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Negative port number...


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There was a player on my server that showed up in status as having a port number of -7589 whereas everyone else was roughly waht you'd expect in the 28000 range.


I didn't think a negative number was even possible!?! What could cause this?. Might it be a display bug?

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I trust your opinion Matrix, you seem to know more than anyone about the server settings etc...


This really isn't a big issue, but when I do a status I get both the IP port and the QPORT.


It sorta looks like this: 4458


Where the 4458 is the QPORT...maybe Im wrong. and never really looked at how the data lines up to the headers in status, but I swear I saw what I posted earlier. 4458


This is not the exact IP and info...but this is what it looked like.

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