 or 3 points to win, then it becomes a skill.


People consistantly at the top dont cannot rely on afk kills to put them there.

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Btw this isn't directed at anyone, so when I say 'you' I mean anyone. Don't take this personally.


If your stupid enough to stop and talk to someone in the middle of a battle, you deserve to be killed. Save your talking for when you're dead and you have time to give a few words.


Free For All is just that, free for all. Free killing, no rules. You get killed, then don't make the same mistake twice.


If you challenge someone and they attack you. Don't be a knob and stand there and take it, if your as good as you think you are you should be able to kill someone who attacks you without warning.


As far as duels and bowing goes... I think its stupid. People are waiting to play while the duelers dick around and role play courteous honorable jedis. Your display of honor should come after the fight congradulating the victor and accepting defeat without being a bitch.


Please leave the role playing to when you are in a private game with friends.


My friend and I acted out the final battle in episode 1 (sans obi wan) in the new duel of fates level. I wouldn't try that on a normal server, so I don't think its a good idea to roleplay on any normal server and get upset about it.

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i have a solution to this little problem. when someone goes afk just drop mines/det packs all over the place and when they become un-afk they will kill themselves and you will still get the point:D this way you wont have to feel guilty about killing someone who is afk because

1) when they blow themselves up they wont be afk anymore

2)they will have done it to themselves


also this is damn funny. if you see that picture of the flag on jkii.net i did that to someone who was afk before. when he came back he err ... met an untimely and very very violent end. i almost peed myself it was soooo funny :D

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If killing afk'ers is the difference between 2 or 3 points to win, then it becomes a skill.


Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. In no way whatsoever is killing somebody who isnt even at the keyboard, or who is typing something and doesnt have their eyes on the screen, a skill. A skill is defined as :Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience. Type killing is none of those things.


AND if they had sense, they would go to an out of the way location to do what they needed, away from the fray.


You know, I tried this once. I passed by a sabre gangbang with about 4 people in it. I walked waaaay off to the side, and slightly into another room. I then hit the chat key but didnt type, just waited to see what happened. And no less than three of the four people broke off from the sabre fight to come after me, all of them spinning around backwards for their l33t backslashes for the quick kill. I was stunned. Of course, imagine their surprise when I came to life and cut down two of them, but whatever...


My point is, people that are typekilled often ARE hiding, off to the side, well away from the action. People seek them out. They'll ignore an opponent who is on the ground and disarmed for one who is typing. (well, some of them). Thats just not cool.


No, it shouldnt be a rule of "No typekilling or your banned!" But respect for your common man (or woman) and a sense of fair play and fair competition should keep you from doing things like that.


But then again, this is online, so you dont have to meet the victim face to face. So of course, all gloves are off.


And I never said that one could be at the top of the scoreboard by only killing typers.



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wow this subjective BS about "winning by skill" is just hilarious...


I've met every kind of whiner in my online travels... I read in another thread that put it best: the only way you can win without people complaining is to have them fall off ledges, that way:


there's no force involved,

no guns,

no saber throwing,

no afk killing,

no saber-off killing...


to be honest, I could care less if I win a board and every single idiot on that board says, "You're a no-good ass-fighting pull-backsweep-spamming lamer." I know I won, if a bunch of strangers I've never met/will never meet in my life think it lame, too bad for them, I think a lot of you should feel the same way... why are you so obsessed with impressing some anonymous geeks online? because you look cool while fighting? finding the woman of your dreams is cool. graduating from university is cool. getting a high paying job is cool. having good friends who can rely on you is cool. being praised by people you don't know for your "stylish saber fighting" in a videogame that is based on a piece of fiction may be cool in your own mind, but won't get you far in life, sorry. (unless you're a professional, which truth be told, most of us AREN'T, and aren't even close)

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in a game that scores off of kills and nothing else, whoever gets the most kills has the most skills. bottom line.


In this game, you are either a cannon or cannon fodder; hunter or prey. The only difference between killing a hunter and killing prey, is in bragging/flamming/humiliation rights.


3 undisputable facts


afk kills are available to everyone

people who have health can be killed

people afk are relatively rare in the grand scheme of things

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in a game that scores off of kills and nothing else, whoever gets the most kills has the most skills. bottom line.


Well, following that line of logic, people should just DL hacks and aimbots and get the highest score possible. Thats the bottom line, after all. Who cares how they got there?


I also take it you had no problem with the DFA bug? (read, BUG) I mean, being killed by a sabre 6 inches underground is ok, since all that matters is kills, right? Right?


afk kills are available to everyone

people who have health can be killed

people afk are relatively rare in the grand scheme of things

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here... game hacks are availible to everyone. So are AK-47s and nuclear weapons. That doesnt make them right, does it? (well, ok, nukes are allright... ;) )



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but it is that simple. truth be told, the only thing that is hurt is variety.


I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here... game hacks are availible to everyone. So are AK-47s and nuclear weapons. That doesnt make them right, does it? (well, ok, nukes are allright... )


You are trying to make a moral argument. In a game, morality is based exclusively on winning. Wheither winning has to do with aim, strategy or point allocation, winning is still winning, and to consistantly win takes skill.


I only play on pure servers.


However, you made a point about hacking programs and how they were available to everyone.


If hacking the game is the factor in winning, then hacking becomes a skill and whoever can hack the game the best wins.


Conversely, shutting out hackers also becomes a skill.


Hell, if being blind ass lucky is the determining factor in winning, than being blind ass lucky becomes the DETERMINING SKILL.


AFK kills were never the factor in winning, and when they became one, then yes, afk kills require skill, as in who can get the most the most efficiently.

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I agree with Nathan mostly. I myself do not kill someone typing a message. I myself type sometime to communicate with others in a game. But I know that it is my responsibility 100% to protect myself. Because nobody else has the resposibility to protect myself in a FFA game. So if someone comes near me w/ intent to kill, I hurry up with the typing and continue my play. I don't blame the guy for trying to kill me. It's a game of war folks. It's unwise to let your defenses down. Who once said that BTW?

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This is amazing..


Nathan Wind, I completely disagree with everything you have ever written on these boards. Every post, every sentence, every word. Amazing. I sure hope we never meet in real life. LoL!


Btw - here's one word for you, look it up sometime: ...FUN.


Yeah; "FUN". As in "having a good time" or "enjoying a GAME".



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Erm, I gotta agree. What's the point of 'being the best' if it's no fun? Jeez, we buy games for entertainment.


Another lamer for the list: someone called ST-Bob. He DFA's repeatedly, and if he can't hit you with it, he'll pull a janitor pull-backslash combo. When I complained he said 'learn to avoid it', which I could; I beat him about 3 times earlier when it was only me against him. But he ran into corridors of people, and then used DFA, and then backslashed everyone else, all of whom were stuck in the corridor. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by defalc

Erm, I gotta agree. What's the point of 'being the best' if it's no fun? Jeez, we buy games for entertainment.


Yeah...but still we got these "Nathans" on every server and thread who just DOESN'T GET IT.




And if your "fun" means that no-one else in the game has fun (cheating and such lame crap) then you are an Ass.


It's very simple, really...that is all there is to it.

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