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Address saber throw in the next patch


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One thing that shgould be addressed if we get another opatch is saber throw. I don't think we should get rid of saber throw in duels we just need to make some changes. Saber throw should do little on no damage up close. I have run into people who lure you in and as your about to attack they backpetal and throw while your in mid swing. And these types of throws while you are swinging at them up close - the saber should get knocked away leaving them defenseless. This would force people to swing the saber. Saber throw is a useful counter but it should not be so effective that it can be used as someone's primary means of attack.

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I agree with that. It would be REALLY nice to have a more movie-like saber throw.... not beeing the ultimate weapon of choice BUT still beeing usefull as a counter against e.g. DFA or canstantly distance-swinging oponents.


This and backstabbing fixes anything Raven considers good for the gameplay might well make this game my favourite of all times :)

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great idea! i am trying to think of how often you see a jedi throw their lightsaber in combat???

the only time i can really think of is Vader throwing at luke in ROTJ.

this throw hit the catwalk, and apparently Vader was able to get the saber back, but it certainly did not stop in mid air, move 45 degrees to the right, and then circle back to him on command.

that's not to say that a skilled jedi such as Vader couldn't pull that off, but it's not something a jedi even tries. Reason being, that whoever he was fighting would just knock it to the side, and have a free shot at him.

some of this thought should go into the next patch. i am with you on the fact that the throw is kinda cool once in a while, but shouldn't be a major tactic in saber duels.

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No need to nerf it at all...


Just make it losable like in SP. Then the only ones whining will be the ones abusing that.


Make losing it happen about 25% of the time when it is thrown mid swing, and 90% of the time when blocked (not a backshot for example).


Personaly I can live with and without it as is though, most people who abuse the saber throw seem to be more willing than other spammers to fight without that crutch if you ask them nice enough.


Regardless I also feel the server admin can easily disable certain force powers at will when setting up the server. (still not sure how to do it myself though hehe.)


In any event, don't worry I don't think this one is for the nerf police, just the balance police. make blocking cause the saber to fall like in SP, with maybe the difference that it is harder to bat to the ground the higher your saber throw power is set vs the saber defense power.


no need to nerf damage, or make it take a whole herd of force mana to use. simply make it more counterable at least on NF saber only servers. Now before someone points this out, I KNOW it can be countered, it's NOt like the old DFa or the new backstab phenomenon. However I agree that either raven should adress it, and any admins who dislike saber throwing (not me really), find a the codes to disable it. Raven won't have to change a thing then.

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i think saber throw is a good tactic...


just say for instace you are duelling against some1 using lighting, and u for some reason dont have absorb, how can u combat this, u cant come to close other wise u get screwed in .2 seconds, BUT if u throw ur saber at him and lower his health then he will get cut and rush u, and i have noticed that its imposible to get hurt while ur swinging at a guy trying to get his arm up to use the force against u, and if he does throw ur saber at him...


and you sould learn from ur mistakes dont keep getting suckered into trying to some1 then having them throw there saber at u, instead roll then attack then, if they had chucked there saber its way behind u now u can get in a few swings then roll to the side with out having to worrie bout getting hit...


few guys here need to play more i think :p

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oh good - more nerf requests.



Did you read my post? I'm not for nerfing any moves just that you should not be able to cause damage when your inches away from someone and you throw your saber and you can knock the saber down. This would make for more interesting battles.


Yes I know how to beat these throw whores but after a while you get tired of watching n00bs throw all the time. BTW when your in a roll I think you can be hit with a saber throw yes?

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I think they should disable the keyboards, people keep using their keyboards against me, and I'm like "wtf--did Luke use a keyboard when he fought Vader???? NOOOOOO"


Sheesh, and what about those mouse lamers. Dudes, something needs to be done about this. I demand that it be addressed in 1.04

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Ha, yea your funny kid whatever. Go jerk yourself off if your looking for something to do. Why don't you show some intelligence and explain what is wrong with my ideas if you disagree. Anyone can be a wise ass wise ass sitting behind a keyboard.


I would like to see saber knock downs as in single player added to multiplayer games and a small change in the damage saber throw can do from very close range. If you want to post on my thread then state reasons why you disagree or agree with this.

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

Ha, yea your funny kid whatever. Go jerk yourself off if your looking for something to do. Why don't you show some intelligence and explain what is wrong with my ideas if you disagree. Anyone can be a wise ass wise ass sitting behind a keyboard.


I would like to see saber knock downs as in single player added to multiplayer games and a small change in the damage saber throw can do from very close range. If you want to post on my thread then state reasons why you disagree or agree with this.


There are 10 or fifteen different threads that you should have read before starting your thread on somthing that's already been discussed and considered.


Maybe you should have posted your opinions there. Perhaps in the future you should consider the concept that you are not the first one to think of this issue *gasps*


To your suggestion that anyone can be a wise ass wise ass (does the second wiseass add emphasis?...:rolleyes: )--I heartily disagree, it takes a certain degree if intelligence to be a wise ass, and, I daresay, an even greater degree of intelligence to be as effective and subtle a wise ass as I am. :D

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Originally posted by Vestril


There are 10 or fifteen different threads that you should have read before starting your thread on somthing that's already been discussed and considered.


good idea, but did you ever think about the fact that the search is disabled and that it is hard to find 1-10 threads if there're ~8000 threads (swamp & valley) around?

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Originally posted by CupO'Coffee


good idea, but did you ever think about the fact that the search is disabled and that it is hard to find 1-10 threads if there're ~8000 threads (swamp & valley) around?


There is a sticky official patch thread at the very top. Maybe that would be a good place to post ideas about the patch *thinks*


There are two other threads on this page dedicated to improving the game in the next patch. Maybe one of those would be a good place to post these ideas. You don't need a search function, all you have to do is read the thread titles.

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Originally posted by Gar Suul Von

yeah, like any of us can read....

oh wait, was i being a wise ass? cool, i must be intelligent then.



No, you must have a degree of intelligence. Judging by your effectivness as a wise ass--it's not a particularly great degree.

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