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this game is a joke

Master Boof

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Imaging going into a swordfight with your back towards your opponent and rushing him with your back? That is the most absurd thing I could think of doing in actual duel, yet that is what every spammer has learned to do to take advantage of the worst patch ever to "fix" a game. A single backslash can take out 2-3 or maybe more people at a time. I love the fact that I can have my "heavy" lightsaber poking through someone's head from the back yet this does not phase them as they spam backslash me once and kill me. I don't remember the scene in Star Wars where Jedi's backs were bulletproof. Maybe their spines are laced with some magnetized titanium composite that repels lightsabers. When Qui Gon pokes his saber through solid steel doors you would think the same weapon would go through someone's fatty back. This game is lame. Let me know if the next patch fixes it. Meanwhile I'll be playing other reasonably "believable" stuff. Oh yeah, the next time I get into a fist fight I think I'll turn my back on my opponent and flail my arms backwards.

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if they run at you backwards then kill them...they can't see you.


You could kick them, stab them, or any number of things. If you stab them just be sure your at the max range so that your saber hits their back rather then going through them.

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problem with counters like that is you have to kill them before they start their backstab.


Soon as that animation starts playing the absolute last place you wanna be is anywhere near their back, because those stabs have massive range and are unblockable.


Best place to be with a backstab spammer around is their front, at which point you can make your own attack on them.

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Honestly you people that are complaining about the back stab need to spend lees time here and go in game and spectate some decent players.

I am sorry but how hard is it to kill someone who is not even looking at you?


Absorb stops push/pull.


Protect will stop you from the instant hit kill unless you are low on health or shields.


If someone runs at you backwards, switch to blue stance and execute the forward lunge as soon as they are in range.


Let them get close, just before they execute it, jump over them and do your own back stab.


That’s it, it's that simple. I learned this in all of about 5 minutes.


If someone is fast enough to get me off my feet and kill me with a back stab (almost never happens) I compliment him or her because they were faster and outmatched me.

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Hmm. I never had a problem with ass fighters. Just roll to stay away from them, and then chuck your saber at them. Lather, rinse, and repeat. I always enjoy when you get a good group of ass fighters in a small room. It's beutiful when they all head for you ass first. Then right when they all do the backswing or backstab, you jump straight out of the mess, and they all whack each other. It's beutiful. Sure you don't any kills, but on the plus side, they've all learned a valuable lesson about ass fighting.

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

Honestly you people that are complaining about the back stab need to spend lees time here and go in game and spectate some decent players.

I am sorry but how hard is it to kill someone who is not even looking at you?




Uh.. thats the point dude. It takes 3 to 5 regular shots into someones back to kil them and just 1 backstab to kill you.


Christ, hitting them in the back is probably the worst idea cause then they KNOW you are there!


And you are aware that lightsaber combat can be played in 3rd person mode right? Makes it a pretty easy to see where you are going backwards.

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