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What's your favorite way to kill someone in multiplayer?


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Well, I'm a NF Dueler, so my ways are probably pretty boring...but I get the most satisfaction when someone lunges/DFA's/Med-Specials/Backstabs and I saber the exposed area and kill them. It's just...such a good feeling lol.

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Actually monkey being kicked to death, right now, is not embaressing and its quite common and easy. Its harder to kill someone with a saber and force than it is to kick them due to the damage and nature of it.


Getting kicking to death in Duke3d would be embaressing...kicked/punched to death in action can be embarressing....in Jedi Knight its not.

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I like killing people without using any force powers or finish moves, especially if they're script spammers.. as if to tell them in no uncertain terms that they suck. ;)


I will use force pull to knock someone down to get in a cheap hit or two, but usually only at the start of the fight so I can get a health advantage.


It's also fun to wear someone down with a saber, then finish them off with a kick.

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I like watching a spammer back towards me, then why they get close enough i just grip them and drop them off a cliff. Or with a DFA spammer, i like throwing my saber at them while they are in the air. Really causes alot of embaressment for them :).



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A few ways that I've actually killed some people:


Get a shield generator.

Get the attention of an enemy, and have him start chasing you. Have a teammate follow behind with the golan arms flechette weapon. Have your teammate start firing secondary shots from the gun. As soon as your teammate is within range of the enemy he's following, put up a shield. Most enemies who are following too closely run into the shield, and get banged up by the trip mines from behind.


Get some trip mines. Have someone start chasing you, and as you round a corner, hit force speed and spam the tripmines on the wall around the corner. If timed correctly, most enemies will run into the tripmines as soon as the blue lines go up (works pretty well on some of the corners in ffa_imperial).


Get some trip mines, and force grip. Take an enemy, and force grip him ontop of the tripmine. Boom. An alternative method is to force grip him so close to the tripmine that if he force pushes you, he blows up anyways =P. Works best on ffa_massassi, specifically the underground level where most people don't bother to go so you can work uninterrupted.


Grab an ally with a good ping, and the rocket launcher. Hog up a doorway or an entrance/elevator. Have your ally stand to the side of the door at an angle, and you stand a little ways off with the rocket launcher. Whenever someone is coming up/through to meet your ally (which is why this is best done on elevators where you can hear the sound of the elevator), fire a rocket. Have your ally force push the rocket straight into your enemy. With any luck (and if you're doing this near an elevator shaft), the force of the knockback should force the guy to remain on the elevator on the way down. Repeat when necessary.


Grab two allies, and an unsuspecting enemy. Have both foes grab the shield generator powerup. Proceed to have an enemy chase one of your allies, while the other follows from a safe distance behind. You, meanwhile, are at the controls of the level trap that the chased ally is leading the enemy to. The first ally rushes ahead with force speed, and blocks off one exit to the level trap, while the other following behind places his shield generator at the second exit (obviously, this doesn't work well on places with more than 1 exit). Laugh in glee for a few seconds before hitting the level trap activator.


Grab two or more allies. Have you and your allies start force pushing/pulling an unsuspecting enemy so that the three of you surround him. Kick said enemy to death. Best results if enemy purposely falls/kill self in trap in order to avoid humiliation.


You can do this by yourself, or with multiple allies. Grab the EMP gun on a level, and hide yourself aways on a high/obscure part of the level that still allows you to shoot at passing enemies. Start firing away with secondary EMP shots. With allies, start holding contests to see who can shoot down the most people this way, or alternatively, have all of you concentrate your fire on a single individual at a time. Works best if you can communicate with your allies quickly (through voice comm software or if you happen to be a damn fast typer).

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Originally posted by Aerys

My favorite way to kill people in MP?


That's simple.


/rcon set g_gravity 999999999999

/rcon set g_gravity 99999999

/rcon set g_gravity 800





thats just plain evil :cool:



me likes it allot MUAHAHAHAHAHA

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