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i shall cast my vote for kamino SP. the way you talked about it, it sounds kind of like noir detective type stuff, which would be real cool; of course it would have to end with a big ole lightsaber fight or something. but if i read it right, the going around and solving a mystery sounds neat, and underwater. . .this first kamino is so well done, i look forward to seeing what rich does with something brand new and creative.


SUGGESTION: if you do make this map, have a part where you walk into a room full of clones, all eating or something simple like that. just a simple creepy thing like that. further, maybe use another idea i saw here and make it into a whole "RichDiesel Jedi Noir Mystery" series where you release a new level whenever you get around to it. i would love it, and i'm sure everyone that loves your work on here the same way would love it as well and look forward with anxious antici. . .pation to every new chapter of the mystery. (i'm a fiction writer, so if you wanted, i could help come up with some sort of story for it)

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That is in fact one route I was looking at... any SP map I make is going to be heavily scripted as I personally am tired of the "run in, shoot stuff, run somewhere else" sort of maps/games... I mean hell, I couldn't stand Soldier of Fortune II simply because it was so straightforward. "Go kill stuff" and that was pretty much the extent of it.


It's just mostly a matter of how much effort I want to go to. :) Also note that any map I make is going to be darkly toned simply because I prefer dark mysterious types of maps... enemies jumping out pitch black areas and the like.


It's just figuring out which project I really want to do. :) Too bad Divided took the Frogger idea, that was something I wanted to tackle myself in a month or two. :p Hopefully he will perform to my expectations though and I won't need to. ;)


In the meantime, GC102 is up on my tutorial site (or will be in the next 20 mins after it uploads) so check that out. :D

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well good, then. sounds very cool, and i agree about the straight-forward, run-and-gun attitude that far too many games go for. it grows tiring. i think good games are advanved fiction, not just killing excercises. some of the best games (half life, no one lives forever, outcast. . .) have more developed, growing plots that come from involement, and i really like that. it's good to hear someone else does too.


anyway, this rout sounds like a good rout to go from my standpoint, and if you wanted to do the serial variety, no one would be stopping you from taking a break to spit out a simple ladder-type every now and then if you wanted to.


again, if you would like some help with a story, i'd be willing to swap e-mails with you and get things going that way if you wanted to go the mystery rout. the only thing i see that could be bad is modeling and animating new characters if they came up. on that, if it were a monthly or bi monthly thing, that could possibly work to get another man working on characters.


anyway, now i'm looking too far ahead and it's your project. sorry. mind goes too fast. if you decide on this, let me know and if you want, i'll help you get a story going.

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anyway, now i'm looking too far ahead and it's your project. sorry. mind goes too fast. if you decide on this, let me know and if you want, i'll help you get a story going.


Hehe, quite alright, but it'll be a while before I start a project of that magnitude. I only have a very basic knowledge of scripting at the moment and will be using my first linear SP map to figure out just how everything works... just trying to figure out a setting for that at the moment. It will be heavily scripted, but I don't want to get to anything quite that complex for a while. :)

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so do you have some sort of an idea of what the story would be if you went that rout? what characters? what starting point the mystery would have?


Not just yet. :p I will come up with something to that effect if I take that path once I go down that road. Still at least a month or two off from even having that path in sight. :p


BRYCE 5!!! Gaddamn, I want that program! I can't get it ANYWHERE tho!

http://www.corel.com - Go download the free trial, 30 days full functionality except that the renders are slowed down. :p

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i will :D

/me becomes rich's muse!


mental block DOH!


I do have some questions, on the project ur gonna do right now(sp kamino)

what levels and rooms do you intend to implement or will it just be like a extended platform where you can go inside a little? Explain please!


P.S. I still think you would do a great Republic Archives library map(mp or sp) :D

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Ah, actually this will be sp_kaminoplatform. Just the platform, nothing more, with troops (maybe clonetroopers) running out through the door to attack you with a grand finale... fully scripted with some cinematics thrown in. It's primarily just to let me learn how to make cinematics and fine tune my ability to script, so it won't be anything TOO special, but it should be fun. :)


Basically it'll be like ladder except a little more fancy and on Kamino. :p

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Amazing. Some people haven't read this thread. I've discovered a new species! The non-duel_kamino-thread-reader! Cool, I must examine this specimen closer in my lab.


Oh, and yes, it does drain too much fps, and rain is impossible in mp. I don't think there actually is water down there, I think it's just the skybox...





:gungan: Mesa stupid!

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Let me clarify because people keep making these claims.


First of all, it's not necessarily that I don't want to include it because it would slow FPS down too much - it's because Raven didn't include it in MP for whatever reason. I think it is because it causes a huge performance hit when it has to calculate water information for all players on the screen, but that's just a guess.


There is just a skybox of water, because no matter what way you try it, if you have animated water brush down there, it looks like a giant pool of water floating in midair. :)


Thus, there is just static water drawn in the skybox.


BUT for all those concerned, if you REALLY want to play with rain on your own system just for the hell of it, play the map in cheat mode and enter the console command "r_we rain init 1000" and you will have rain. It won't sputter on the saber, but it'll still be raining.


There, I hope you all are happy. :p

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sorry man.. i should've read the earlier threads


i see your predicament



its good how it is ... and the bot is fun to play also... good job...someday i'll take the time to learn how to put bots in my maps


Lord Wrath

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