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Yo Rich Im Real Impressed By Your Skills but thought i'll like to add some points.


1. Like the other guys said, try and give the floor a metallic look.


3. I suck at mapping but i believe that there is a way to increase the speed of the rain to make it look like its raining heavily?


That's all, other than that This MAP SO FREAKIN OWNS!:D

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Originally posted by Kagami

1. Like the other guys said, try and give the floor a metallic look.

Workin on it.



Where the hell do you people keep coming up with this blue thing? :p

Do you see any blue here?? You people need to stop referencing your pirated screwed up color copies and go watch the real movie again. :p


3. I suck at mapping but i believe that there is a way to increase the speed of the rain to make it look like its raining heavily?

There is, but I haven't messed with that yet... still working on texturing.


That's all, other than that This MAP SO FREAKIN OWNS!:D

Thanks. :D

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Tried it, and no. :)


Max TRIs (r_speeds) jumps up to about 18k. Also, duelists can't move as fast in water... I played for a bit like that with Reborn and it's quite disorienting since you can't dodge out of the way as fast as in a regular duel.


Also, it makes the texture underneath very dim. Can barely see it, actually.


See, if I make the water 1-2 grid units thick, you splash but you can't actually see any water. It's just random splashing - looks like you're running around in water in that regard - but there's no physical water to be running around in.


With the water 3 grid units thick, it's too dark to see the floor texture.


I am still working on metallisizing the texture though, give me time. :p

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Even if you don't get the metallish look that you're going for, I think it looks great with the texture you got now. I wouldn't really be too concerned about although I know you say you're a perfectionist when it comes to these things.

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Hmmm. :)


I may keep it as is... I'm having very little luck with metalizing the textures (mostly because I don't really know how :p) so I may keep it like this...


Oh and as a side note, it's almost in a beta-ready state... In fact it probably would be in a beta ready state now if I was fully satisfied with the textures... :)

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Yes, but water effects in JK2 suck so we're just going to assume it's "really dark down there." :p


And it will be a closed beta, although I will send the beta version to JOmaps for them to put up screenshots if they wish... no functional beta will distributed openly though.


:: UPDATE ::




Alright guys, here is the final texturing for the map... if anything looks horribly out of place, tell me. :) Note that the columns' curves were scrapped in favor of 16 sided brushes in order to keep framerates as low as possible... so that's why the lighting looks a bit odd on them.


I still need to make the lights more yellowish and the side flares on the edge of the platforms arms to a bright yellow (instead of the blue) so don't comment on lighting yet. :)




Next release will be the beta with the correct lighting... if you want to be a beta tester, the first three to send me a private message (on the forums) agreeing to the following personal statement (note, beta reqs in the thread and via email will not be answered) will be given the opportunity to beta test:


1) I will be able to play short multiplayer games on your map with you late at nights (after 11PM-12AM EDT)

2) I will be able to play the single player version of your map all the way through numerous times

3) I swear to give you feedback on all aspects of this map in both SP and MP, including architecture, texturing, lighting, and script design and will give constructive criticism and feedback wherever possible

4) I have at least 100 posts on LucasForums.com

5) Can communicate frequently via ICQ, AIM, or MSN Messenger


Please send me your agreement plus your fastest method of contact (ICQ, AIM, MSN) to be considered to be a beta tester. :D


If you cannot agree to all three of these things, don't even bother sending me a message. :p


Beta will likely begin on Sunday, give or take a day.

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I would, except I hate large slightly reflective areas because they screw with my computer. I can't play duel_hanger because I get such odd sporadic video lag. And I'm not going to curse my own map so that I can't play it either.




You know, if I stick to my plans, I won't be able to play the duality map neither until a get a strong video card.

Who said sacrifice ? :D


In fact, it's quite sad... :(


Oh, btw, for the platform's circular texture, did you use a stretched texture and what are its dimensions ?


Anyway, great job, thumbs up !!!

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Actually, it's made up of one 1024x1024 texture duplicated for each fourth of the platform... it's only stretched a little bit (around 1.2 in each direction). The circular part of the platform is about 800 units wide... which is a little small to be a completely accurate representation of the movie, but it makes for a nice cozy duel. The lower levels of the main platform extend about 800 more units past that.


Also, everyone go to this page of Massassi's forums and yell at that guy for making a Kamino map when I'm already making one. ;)

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Its looking very nice, but I think its just a tad too dark. Instead of having pure darkness, perhaps use more of the bluish tint to convey that dreary feeling. And you HAVE to have a skybox showing Tipoca city... then the level would be perfect.


Nice work once again :D

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Originally posted by Bardiel

Its looking very nice, but I think its just a tad too dark. Instead of having pure darkness, perhaps use more of the bluish tint to convey that dreary feeling. And you HAVE to have a skybox showing Tipoca city... then the level would be perfect.


Nice work once again :D


Let me go back to the whole "the lighting isn't complete yet" :p I'm actually matching it to the yellow (and yellow glow) of the movie shots... compiling a possible version of that as I type this actually. :)


And a skybox... eh. :) The quality of JK2 skyboxes is very lacking, IMO... better than most other games, but still seriously lacking... if I can get a city skybox that looks decent (i.e. if I can make one) I will use it, but that looks very unlikely at the moment.


Still accepting beta applications! 2 positions remain open! :D

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