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What's the obsession with the Fetts?


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Can someone please explain this to me? Even in the origional trilogy, I know a lotta people who are like "OMG I love Boba Fett" when he's in the trilogy for like 20seconds all up, and the amount of merchandise I've seen of older Boba- now I'm seeing heaps on Jango Fett, and I so don't get it- I must have missed something coz they just seem like a couple of tossers to me- especially Boba, young and old.


So if there's something I've totally missed in regards to both of them, can someone please explain it to me?

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Boba was just a bounty hunter bad a bad ass one known throughout the galaxy, The minor glimpse you get of his ship slave I in the original trilogy is also this really cool ship. Has holding cells that could even contain a jedi from using the force all these little things. I just think people find the idea of a bounty hunter cool and were drawn to him. I was. But it's mostly fans of the EU that enjoy him so much.

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Jango Fett is the man in Ep2, he not only holds his own against Obi-wan Kenobi but also kills a jedi with his blasters in the collosium scene. It took Mace Windu, one of the most powerful jedi, to finally defeat him. + his mandolorien armour is the single coolest piece of design to come out of SW's.

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