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what the HELL happened?


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Whats goin on here fellas i get this new patch and now i cant fight worth ****. They completly destroyed 'heavy' combat. I used to be able to kill someone with 2 (or less) direct hits from heavy swing, now it takes twice as many. I read about how its only suppose to hurt them if you hit them in the middle of the swing, but thats a bunch of bull****.


Heavy combat sucks now for the following reasons


1. In my opinion, heavy is the hardest style to fight with. I dont want to badmouth anyone but to me it seems pretty hard to hit someone with a slow ass heavy swing especially if your playing a skilled opponent with a faster swing.


2. The saber hits are way to weak for all styles but you notice it most with the heavy swing. Even if you hit someone "perfectly" with the heavy swing, they just shrug it off. Their making the heavy users work even HARDER than they are already working just to get a kill.


3. Whered the heavy special move go? I used to be able to do it on command, now all my guy does is flip around like a freakin fairy? Did they change the controls for it? Some people comlianed that it was too strong and i agree with that but jesus i cant even pull it off once!


I was reading a different thread complaining about the new patch and where the dude was saying how heavy style sucks someone said "use a different style". Thats ****ing bull****. Thats what made the game cool is being able to choose different fighting styles. I hope they fix heavy swing soon. for now i guess ill have to use medium (i have no idea what the **** im doing). oh well.


P.S. If they DID change the controls for the heavy special move can someone please tell me?

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hate to burst your bubble but the old pre-patched game took little skill. I could randomly swing any stance in all directions and end up in the lead.


Can't kill worth of crap? Its probably because you never actually 'learned' the game. And for the record im being serious and not trying to insult you.

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To be honest, I must agree that if you think Heavy is too slow, you should switch to a different stance. Heavy is meant to be slow; to me, it seems like complaining about it makes as much sense as, say, complaining about the light stance being faster than other stances.


The damage for the Heavy is weak, true. But you can still pull off a one-hit kill with a regular swing if you hit a player (even one with full health) in the back, or while they're completely undefended in the front - because of how slow it is, it's in the player a lot longer, and continues doing it's damage.


But I really haven't had any trouble with hitting other players with it. You just need to work on your timing. I've gotten to the point where I can land a Heavy hit in most players without getting touched.


As for the special move - yeah, it has changed in the patch. Pre-patch, you just needed to hit attack once and push Forward+Jump halfway through the swinging animation. Now, you must continue holding attack as you push the keys.

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Never use heavy as your standard fighting stance it was not meant for that and it's simply too slow. I always use medium (yellow)


Instead make sure you can quickly change stance and put it on heavy when you're opponent isn't moving (trowing or sitting down or something) or if you pushed or pulled him, then jump towards him and hit him as hard (*heavy) as you can. That's what's heavy was invented for.


And BTW, the new patch rulez, makes the saber fights much better!






Kyth'emos: 'I officialy declare el_Prez to be a whiner and heavy whore with no skill whatsoever. ' You are so right (and he's probably a poor player too)

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oh, poor baby, you suck now because you had no skill before because you could run around mindlessly hoping that somebody would walk into your saber twice.....poor baby


I knight you sir el_Prez, skilless whore who has no skill and hopes somebody will mindlessly walk into your saber

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you guys are all retarded. Theres no way to kill someone with one hit from heavy now. the maximum damamge froma regular swing is 60. so unless your stealing someone elses kill, its gonna take you more than 1 swing frome heavy.


And then all you fags who say i have no skill.. how the hell do you know? yeah its easy for you to make assesments here behind your little post screen names but you dont know anything. youve never seen me play. i could probably wipe the floor with half you geeks.


Also, ive made anothr realizationthat youve probably never thought of. Theres a reason why all you play with medium. becuase your *******. What happend was all the medium sucky ass players were getting their asses handed to them by skilled heavy players so they decided to tone down heavy play to even it for the non skilled. That makes more sense. think about it and you'll realize that im right.


Thats all i have to say right now, but before you reply saying how your the greatest and i suck... why dont you come prove it... my name in JK2 is "Carl_Carlson"

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Holy crap you sure are a freak. Got anger management problems? Anyways I was actually better with medium before the patch than i was after. If you should be complaining about anything its that the hole system was messed with and many players had to relearn their tactics again. But thats over with so why not stop whineing!


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My conclusion that you have little skill comes from the fact that your on this board crying about how the game is messed up. Skill players simply relearn/retrain themselves. It really is a shame that you can no longer get a one hit kill, seems your actually going to have to work for that frag now.

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I already covered "your conclusion" that im a crappy player. Im not a crappy player. The fact is,when the game first came out i was unstoppable. Now that the patch came out not much is different. Of course, ive had to change my fighting stance from heavy to medium and i might get killed a few times from 'backswing whores' (you know who you are) but i still slice and dice pretty good. And if you want to see how 'crappy' i am, come play with me.

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